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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Britney on 2010 April 04, 17:12:59

Title: Can a Pregnant Woman have her baby?
Post by: Britney on 2010 April 04, 17:12:59
Can a pregnant woman have her baby if you move her into a lot with 7 sims in it?
I'm just curious.

Title: Re: Can a Pregnant Woman have her baby?
Post by: Dragon Slave on 2010 April 04, 18:23:13
Well, you could always try it out and see.  There are hacks that allow you to have more than 8 sims, you know...

Title: Re: Can a Pregnant Woman have her baby?
Post by: Liz on 2010 April 04, 19:13:26
In an un-modded game, I would say no.

I had a family that consisted of a mother, father, daughter, and two dogs. The father and the bitch were pregnant simultaneously. She went into "labor" first on his due-date and had a litter of 3 puppies, bringing the number of lot occupants up to 8. The father remained pregnant until the daughter aged up and left for uni, after which he spawned as scheduled.

Title: Re: Can a Pregnant Woman have her baby?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2010 April 04, 19:35:35
Yes, assuming you could even get such a move-in to occur, things would function normally. The 8 sim limit is basically arbitrary and has no particularly clear reason why it is 8 and no more or less, and all the restrictions implementing it are "soft", and not part of the hardcoded game.

Title: Re: Can a Pregnant Woman have her baby?
Post by: Liz on 2010 April 04, 21:04:39
Interesting! I guess the operative phrase there is, "assuming you could even get such a move-in to occur". Would an un-modded game, then, balk at the move? Seems much more EAxis' style to allow the move-in and have the sim sit pregnant for eternity, rather than do something as sensible as anticipate a problem.

Title: Re: Can a Pregnant Woman have her baby?
Post by: rufio on 2010 April 04, 21:34:46
Yeah - if you try to move in sims, and one of them is pregnant with enough babies to put the house over the limit, it tells you to wait until the pregnant sim spawns.  I only had this happen once with a pregnant pet, but I'm assuming it's the same with a pregnant sim.

I wonder how you got both the father and the pet pregnant at the same time - did the pet get pregnant while he was abducted?  If he'd already been abducted, I guess it might not have checked, but normally I think it makes it impossible for a sim to even get pregnant if it would overfill the household.

Title: Re: Can a Pregnant Woman have her baby?
Post by: Liz on 2010 April 05, 09:51:06
I don't remember which fell pregnant first, the dad or the bitch, but before those pregnancies there were just 5 in the house. Does anyone know if pet litter size is determined at conception, or if it's rolled randomly at spawning?

Title: Re: Can a Pregnant Woman have her baby?
Post by: Jelenedra on 2010 April 05, 14:02:54
It's random at birth. The game probably forgot to check for other preggos on the lot. I know that even if you have a birth that's showing up as twins, if you don't have room, only one will be born.

Title: Re: Can a Pregnant Woman have her baby?
Post by: rufio on 2010 April 05, 16:39:16
Based on actual code diving*, it's determined randomly at conception, and if the number of current sims on the lot + size of litter exceeds EAxian limits, the litter size is reduced until it doesn't anymore.  With a lotfullofsims hack installed, this will have the result that you can get them to try for baby all you want, but the litter size will continue to be calculated as 0, and the pet will never get pregnant.  (That's why I had to write another hack to change that.)  It may not take into account the number of prospective babies of other pregnant sims, though.

* in the AL objects.package, anyway