More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Dark Trepie on 2005 November 25, 23:00:35

Title: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 November 25, 23:00:35
I'm sure we've all had them in this game.  A whole series of events that all decided to happen at once and creates an environment of total chaos that you can't possibly deal with and have to resort to extreme measures out of desperation.

I had one such scenario a couple of days ago.  I guess I should've paid attention to how old all of the kids were.  It wasn't untill this friendly little reminder popped up that I realized I was going to have to deal with three birthdays in one day.


I'll admit, this was pretty tame and not nearly as nightmarish as some of the other stuff I've had to deal with in this game.  But I figured for those of you that insist on throwing birthday parites for your sim kids this is something you don't want to see.  Needless to say, these kids grew up without any fanfare.

So share some of your horror stories with us!  And let us laugh at sympathize with you.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 November 25, 23:34:00
Do you mean it's a bad scenario b/c of the parties? You do realize that all you have to do is throw one party, only w/ 3 cakes? And afterwards, each child who transitioned during the party will get a "had a great/bad party" memory.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 25, 23:39:24
Actually, I know it will work with only one cake, as long as everyone else grows up normally as well, and possibly with no cakes.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 25, 23:46:05
Hehe, I have no pictures to show with it, but on one of my previous Legacy families, I was playing the first generation founder and his wife, Marisa Bendett.

She was pregnant and a huge pain in the ass.  I could barely keep up with her through her pregnancy.  I was playing the lot one night and chatting on AIM (the people I was chatting to can attest to how frustrated this all made me, because let me tell you, it *did* translate to the screen   :P) and all of a sudden, it all started happening at once...

Parrish was making himself (and not his starving pregnant wife) a toaster pastry to eat before he headed off to work.  He was in law enforcement at the time, and he was running kind of behind as well.  So, of course this is the perfect time for him to start a fire, right?  ::)

Anyway, after a lot of time screaming about the fire, his hygiene was bottomed out even though he had a shower right before his botched breakfast attempt, which conveniently also broke the shower, his carpool was waiting outside, and he still hadn't eaten.  He's so far into the yellow, it's embarassing that there were only 2 Sims living on the lot at the time.

His wife blithely slept through all of this, of course.  I finally got him out the door and then checked on her only to find she was in the orange for hunger and still not that well-rested.  I had only managed to get her to bed a few hours earlier, and as this was only about the 5th day into a Legacy family, you can imagine how poor they were.  The bathroom was in the bedroom!

I woke her up so she could go make herself some dinner, and then she set the damn stove on fire again!  The shower is pouring water out, and even though she has high mechanical skills, I couldn't afford the time for her to repair it.  I had her call a repairman to come and fix it, and she set out to make herself some more breakfast (this time, served cereal  ;)).

Well, by the time all this happened, she was once again exhausted and ended up passing out on the floor halfway between the shower and bed while the repair lady worked on the shower. She was oozing the green stink fun, but I just let her sleep on the floor for a little bit before waking her up and sending her to bed again.

I had great pictures of this, and when I was writing the story, you could literally feel the frustration from me on every page.  :P

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: kewian on 2005 November 25, 23:57:26
That is not unlike many of my nightmares. I have one family with a grand total of 13 kids.  So everybody is having a birhtday every o ther day and she was almost always pregnant so I have to try and throw birthdays (notice I say try) while keeping her from starving to death (failed one time) and one time it was too much for dad so he decides to go out and look out the telescope (hacked of course) so you know what that meant and by this time IM cusssing and threatening to burninate them all.  She wont  eat ...she wants to go pick a baby up and then whine about not eating..honga honga... im like ..well I told you too.. and then we get into the pass out , hungry, go to sleep cycle....this is entirely frustrating... eat a bit (not enough to satisfy)  pass out still with the threat of the grim reaper.... so...yes I know I did this to myself  but did he really have to go and get himself knocked up?

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Kyna on 2005 November 26, 01:28:23
Trepie I had a nightmare scenario like that this week.

This was the evening in Lilith's house:

- Lilith was aging to elder.
- Her firstborn (a teen) went out to not one, but two scored outings - she got home from the first one she'd been invited to, and got the second invite.
- Her secondborn was transitioning to teen.
- The thirdborn, a child, was trying to chat to family & friends on the phone.  I had the comands in her queue, however the commands kept dropping out because of the incoming calls for the firstborn.
- The result of her fourth pregnancy, a few days before, was twins - I'd aged one to toddler the day before, but the baby now had to transition.  (I normally age twins separately, they are never identical anyway, so I prefer to play them as siblings close in age.)  I like to train one toddler skill a day - on the day of transition it's potty, the next day it's talk, the next day it's walk.  This, combined with a few social interactions, keeps my toddlers in platinum throughout toddlerhood.  So I had a baby I wanted to transition & potty train and a toddler I wanted to teach to talk.

Fortunately I'm not into the game's birthday parties.  Particularly not with Lilith, who would she invite?  Her ex-lovers - probably not.  Their wives - possibly, a couple of those are still friendly with Lilith.  It's hard keeping track of which of her friends are mad at Lilith for her romantic activities, and which are mad at the ex-lovers and their spouses for 'cheating' on Lilith.  Any party she had would definitely have fireworks!  I figure she's had enough socialising recently - she managed to arrive as a member of nearly every scored group during her last pregnancy, along with her sister and sister's husband (who was, in fact, reponsible for that last pregnancy).  If she wasn't in the group, she was on the community lot when the group arrived.

