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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Smurfmuffin on 2010 November 27, 02:34:46

Title: Celebrity "Have Photo Taken" Queue Cancelling
Post by: Smurfmuffin on 2010 November 27, 02:34:46
I know this isn't an obscure annoyance with Late Night, but I just wonder if anyone knows if by now there is some sort of mod/fix that would allow this action to work the way as, say, answering the phone works. So, rather than canceling the entire queue, only the current action would be canceled. It is one of the single most irritating things I've ever dealt with in this game. (Though, prior to Awesomemod, I had a very long list) I think one of the main reasons it is so disruptive to my game is that when the maid is here (and I love my maids), he/she always interrupts my Sims to take pictures. So, they are in their own houses, queue full of actions for max efficacy and skilling madness, then everything gets canceled and I go to my Sim who should be absorbed in learnin's and other useful activies, to find them playing Foosball, computer games or some such other useless activity. My fix for this was to fire any and all maids on the premises of any and all of my celebrity Sims.... but, hopefully someone else knows a better way?

Has anyone seen any sort of fix that would make this action work the same way as answering the phone? I opened up s3pe.. then shortly thereafter, proceeded to close it without any understanding of what I just looked at.

- I should add that this pertains to Late Night. Most people will know this since no other expansion has celebrities, but just to have it stated. -

Title: Re: Celebrity "Have Photo Taken" Queue Cancelling
Post by: jezzer on 2010 November 27, 14:54:09
- I should add that this pertains to Late Night. Most people will know this since no other expansion has celebrities, but just to have it stated. -

Try not to cater to the stupid.  They shouldn't be here anyway.

Title: Re: Celebrity "Have Photo Taken" Queue Cancelling
Post by: Llial on 2010 November 27, 17:00:02
Same crap happens with the autograph interaction. >:(

Title: Re: Celebrity "Have Photo Taken" Queue Cancelling
Post by: Smurfmuffin on 2010 November 28, 02:29:17

Yes, "ask for autograph" as well. In fact, the autograph interaction may be slightly more evil after dealing with it a bit more and noticing that it will cancel the whole queue every time, whereas I've seen the "have photo taken" actually cancel only currently action and keep the rest of the queue. It is especially irritating while away on vacation when you have a few dig sites set up and a local stalks you to do one of those two things, and you lose the queue... Then, if you're like me, you completely forget where the dig sites were and are out of luck. I'm not sure why it wasn't simply pushed in front of the queue unless it is just one of those things EAxis has added for the sole purpose of taking out the humorous, fun aspect and going overboard, making things plain irritating. It isn't as though it would be a new addition to push to the front of the queue. It's there with the phone. Also,
I've just recently hired a Butler, and just like the maid, he will ask for autographs or photos! And he is there 24/7. It is absurd. So, I definitely hope there is something in the way of a fix. I can't imagine that some smart modder somewhere isn't about to strangle a few pixels.... And hence bring us some peace.
It is extremely easy to make your Sim a celebrity, even by accident (which is how my family found dreaded stardom), that it's almost unavoidable without going out of your way. Soon, Bridgeport is going to be full of the Famous and void of the little people. Maybe then not as many people will be asking for autographs in town. I feel like I've seen a few that do ask, but I feel like I've seen less than others.

In closing: Well, it seems I was able to disallow that function entirely with S3PE. It's working now with a little help. No more nasty Ask for Autograph. I actually went back to playing my five-star family and it's only bit slightly annoying. Lovely.