More Awesome Than You!

Awesomeware => AwesomeMod! => Topic started by: LucTempest on 2009 November 12, 17:23:43

Title: Sims not eating or bathing
Post by: LucTempest on 2009 November 12, 17:23:43
I don't know if it's because of the mod, but whenever I meet other Sims I 've created in the neighbourhood, they've always have stink lines. Basically, the families I don't play as, never wash themselves or seem to clean up around their house.
Also, all of the children in the neighbourhood are getting F's at school.
Sometimes when I start playing as another household, one sim or more starts clutching their gut and immediately die of starvation. Same thing has happened with random sims on the street.
Is there something clashing in the mod that makes it that way, or is my neighbourhood just filled with lazy slobs who don't even bother to eat?

Title: Re: Sims not eating or bathing
Post by: Dea on 2009 November 12, 18:11:07
I only have awesome mod and I don't see this happening.

Title: Re: Sims not eating or bathing
Post by: snowbawl on 2009 November 12, 18:21:46
I believe it has been theorized that random "starvation" deaths are indicative of overpopulation.
The use of Indiestone contributes to this factor.  Indiestone will also cause poor work performance and school failures, especially if "stasis" is used.  Perhaps your hood is simply overcrowded.  Try killing off some unnecessary sims. 
But it is difficult to help when we do not know what mods you are using (other than Awesomemod).

I use only Awesomemod/Awesomestory and do not have these problems either.

*shrugs*  Other than that, I don't know what to tell you.

Title: Re: Sims not eating or bathing
Post by: Grimma on 2009 November 12, 20:15:30
Are you using any other mods at all? If "yes", proceed to the next part. If "no", state this and stay on the line.

If you want to know whether it is, in fact, Awesomemod related or not, try removing ALL of your CC and ALL of your mods, and just installing Awesomemod. If the problem persist, return and state that. If the problem does not recur, it is not AM-related. Start weeding out potential mod-conflicts by adding one mod to AM at a time and testing to see if problem returns.

Title: Re: Sims not eating or bathing
Post by: Nightwish on 2009 November 14, 22:14:35
I think this could be usefull.
My game start to behaviour in the same way. I noticed it some time after installing new tuning mod, that need to replace gameplay.package file in Game/Bin directory with the new one. All other mods I have are tuning mods and they are new objects, cloths, floor tiles etc. (except AwesomeMod of course). Well, searching in houndred of files for this one or two making sims in my neighborhood not eating or bathing is horrible work! I restored the original gameplay.package (made backup before  8) ) and all came back to normal. Strange is, that game don't show any error messages and Indie Stone Compatibility Checker don't show any conflicts.
If you ever replace gameplay.package, restore it to original and all should be back to normal.

Title: Re: Sims not eating or bathing
Post by: Tangie on 2009 November 16, 23:05:24
Nightwish, perhaps there is more than one cause to this problem. I had a saved game that had these issues and I have not downloaded any mods that replaced my game.package file. At least not that I am aware of! Do you remember the name of the mod that replaced this file?

Title: Re: Sims not eating or bathing
Post by: wizard_merlin on 2009 November 17, 00:49:18
some of Darkpool's taboo mods change the gameplay.package file, but the main ones there that do, are also core mods and will confilct with AM, but I think, for memory, some of the lesser tuning mods also recommend replacing the gameplay.package.

Title: Re: Sims not eating or bathing
Post by: Sandman on 2009 December 07, 05:03:35
Having a slow computer will do the same thing. Does you computer meet the minimum requirements?