I enjoy playing Lilith's lot.  There's always something happening in her life.  And she's part of what keeps Pleasantview from turning into a boring 'happy families' neighbourhood like some of my Legacy-style 'hoods.  Given how much fun her character adds to the game, I'll take nights like this one as part of the price of the fun.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: MsMaria on 2005 November 26, 01:40:30
I can't think of any nightmares at the moment: yours are all great btw, but I have often had as many as 6 sims transition in one day. Needless to say, in my game, cake is for wussies. :P Cake? We don't need no stinkin' cake. ;D

So far, no one has been traumatized or had a bad grow-up memory, knock on wood. :)

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: dusty on 2005 November 26, 01:57:02
My worst situation was when damned Cassandra Goth (by then married to Darren Dreamer) decided to set the stove on fire at her toddler daughter's birthday party. This set off the toddler's fear of fire, immediately putting her into aspiration failure.  Toddler refused to stay on the potty, transitioned to child automatically and promptly peed herself - to this day she is still gossiped about.  sigh.  I am a somewhat better sim controller now.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 26, 02:00:05
My worst situation was when damned Cassandra Goth (by then married to Darren Dreamer) decided to set the stove on fire at her toddler daughter's birthday party. This set off the toddler's fear of fire, immediately putting her into aspiration failure.  Toddler refused to stay on the potty, transitioned to child automatically and promptly peed herself - to this day she is still gossiped about.  sigh.  I am a somewhat better sim controller now.
Why on Earth is the potty in the kitchen? That's disgusting. Nothing like the wafting aroma of baby poo when you're trying to eat.

And for reasons of fire safety, this is why cooking areas should always be isolated from everyone else. This way if something blows up, nobody else is affected by the fire.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: dusty on 2005 November 26, 02:04:06
The potty wasn't in the kitchen.  When I tried to send her from the kitchen/living room into her room and the potty she threw a tantrum and I ran out of time before the automatic age transition set in.  But yes, separating the kitchen and possible fires from the rest of the house is a good idea.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2005 November 26, 03:31:14
I've had the same situation and what really ticks me off is that if you transition the toddlers before three p.m., then the next day you get a nasty note that they missed school that day and they have a D+ grade.    Black humor from Maxis, I guess.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 26, 06:25:49
The potty wasn't in the kitchen.  When I tried to send her from the kitchen/living room into her room and the potty she threw a tantrum and I ran out of time before the automatic age transition set in.  But yes, separating the kitchen and possible fires from the rest of the house is a good idea.
What was the toddler doing there? Toddler facilities should be located in the same room together so that the toddlers don't need to travel very far, which depletes their very limited fuel supply and wastes their time. In fact, my toddlers basically never leave the nursery. Incidentally, you can X out the automatic age transition if you are quick, and postpone it for an hour, and then another hour....You just gotta watch for it.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Charamei on 2005 November 26, 10:13:27
Triple parties aren't so bad. I've had several in my Pepper household. They have a room just off the nursery that contains nothing but the cake-table.

Having said that, though, I only use the cake - never the party.The stupid limits on the game mean that I can only ever invite two Sims over at a time, and if it's going to be that quiet a party, then why bother? Particularly as the Peppers are approaching ten members... an extra two just wouldn't be noticed.

"Are you a relative? I don't remember you."
"I'm a guest! You invited me!"
"No I didn't!"
"Well, someone did! And why do you all look the same, anyway?"


As for my nightmare scenario... I recently encountered an interesting glitch which completely stopped two of my Sims from going to sleep in their bed. They had just woohooed, and she was pregnant. Once they got out of bed the only actions they could perform on it were 'Make Bed' and 'Relax'. I tried deleting the bed and re-buying it, forcing an error, etc... in the end, after she had napped on the couch for a while, I had them woohoo again. Fixed the problem, but bottomed out her energy completely. And because she hadn't been able to fill her sleep bar, her hunger had been going down, so that was orange when she finally woke up again.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: dewshine on 2005 November 26, 10:17:20
Well... MY cassandra goth is married to eve logan-goth, after a nasty breakup with Don.  Little alex is a teen now... Cassandra just got herself bit by a vamp, is preggers, and alex get abducted by aliens... (one of those times is regret the teen hack I'm using, because he came back to the sound of chimes)  So... I think there's a baby boom afoot in pleasentview.   

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Sagana on 2005 November 26, 14:05:10
These stories just remind me of my RL nightmare. <doesn't bore ya'll with long true off-topic dealeo, but it was as bad as anything the sims can come up with, really>

Ah for the life of a sim ;)

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Emma on 2005 November 26, 15:51:24
The worst thing that has happened to me in-game was, I had my pregnant sim cook toaster pastries for brekky-and she went into labour before removing them from the stove. They went on fire while she was stuck there moaning! She span round and had the baby, and I thought 'where is the fire engine?' I'd forgotten to put in the fire alarm! She scoots off with the baby into the yard-and the daddy (Komei Tellerman) was in front of the stove celebrating-and catches on fire! I directed my sim-woman to put down the baby and phone for the fire service, but she kept running into the kitchen to panic. The other 2 kids were in there panicking too. Komei burnt to death-and so did my sim-woman...the social worker came soon after.... :'( I quit without saving, but I really felt like crying. I didn't save it for ages-and all they had was the eldest toddler, and she was pregnant again....all that work!
When she had the next baby, she died from starvation...I gave up on that family not long after...

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 November 26, 15:59:30
She scoots off with the baby into the yard-and the daddy (Komei Tellerman) was in front of the stove celebrating-and catches on fire!

LOL..sorry for your sim nightmare, but that would have been funny to witness in a very dark but humorous way  :P

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Emma on 2005 November 26, 16:04:07
She scoots off with the baby into the yard-and the daddy (Komei Tellerman) was in front of the stove celebrating-and catches on fire!

LOL..sorry for your sim nightmare, but that would have been funny to witness in a very dark but humorous way  :P

It was funny to look back on-but at the time....waaaaaa!  :'( *giggles*

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 26, 21:37:08
You suck, and also, you need the Fire Mod, which suppresses the urge to run back into the fire to scream at it. Plus if your sims have seen enough fires, instead of spazzing on sight, they'll automatically put it out.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: vector on 2005 November 26, 21:47:59
You suck, and also, you need the Fire Mod, which suppresses the urge to run back into the fire to scream at it. Plus if your sims have seen enough fires, instead of spazzing on sight, they'll automatically put it out.

