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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Scratch on 2009 September 17, 00:11:48

Title: Apartment Lot throwing error
Post by: Scratch on 2009 September 17, 00:11:48
I have an apartment building in my game that's now decided to start throwing errors at me.

The attached error log is from one of the apartments... happens every time I load this apartment. For now, when I load the apartment, I choose "reset" but the error isn't going away. I've loaded the apartment about 4 times in the last few days and it always errors just before the playable screen.... sometimes it throws the error when I'm on the lot and I choose to save the lot.

There are 3 other playable lots in this apartment lot. A couple of times now, when I've loaded one of the other apartments, the game crashes.

Is this a serious error? Is the entire Apartment building broken? Would it fix it if I choose "delete" next time the error shows up? Tight pants?

All ep's and sp's except holiday crap.

Thanks for the help.

Title: Re: Apartment Lot throwing error
Post by: rufio on 2009 September 17, 00:22:08
I think deleting the apartment controller is probably a bad idea.

Before anyone can help you, you need to provide this standard information:

1.  What kind of apartment is it?  Is it EAxis, something you built, something you downloaded, something that was switched back and forth between lot zonings multiple times?  How many sims/families are living there?  Etc.
2.  Do you have any hacks related to apartments in your game?  Did you try taking them out?  (If not, do so.)  Did you try running HCDU?  (If not, do so.)
3.  Did you try other obvious attempts to fix this, like moving the families out and back in again, or bulldozing the lot and re-placing it from the lot bin?  (If not, do so.)

Title: Re: Apartment Lot throwing error
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 September 17, 00:59:16
Your apartment building is corrupt. Move everyone out and burn it to the ground.

Title: Re: Apartment Lot throwing error
Post by: Scratch on 2009 September 17, 02:21:34
Thanks Jm,

That's what I thought. I think I started it's corruption, early on in the history of the building, when I moved the first family in and decided they needed a couple of extra walls.

I was hoping i wouldn't have to bulldoze it... I really like this building.

@ rufio
I appreciate your trying to help me but, I've lurked around this site long enough to know how to do most of the troubleshooting with my game. I was just hoping i wouldn't have to take the next step and burn the building down. If you had read my post more carefully you would have seen i mentioned 3 other playable families as well as the one throwing the error. Also, just taking out hacks won't fix a lot that's become corrupted. As per, Jm's warnings, I don't change the lot zoning on an apartment once it's been zoned.

Title: Re: Apartment Lot throwing error
Post by: rufio on 2009 September 17, 03:14:57
The problem is that if you just post saying "halp, there's a bug!" we don't know what troubleshooting you may or may not have done on your own.  Sometimes it turns out to be a case like this, and sometimes it turns out that the person has an outdated version of InTeen and 3290427392 conflicting hacks or something.

Title: Re: Apartment Lot throwing error
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 September 17, 10:54:20
That's what I thought. I think I started it's corruption, early on in the history of the building, when I moved the first family in and decided they needed a couple of extra walls.
Yeah, that'll screw up your lot nicely. NEVER attempt to structurally edit an apartment after someone has moved in without removing everyone first.

I was hoping i wouldn't have to bulldoze it... I really like this building.
You MAY be able to save the base template, if you kick everyone out, strip it down to a residential lot, bin it, and replop it. MAYBE.

Title: Re: Apartment Lot throwing error
Post by: Scratch on 2009 September 18, 02:51:05
I was hoping i wouldn't have to bulldoze it... I really like this building.
You MAY be able to save the base template, if you kick everyone out, strip it down to a residential lot, bin it, and replop it. MAYBE.

For future reference... what exactly do you mean by that? I thought rezoning an apartment lot back to residential was a VBT.

I've already trashed that lot but i was creating another apartment lot last night and had some weirdness.
It was a 6 apartment unit, each had 3 floors, the top 2 floors became apartments when the apartment townies moved in, but the main floor didn't become part of the apartment. I didn't use the floor dividers or fences or any tricks in the units. This is a very old residential lot from about 5 years ago, that i thought would make a good townhouse complex. Each unit had an apartment door to the outside... no other way out of the units. The only thing i can think of, is when the creator first made the lot, i think they used "moveobjects on" to place stairs and have them land in front of the main door. I'm going to try the same lot later and see if using the spiral stairs instead would make a difference.

It's this lot if you're curious

again... thanks for the help JM.  :)

Update: Seems the game doesn't like non-Maxis arches between the entrance and the rest of the main floor... Stupid Eaxis.

Title: Re: Apartment Lot throwing error
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 September 21, 07:28:12
Update: Seems the game doesn't like non-Maxis arches between the entrance and the rest of the main floor... Stupid Eaxis.
I have no idea what you mean by this, but based on the fact that there appears to be nothing unique about EAxis arches, I'm inclined to blame Kewian-based substitutes.