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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: sunkitten on 2010 August 09, 12:50:18

Title: Problem selecting objects
Post by: sunkitten on 2010 August 09, 12:50:18
Hi -- I hope someone can help me. My sims can't interact with objects, furniture, etc. any more, and when I hover my mouse over a couch (for example) a sim's name displays. They can't be directed to change channels on the TV (because it's unselectable now), plan outfit with the dresser, etc. Buy and build mode are screwed too, because even newly bought objects exhibit the same charateristics.

I have the base game installed and patched to the latest version and also have the latest version of AwesomeMod. The only new things I installed before this happened were a couple of the free furniture sets from Simcredible.

I'd really appreciate any help or suggestions. Thanks! (I do have to go to work soon, so will not be able to reply until later tonight)

Title: Re: Problem selecting objects
Post by: Tever on 2010 August 09, 13:49:09
Did you try removing those furniture sets to see if things went back to normal? Ordinary CC can be corrupted, too.

Title: Re: Problem selecting objects
Post by: Lorina on 2010 August 09, 14:05:45
I have that problem just with some plants of my garden. Some of them became unselectable, but I can see them growing.
Deleting them worked, but I'm not sure why did they became unselectable, and just some of them.

Title: Re: Problem selecting objects
Post by: sunkitten on 2010 August 10, 04:50:48
Thanks for the replies... I removed the sets added recently, started up the game, and still can't select anything. :(
I ended up taking out all my CC, and started a new game in Riverview using the Newbies as test subjects, and the new game works normally, so it has to be something else in my CC that got corrupted somehow.

Title: Re: Problem selecting objects
Post by: Tever on 2010 August 10, 08:23:48
Could also be the neighborhood itself that got corrupted. Put everything back one piece at a time. If you find it, great. If not, I hope you didn't have a legacy going in that neighborhood. Try Lorina's solution of deleting and replacing everything that got unselectable, but keep an eye out for other glitches.

Title: Re: Problem selecting objects
Post by: sunkitten on 2010 August 10, 13:16:40
I pulled up the game I'd been playing before this happened, haven't put any CC back in the game yet except for AwesomeMod. Unfortunately, I still can't select certain things either in live, buy or build mode, so can't replace them to see if the new objects work. Older saved games (from months ago, same neighbourhood) work, but not the latest one. And it was a legacy, too... oh, well. Obviously it was the neighbourhood that got corrupted.

Anyway, I'm trying to look at it as an opportunity to start fresh -- WA has been sitting on my computer desk for months, uninstalled, so I'll pick up Ambitions as well on the way home, install those, and then start the tedious process of putting back my CC.

Thanks for all your help.