And does it work with NL?

Pleasesayyespleasesayyespleasesayyes (as long as you actually mean, it obviously)

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 26, 22:20:28
It does now. Go get it!

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: anelca on 2005 November 26, 23:13:55
who the hell is irresponsible enough or even sick enough to allow their sim to have  a baby by komei tellerman :-\ :o
that is a nightmare scenario :D

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 November 26, 23:45:03
Uh . . . that's not Komei Tellerman. Unless my memory's spazzing out on me, that's Trepie's self sim. They have the same hair, but that's about it.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: anelca on 2005 November 26, 23:55:38
Uh . . . that's not Komei Tellerman. Unless my memory's spazzing out on me, that's Trepie's self sim. They have the same hair, but that's about it.

sorry  :-*
i forgot the quote button. i was referring to Emmas post, a few posts ago

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 November 27, 00:11:58
who the hell is irresponsible enough or even sick enough to allow their sim to have  a baby by komei tellerman :-\ :o
that is a nightmare scenario :D

I was - and  he has gorgeous kids!

I always marry Komei to my own sim, only to get these pretty kids.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 November 27, 00:52:13
Ah, okay. Sorry. It's not my memory, but something seems to be spazzing out on me . . . like, the ability to read? Anyhow . . . Komei has had pretty decent looking kids in my experience, although it was only once and a long time ago.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 November 27, 02:24:50
I was - and  he has gorgeous kids!
I always marry Komei to my own sim, only to get these pretty kids.

Isn't Komei the one w/ the Pinocchio nose? Really? Are you sure? You have any pictures? It's just, my brain is unable to put that nose and "pretty" together...

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: SaraMK on 2005 November 27, 02:34:54
Isn't Komei the one w/ the Pinocchio nose? Really? Are you sure? You have any pictures? It's just, my brain is unable to put that nose and "pretty" together...

No, you're thinking of Benjamin Longnose. Komei is the long-haired redhead who likes kicking over trashcans.


Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 November 27, 02:46:10
No, you're thinking of Benjamin Longnose. Komei is the long-haired redhead who likes kicking over trashcans.

The one w/ the really, really, really square jaw??!? Is that the one? If so, then that's even more unbelievable. I killed him off a long time ago b/c of his downright ugliness. Wow. Now I really want to see a picture! Of the kids, I mean.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: SaraMK on 2005 November 27, 02:49:24
Here's Benjamin. His nose is actually not his worst feature. It's his mouth, which in my game gets passed on to every descendant, regardless of new DNA that gets added. It's been a plague in a challenge family.


Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 27, 08:17:51
Here's Benjamin. His nose is actually not his worst feature. It's his mouth, which in my game gets passed on to every descendant, regardless of new DNA that gets added. It's been a plague in a challenge family.

Oy, that chin.  We need a profile shot.  I have one of his sons he had with Bella.  I'll try to dig up a picture.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Ness on 2005 November 27, 09:13:47
it's times like this that I really appreciate the fact that I deleted all characters!

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: vector on 2005 November 27, 11:38:34
It does now. Go get it!


Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 27, 13:55:43
The one w/ the really, really, really square jaw??!? Is that the one? If so, then that's even more unbelievable. I killed him off a long time ago b/c of his downright ugliness. Wow. Now I really want to see a picture! Of the kids, I mean.
Komei isn't so bad. He actually looks quite distinguished with a beard. He has three daughters in my game, two from one of my sims, one from another townie. None of them look horrible! Also, Komei has, by far, one of the better personalities in the game. He is definitely A-list as far as townie material goes. He doesn't even look freaky!

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Renatus on 2005 November 27, 14:12:01
Like JM, I don't think Komei is bad looking at all. He looks much nicer with short hair (he's got a very super-hero sort of face), and glasses also help balance out his face. The one time I married him to a playable character they produced two pretty daughters - and the mother was adopted!  :D

Benjamin Long and Kennedy Cox, though, have the same template face and desperately need makeovers. Eurgh.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: nectere on 2005 November 27, 14:16:28
I like Komei as well, he looks quite rugged when given a proper hairstyle and facial hair, add new clothes and he is set. He usually comes with a full compliment of skills and near the top of his career in my game.

Kennedy isnt so bad either, but that ski slope nose can get out of control, he also usually has a full array of skills and a good career, not to mention 9 out of 10 times he comes with loads of cash.

Actually most of the townie guys arent too freakish, its the NPC men and the most of the townie women in general that tend to look rather hideous.

Speaking of cash, it sure would be nice if when you add an NPC to your family that they actually came with their 1k, it says they do, but they dont. At least they usually have skills. And my amnesia mod doesnt seem to be working anymore, all the NPCs get a mind wipe again. I have to invite them over for a date and make it a night and do the proposing and marriage right then and there so they at least have some corresponding memories.

And one last thing, what is the deal with men and birthday cakes? I have not been able to get any dad to grow up his baby yet, I can go through several cakes trying to make it happen, finally I give up and hand the kid over to mom and wham it works...usually just barely in the nick of time for potty training. And why cant toddlers eat their cake? There is no serve option on the cake...

And to stay on topic, I generally dont have any nightmare scenarios, other than Cassandra starving herself the other day due to my mismanagement.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: reggikko on 2005 November 27, 18:28:39

Speaking of cash, it sure would be nice if when you add an NPC to your family that they actually came with their 1k, it says they do, but they dont.

