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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ancient Sim on 2005 July 29, 13:52:36

Title: Anyone Get Graduation Party Memories?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 July 29, 13:52:36
I'm not sure if it was here or not, but somewhere-or-other I mentioned that none of my Sims ever got a want to have a graduation party and as I recall, it turned-out to be a bug in the game.  I've now noticed in SimPE that there are "Had a great graduation party" and "Had a horrible graduation party" memories, but my Sims don't get those, either.  They either get "Had a great party" or "Had a lousy party".  Is anyone else getting the specific graduation party memories, or is this another bug?  I am now changing them all in SimPE to the correct ones, which is a pain as I also have to change all the passed-on memories, but I refuse to have the wrong memories.  If it is a bug and not just specific to my game, is there any chance of something to sort it out?

Title: Re: Anyone Get Graduation Party Memories?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 July 29, 13:54:51
I've encountered this also. Not sure why there's no graduation party memory used, but that's just how it is. I suppose I could look into it, although I rarely have graduation parties anymore due to the supreme nuisance of being able to graduate only one person at a time!

Title: Re: Anyone Get Graduation Party Memories?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 July 29, 15:25:26
Not sure why there's no graduation party memory used, but that's just how it is.
Hmm ... "that's just how it is" - another Maxian motto, methinks.  Would be grateful if you could have a gander, though.  Seems stupid to have the memory and it not be utilised.  I do wonder if anyone at Maxis actually plays these games before they release them.

Title: Re: Anyone Get Graduation Party Memories?
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 July 29, 21:01:23
This is yet another hallmark of a rushed game. There's a lot of stuff in this game that is just one or two tweaks short of being useful rather than annoying (useless hustle pool/work at cafeteria wants that roll up when a sim is in a neighborhood devoid of the necessary objects) and was probably just marked as "finished" because it they didn't have time to complete it, thanks to management breathing down their necks.

Or the "Maxoid Monkeys" reference is more literal than we first surmised . . .