That issue has been fixed with Nightlife. The NPC's now bring in a random amount of cash, just like the Townies.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: vecki on 2005 November 27, 23:41:32

My worst time was when Simone Le Gassey's idiotic child Adrian refused to learn to walk (all needs were green at the time, to this day I'm not sure why his bleeding learning bar kept going backwards), then, when he finally did grow into a child - in the bathroom no less, I had to remodel the house to give him a bedroom.  After doing so Kennedy and Simone both wanted to get Adrian into private school.

So what does Kennedy do while Simone is showing the headmaster around?  Sets the bloody house on fire cooking chilli.  Simone raced the HM upstairs to show him around up there, and then at the end of the tour he goes and glitches on me so interacting with him became impossible.  Actions were just dropping out of the sims' queues like flies.  He would not even come to eat the hamburgers that Kennedy finally managed to cook.  I decided to quit and go back to the last save (despite it being a legacy, this was a bug!  Surely I could get around that little rule for a bug!) and then remembered I hadn't saved since rebuilding the house, but when the game asked if I wanted to save, instead of hitting cancel, I hit 'no'.  Dammit.  Had to relive Adrian's stupidity as a toddler because of my own silliness.

I'm now finally up to generation four and have finally seen a return to the red hair/ blue eyes combination that Simone started with.  Still no baby girls though.  Sniff.

(Adrian really is an idiot of a knowledge sim, even now as an elder with all skills maxed he is continually getting electric shocks and starting fires.  He'll always be my pointy-eared doofus.)

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: nectere on 2005 November 28, 00:50:00
Well reg, I guess in my game it doesnt, although the potty trick still works for me.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Batelle on 2005 November 28, 21:25:55
The first time I made an avatar sim and paired her with my RL boyfriend, things were going spectacularly until I died from the flu caused by some mean townie kicking over the trash and giving us roaches.

Not only did I die, which devastated our 6 children, all of whom had "Death of a Family Member" in their fear slots, but I died just after the 3:00 school bus showed up and there were two visiting children on the lot and, more importantly, blocking the path to saving me. 

So I die, I can't be saved, and my children are all in the red including my teenage daughter who was in line to try out the rejeuvenator.  She still hopped in and was promptly drained and nearly died as well.  My teenage son, a neat freak, spent the next 3 three hours crying about the roaches instead of potty training our newly adopted toddler, who soiled herself and had flies buzzing around her.   That was a terrible afternoon.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 November 29, 04:55:14
"The one w/ the really, really, really square jaw??!? Is that the one? If so, then that's even more unbelievable. I killed him off a long time ago b/c of his downright ugliness. Wow. Now I really want to see a picture! Of the kids, I mean."

Here is the toddler of Komei - pretty?

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 November 29, 05:05:01
who the hell is irresponsible enough or even sick enough to allow their sim to have  a baby by komei tellerman :-\ :o
that is a nightmare scenario :D

I was - and  he has gorgeous kids!

I always marry Komei to my own sim, only to get these pretty kids.

I agree.  I married Komei off to someone soon after I got TS2..and he had very good looking children.  It sourta surprised me..b/c I find him a little....umm ape looking lol, but his children come out surprisingly good looking.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 November 29, 06:02:14
Here is the toddler of Komei - pretty?

Wow. Not bad. Not bad at all. But toddlers can morph, as we all know. lol. Any adult pictures? I'd love to see!

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 29, 06:08:50
That's what I was thinking.  Toddlers and children, even teens, do not fully develop the stronger features until they turn into adults.  This is technically because of facial blending.  There is a cheat to turn this off, but it has to be entered before the baby is born, and it can make them look strange until they grow up, LOL.  Benjamin Long's son by Bella Goth had a long nose as a teen, but it wasn't until he graduated from Uni that his nose and chin really came out.  I put a goatee on him, and that helps downplay his chin.  He looks kinda like a picture of a crescent moon with the sharp, protruding nose and chin.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: cwhitney on 2005 November 29, 08:00:40
I may not have the order in which these circumstances occurred exactly right, but nevertheless it was a nightmare.

Two sims had just gotten married, and they had a little house that had on the second floor, their main bedroom and a small second bedroom that was hardly large enough to serve as a nursery.  The husband was in the culinary career and the wife was in the business career.  She was pregnant and he had the skills needed to gain a promotion from his job as an Executive Chef, and I was saving up their cash so they could move into a bigger house and start a larger family.  Their current house really wasn't big enough for even one child past the toddler stage, so two children were totally out of the question.

Bad things started happening when the husband decided to go get the bills right before his carpool arrived, and once it did, I instructed him to put the bills down and go to work, only instead of him putting the bills down on the floor, he set them down on the stoop leading up to the front door and they vanished.  (At this point I had none of the "Kill Stuck Bills" fixes nor was I aware of the "Force Bill Delivery" option in BoolProp)  So the guy went to work while his wife stayed in bed pregnant.  I had already set up the second bedroom in preparation for the baby, with a crib, diaper changer and some toys.

The husband got a chance card, and I remembered the Sporks of Steel choice had worked before for this particular chance card, so that's what I selected.  Unfortunately, it didn't work this time and he got fired.  So he came home and moped for a bit.  After he cheered up a little bit I was able to get him back on the Culinary career at the position just below Executive Chef.  After a day or two at work he was able to get back up to Executive Chef so things were back where they had been.  The child had been born and things seemed to be getting back to normal.  One problem had been that  I had timed the birth badly so that in the days following the baby's arrival the wife did not have work, so she was not making any money, much less obtaining the promotion(s) she was ready for.  At this point they were receiving nasty phone calls about the missing bills, but I couldn't do anything about it except hope that they could make it to Tuesday.  They had enough money, as I had been saving and saving so that they could afford a larger house, and they had something like 19,000 simoleons in their account to be used toward that goal.

Then, the husband, who was all set skill-wise and work quality-wise to get a promotion,  got the chance card for Executive Chef again, and I decided that since Sporks of Steel did not work before, I would choose Blend N' Send instead.  Well, this one didn't work either, so he lost two logic points, which he needed for promotion, and also lost 20k simoleons.  There went their entire nest egg for the new house.  The family felt the full effect of that penalty, as they had close to 20k simoleons, but not more, so their bank account dropped down to nothing.  It was a pretty devastating development.

Since the husband had lost logic points that he needed for a promotion (and they now really needed the bonus money that came with promotions, being broke and all), I sent him out back that night to use the expensive telescope.  That was when I suffered one of only three legitimate alien abductions I've had since I've had the game.  While he was flying around being anally probed, the repo man came and took the child's toys in retribution for their unpaid bills. 

So the husband came back, and was now pregnant with an alien baby.  They did not have space in the house for a second child, and had no money.  Since he still needed two logic points to gain a promotion, which they desperately needed, he was not able to get a promotion before his belly grew and he was forced to stay home on paternity leave.  Fortunately by the time that had happened his wife had gotten back to work and had been able to get a promotion, thus starting the slow road to the financial recovery they needed to support their growing family.  It was hellish for a while, especially since I needed to turn their family room into a makeshift nursery for the new green kid.  Fortunately it didn't last long as the wife got not only promotions but also a chance card that resulted in a financial windfall.  If that hadn't happened, I probably would have had her leave him. (And wouldn't you have if you were her?)

I had another nightmare scenario in the Sims 1 that was more amusing than nightmarish.  I had downloaded Flaming Moe from either Sims on a Stick or Simstitution (I'm not sure which site had this item), which was a defaced flamingo that would catch any sim who interacted with it on fire.  I tossed Flaming Moe in the backyard of a family (that had been created for no purpose other than to torment and harass the rest of the neighborhood: not one nice point among five of them!) and left it there, sitting.... waiting.... like undetonated ordinance or something.

Anyway, the family was asleep one night (technically they weren't a family at all, as none of them liked each other or even looked like each other, especially the child, who had in his biography that none of the adults in the house had any idea whose kid he was) so I was off looking at their badly furnished living room or something when I heard activity going on in the kitchen.  The child, Tommy, had gotten up at 3:30 AM and was helping himself to snacks from the fridge despite the fact that there had been a perfectly good meal on the counter he needed to bypass to get to the refrigerator.  That annoyed me, but what could I do?

So I go back to the sleeping sims to see if any of them were ready to wake up, which none of them were.  Then I noticed that Tommy had left the kitchen.  I checked him out to see what he was doing, and to my horror he was going out into the backyard to STARE at Flaming Moe!  Since he did it autonomously, I let it go, and just as it advertised, Flaming Moe lit Tommy up.  Much shrieking ensued as the flames comsumed this mean, mean child.

I got right on it, and forced the green-haired Timmy (the patriarch of the family, if indeed anyone could possibly have that title) to wake up and race into the backyard to hose down the flaming child.  Sadly, he was not in time, and Tommy had perished.  Timmy probably should have been worried about the now-violent-and-widespread forest fire tearing through his backyard, but instead he was pleading with the Grim Reaper to spare Tommy's sad, sad life.  It was terrible!  A child!  Burned to death without pity!  Completely oblivious to the conflagration going on around them, Timmy and the Grim Reaper played Rock-Paper-Scissors for Tommy's life.  Timmy won and the Grim Reaper agreed to resurrect Tommy.  Unfortunately he wasn't very observant and brought Tommy back right into the middle of the fire, so Tommy promptly burned to death again.  This brought a second Grim Reaper onto the scene, and Timmy confronted him about sparing Tommy's life.  Fortunately or un, when Timmy beat this Grim Reaper in a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors, everything in the backyard, including Flaming Moe, had been burned to the ground. So Tommy wasn't going to catch fire again.

He did, however, have to go to school immediately thereafter, and needless to say his grade point average didn't fare too well that day.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 November 29, 10:17:40
Here is the toddler of Komei - pretty?

Wow. Not bad. Not bad at all. But toddlers can morph, as we all know. lol. Any adult pictures? I'd love to see!

Lol, you will have to wait for that 4 (toddler) + 8 (child) sim days, and even then I can get a shot of a YA only, not an adult.

But from previous experience with the kids of Komei - I am quite sure he will be pretty...:).

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Emma on 2005 November 29, 10:27:04
You suck, and also, you need the Fire Mod, which suppresses the urge to run back into the fire to scream at it. Plus if your sims have seen enough fires, instead of spazzing on sight, they'll automatically put it out.

Nah-it's funnier to watch them burn  :P I know I suck though ;D

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Muisie on 2005 November 29, 16:31:25
My nightmare involves children - don't they all?  Prosperity CAS family called Embargo rolled random with one adult (Sugar), three boys (Jam, Malt and Barley), and one toddler (Flour).  Lived on the yard with a tiny bathroom and little baby room where Flour can scream her heart out when she wakes up.  Poor Sugar was a sloppy Knowledge sim and not very bright either.   Was unusually hard to get her in green.  Kept her at home to avoid nanny disasters and teach kids all the kid stuff.   Problem was, every day the boys came home from school badly needing to pee (no-one pees at school?), filthy as hell, all insisting on placing their homework in the bathroom,  and every one of them bringing home a new friend.  At one point I paused to take a picture of kids everywhere, and laughed hysterically.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 November 29, 20:28:10
Here is the toddler of Komei - pretty?

Wow. Not bad. Not bad at all. But toddlers can morph, as we all know. lol. Any adult pictures? I'd love to see!

Lol, you will have to wait for that 4 (toddler) + 8 (child) sim days, and even then I can get a shot of a YA only, not an adult.

But from previous experience with the kids of Komei - I am quite sure he will be pretty...:).

Well, today Boni (Komei's son)  had a birthday, and became a child. Still pretty...:)

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 30, 23:24:00
ahh he is a cutie

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: vecki on 2005 December 01, 01:23:18
I have a new nightmare - John and Jennifer Burb got pregnant with twins Jeffrey & Tiffani, then 13 hours later John was abducted by aliens and has had Willow.

Could have been worse though, he could have had twins too, I suppose.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 01, 01:25:45
I have to open a new thread - I get a message that the upload folder is full.

Edit - I can't upload the pictures, I get a message, even if I open a new thread, that the upload folder is full, and I have to contact the administrator.


Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 01, 08:36:59

OK, I am tired to wait for fixing the upload folder.

I promised to give you a picture of Komei's son. You can see him at my old site (Sims 1), which I keep for the nostalgy...:).

Boni Tellerman is a son of Komei, and Sim-Brynne (modified eyes to green - dominant over any other color).

He is very nice boy, and just went to college. I made for him a mate - Sim-Me, which is "confidential", lol, because I don't like tortures...:).

I hope that I succeeded to convince you that it is worth to marry Komei, and not to kill him...:).

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 December 01, 08:50:40
Ahh. So far away. Any closer pictures? But so far from afar he looks pretty promising.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 01, 09:38:46
Ahh. So far away. Any closer pictures? But so far from afar he looks pretty promising.

LOL, I am very bad taking pictures, but I'll try...:).

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 December 01, 09:41:42
Can't you just zoom in on him?  Maybe just his face?

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 01, 10:22:31

Ahh. So far away. Any closer pictures? But so far from afar he looks pretty promising.

LOL, I am very bad taking pictures, but I'll try...:).

Can't you just zoom in on him?  Maybe just his face?

This is the closest I could get...:).

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 December 01, 10:36:28
Yes, he looks nice, from his profile.  Maybe you could try rotating the camera around a bit, and we could get a full face view?  :)

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 01, 10:57:01
LOL, Rainbow...scroll down, you will see his full face...:).

I only wanted to convince players, that Komei is probably a recesive character, because the boy is like his mother (Sim-Brynne).

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 December 01, 11:01:09
Aww, it's not really that hard. :)  I do it all the takes some time and practice, but it's worth it. :)  When I first got Sims 2, I would get lost the camera would be all over the place, inside a dresser, a sim's head... but after a year I've pretty much got it down. ;)  I never used to take pictures, but now I take them all the time. 

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: cristalfiona on 2005 December 01, 11:04:10
Wow, gali? Do you really look like that? Sim you and Sim Boni are gonna have NICE kids!

Im getting pretty good with my camera, although my mouse is one of those 'sensor' ones, and it tends to move slightly and click on something in the far distance. Makes for some fun scrolling.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 01, 16:22:51
Wow, gali? Do you really look like that? Sim you and Sim Boni are gonna have NICE kids!

Im getting pretty good with my camera, although my mouse is one of those 'sensor' ones, and it tends to move slightly and click on something in the far distance. Makes for some fun scrolling.

Lol, yes - when I was young. Except the eyes - I have blue eyes, but in the game the green eyes are dominant, so I choose them for all my sims.

I have an elder Sim-Me, with white hair, which I mate mostly with  Mortimer Goth, if I don't resurrect Bella...:). They always adopt a baby...:).

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 01, 16:39:39
Wow, gali? Do you really look like that? Sim you and Sim Boni are gonna have NICE kids!

Im getting pretty good with my camera, although my mouse is one of those 'sensor' ones, and it tends to move slightly and click on something in the far distance. Makes for some fun scrolling.

Lol, yes - when I was young. Except the eyes - I have blue eyes, but in the game the green eyes are dominant, so I choose them for all my sims.

I have an elder Sim-Me, with white hair, which I mate mostly with  Mortimer Goth, if I don't resurrect Bella...:). They always adopt a baby...:).
WoW  Gali you are very pretty.last night I actualy simmed my Late hubby and put him in the game and he promptly fell in love with my clone of Brandi Broke in My custom neighborhood  and married her. I also simmed my son gave him a new name and he fell in love with one my other sims and married her and they are expecting twins.but I dont have the nerve to post either one LOL my current hubby is in my game as well but I'm not .I'm not that brave

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 01, 17:04:22
Thanks, Bangel...:).

Brandi Broke is a gorgeous sim - all my male sims want to flirt with her...:). After I buy her sexy clothes, and put a lot of makeup on her - even Skip Broke is crazy about her, in spite of his Romance aspiration...:). No wonder that your hubby fell in love with her - aren't you jelous?...:).

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 01, 18:20:46
So I'm your mother-in-law, now? Oh my. I think I need to sit down. I'm not even married in my game lol.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 01, 18:32:40
Lol, yes - but only to my Young Adult Me...:). I wish I could return to these days...:).

Did you notice that Boni Tellerman looks like Josh?

Who is Josh's  mother in your game?

How can it be?  - he took all your Brynne-Sim genes.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 01, 18:40:49
Well, considering that Josh has been in my game since last January, and I've only been in my game for a week or so, I don't think I'm his mom.
Actually, Brandi Broke is his mom. Boni I guess looks like your version of my Josh, but your version of Josh looks a *bit* different than mine! So, no, I don't see much of a resemblence with the actual Josh LOL

My Josh:


Your Josh:


Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 01, 18:44:03
Thanks, Bangel...:).

Brandi Broke is a gorgeous sim - all my male sims want to flirt with her...:). After I buy her sexy clothes, and put a lot of makeup on her - even Skip Broke is crazy about her, in spite of his Romance aspiration...:). No wonder that your hubby fell in love with her - aren't you jelous?...:).

nope since My it's my a sim version of My Deceased Hubby and Ilefther clone the way she is in pleasant view. so he fell in love with Brandi as is. here is a photo of Brandi's Hubby in my Game which is the sim version of my late huby that I did from a photo of him

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 01, 19:00:30
Well, considering that Josh has been in my game since last January, and I've only been in my game for a week or so, I don't think I'm his mom.
Actually, Brandi Broke is his mom. Boni I guess looks like your version of my Josh, but your version of Josh looks a *bit* different than mine! So, no, I don't see much of a resemblence with the actual Josh LOL

Now that you mention it - I felt Boni has the genetics of Brandi Broke's second son, Beau.

How come you didn't recognize your own sim?

This is the original Josh, as you sent him to me:

...and the second is the modified Josh (this time without makeup, lol, only without glasses and green eyes).


[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 01, 19:02:45
Uhhh...well, there's the blond hair, green eyes and makeup to name three reasons! LOL
I don't mean anything by it're free to have Josh however you want him.  :)

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 01, 19:10:08
It's OK, Brynne - I really feel free to modify the sims I download...:). Otherwise I wouldn't play them - I have to LIKE them first, then play with them.

For instance, I don't like Benjamine Long, even with Dr Vu's surgery - that's why I don't play with him.

Your Josh is a nice fellow, but I like blond hair, and green eyes, and makeup - without it I just can't play with him!

And it's a game, isn't it?...:). I have to follow my "dreams"...:).

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 01, 19:15:07
Well, considering that Josh has been in my game since last January, and I've only been in my game for a week or so, I don't think I'm his mom.
Actually, Brandi Broke is his mom. Boni I guess looks like your version of my Josh, but your version of Josh looks a *bit* different than mine! So, no, I don't see much of a resemblence with the actual Josh LOL

Now that you mention it - I felt Boni has the genetics of Brandi Broke's second son, Beau.

How come you didn't recognize your own sim?

This is the original Josh, as you sent him to me:

...and the second is the modified Josh (this time without makeup, lol, only without glasses and green eyes).

I figured out why I didnt recognize your original Josh, Gali .....The hair is Different and no hat
      original Josh in my game with the hat(

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 01, 19:19:15
Well, considering that Josh has been in my game since last January, and I've only been in my game for a week or so, I don't think I'm his mom.
Actually, Brandi Broke is his mom. Boni I guess looks like your version of my Josh, but your version of Josh looks a *bit* different than mine! So, no, I don't see much of a resemblence with the actual Josh LOL

Now that you mention it - I felt Boni has the genetics of Brandi Broke's second son, Beau.

How come you didn't recognize your own sim?

This is the original Josh, as you sent him to me:

...and the second is the modified Josh (this time without makeup, lol, only without glasses and green eyes).

I figured out why I didnt recognize your original Josh, Gali .....The hair is Different and no hat
      original Josh in my game with the hat(

Weeelll, my Josh is more pretty, and I just looove him. I cloned him as a YA, and as an adult - and every now and then he is "the star" of my game...:).

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 01, 19:20:39
I guess I like less pretty men LOL
I do wonder why you wanted to download him, though, if you didn't "like him" to begin with... ???

But, oh yes. Follow your dreams! I most certainly do! ;)

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 01, 19:38:34
I guess I like less pretty men LOL
I do wonder why you wanted to download him, though, if you didn't "like him" to begin with... ???

But, oh yes. Follow your dreams! I most certainly do! ;)

Why I wanted to download him? - I just "felt"  his potential!!! I knew that he will suit me after I modify him - I never download sims, if I don't "feel" their potential...:).

...And according to my game - I was right, the guy has a great potential...:). He really is my "present star"...:).

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 01, 19:42:05
Well, Josh is a great guy...

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 01, 19:43:56
I like "Manly" Men as a result I dont generally  make "pretty boy" sims nothing Wrong with them just not my "style" I love Josh with his "bad boy" exterior and marshmallow interior .he and Joe are my "bad Boy" kid magnets they  adore kids and the kids adore them. Jamie and Jacob are their polar opposites in  "style" of dress . but  their overall temperments are similair while having enough differences to have fun with. Jamie,Jacob and Justin have the easiest time making friends. i tend to keep your sims as close to what they are in your game as possible. I did change Jamie's aspiration but that was it. and your aspiration was also changed . because I had  more than enough difficult pleasure sims to deal with in my neighborhood .I'm not a real fan of the pleasure aspiration in the first place but I do have them as they blend well with fortune sims.
  Another oddity I discovered in my Game  when trying to "match make the aspirations " Romance and popularity Sims  are a terrific match up .Not sure why though.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 01, 19:48:53
Yeah, I like the masculine ones, too. That's why I feel my Josh is beyond "showing potential". He's hot the way he is, dammit! LOL
Just messing with ya, Gali...  ;)

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 01, 19:54:51
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Go on, I don't care - "I'll do it my way" (Sinatra). I am a Scorpio...:).

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 01, 20:15:28
 ;D ahh Elvis did a better job with that song than old blue eyes

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 01, 20:39:06
Awwww, no. Sinatra was the man.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 December 01, 22:02:27
I like pretty boys when they're cute enough...and I do think Josh veers a bit towards pretty boy...but makeup is where I draw the line. Contouring and foundation, and a bit of lip balm, maybe...but full blown makeup? That just screams transgendered to me.

But hey, to each his own. And Komei's kid is really quite nice, once you look past the makeup and all. ;) I'm surprised. Lol.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 01, 22:08:25
I feel the same, although I prefer the phrase "boyishly handsome" to "pretty boy" lol. Tomaytoes, Tomahtoes.
My sim men do actually wear a bit of makeup. I have a lip tint to replace the lovely dark brown lips that maxis blessed the guys with. Some wear a face self-tanner that I downloaded somewhere. But no female-type makeup for my men. No no no...

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Renatus on 2005 December 01, 22:34:40
I like pretty boys when they're cute enough...and I do think Josh veers a bit towards pretty boy...but makeup is where I draw the line. Contouring and foundation, and a bit of lip balm, maybe...but full blown makeup? That just screams transgendered to me.

But hey, to each his own. And Komei's kid is really quite nice, once you look past the makeup and all. ;) I'm surprised. Lol.

I'm afraid you hit a nerve, here, so I'm going to soapbox at you.

Why on earth does makeup on a guy scream transgendered to you? That doesn't make any sense because cosmetics are not inherently female. Sure, popular Western culture has more or less chosen to push the belief that this is so, but as far as I can tell most guys who wear makeup aren't unhappy with being male.  Conversely, the MtFs I do know of span just as wide a range of likes about 'feminine' things as non-trans women and some don't wear makeup or dresses or any of that so-called feminine crap. Then there are FtM folks who are also transgendered, and shockingly, whether or not they wear makeup has very little to do with their transgenderedness (and yes, I do know a FtM who wears makeup). Makeup has very little to do with much of anything, really, Rocky Horror Picture Show and other such overblown cultural icons aside.

I dunno. You can think whatever you like, but you may want to look into what actual real life transgendered people do and don't do before you continue saying things like that because someday someone is REALLY going to get up your ass about it. ;) It's a pretty stupid stereotype.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 December 01, 23:06:56
I'm afraid you hit a nerve, here, so I'm going to soapbox at you.
Why on earth does makeup on a guy scream transgendered to you? That doesn't make any sense because cosmetics are not inherently female. Sure, popular Western culture has more or less chosen to push the belief that this is so, but as far as I can tell most guys who wear makeup aren't unhappy with being male.  Conversely, the MtFs I do know of span just as wide a range of likes about 'feminine' things as non-trans women and some don't wear makeup or dresses or any of that so-called feminine crap. Then there are FtM folks who are also transgendered, and shockingly, whether or not they wear makeup has very little to do with their transgenderedness (and yes, I do know a FtM who wears makeup). Makeup has very little to do with much of anything, really, Rocky Horror Picture Show and other such overblown cultural icons aside.
I dunno. You can think whatever you like, but you may want to look into what actual real life transgendered people do and don't do before you continue saying things like that because someday someone is REALLY going to get up your ass about it. ;) It's a pretty stupid stereotype.

Well, I think this is an example of the whole a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle is not a square issue in math. Where p->q != q->p. In this case, while transgendered does not necessarily imply full blown feminine makeup, full blown feminine makeup a la RuPaul is very much suggestive of a transgendered person. Again, p->q != q->p.

Pple do tend to get a bit touchy over such issues, but really, lighten up. I didn't mean it as an insult, you can be sure.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: reggikko on 2005 December 01, 23:11:05
OK, this is funny. Last night, I decided I wanted a Sim Gali, so I made one. This was before Gali posted her picture. Here's what Gali looks like in my game:


Spooky, isn't it?

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: reggikko on 2005 December 01, 23:20:52
Well reg, I guess in my game it doesnt, although the potty trick still works for me.

Weird. I get the cash, but no go on the potty. Nothing like consistency in a product, eh?

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: baratron on 2005 December 02, 00:18:47
If you like pretty boys you should check out my SimFreezepop ( The best thing is that Freezepop are a real band ( and the boys are that pretty in real life :).

Although I had a nightmare scenario with them yesterday. The game decided to drop a satellite on one of them. Oops. Suffice to say I felt the need to email the Freezepop member that the sim is based on and tell him not to Watch Clouds for the next couple of days, because I really wouldn't handle it if he got hit by a falling satellite & killed in real life ;).

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: veilchen on 2005 December 02, 00:24:12
Well reg, I guess in my game it doesnt, although the potty trick still works for me.

Weird. I get the cash, but no go on the potty. Nothing like consistency in a product, eh?

True, long live consistency. I get both, the cash and the potty glitch. Just lucky I guess ;D

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 02, 00:31:04
Awwww, no. Sinatra was the man.
honestly I never could stand Frank Not so Hotra Sinatra. Elvis on the other Hand I loved His rich Voice. classic case of different strokes for different folks

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 December 02, 00:44:23
If you like pretty boys you should check out my SimFreezepop ( The best thing is that Freezepop are a real band ( and the boys are that pretty in real life :).

I dunno, they look a bit old for me... But speaking of pretty boys...that little kid from Air Bud has matured wonderfully over the yrs...I was shocked at just how HOT he is now!

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 02, 01:29:17
Awwww, no. Sinatra was the man.
honestly I never could stand Frank Not so Hotra Sinatra. Elvis on the other Hand I loved His rich Voice. classic case of different strokes for different folks

I didn't say I didn't like Elvis...he was smokin' hot when he was young!
But as for that particular song, I'd have to go with Sinatra's version.
My husband sings it better than either.  ;)

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 02, 01:31:51
OK, this is funny. Last night, I decided I wanted a Sim Gali, so I made one. This was before Gali posted her picture. Here's what Gali looks like in my game:


Spooky, isn't it?

Oh Reg, I like it - especially the heavy makeup around the eyes...:).

I always am asked, why I use heavy makeup (on me, in Real Life), and I always answer, that without it I feel naked...:).

I think it's a kind of "armour" protecting me from the outside world (psychology for a penny).  ;D

Edit: nothing spooky - you just have telepathy...:). I had a friend with whom I had a strong telepathy, and we always were amazed when one of us answerred the thought of the other...:). When I thought about icecream, he asked me if I want an icecream...:).

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: kewian on 2005 December 02, 01:37:25
Gali,  have you noticed anything funny near your avatar? :D

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 02, 01:41:10
Gali,  have you noticed anything funny near your avatar? :D

Oh great. Yet another spit take. Well, my monitor did need to be cleaned, anyway...

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 02, 01:42:28
Gali,  have you noticed anything funny near your avatar? :D

LOLOLOL - no, I never look there, thanks!!!

Well, I am promoted, in a JMPs mutilative  way...:).

Now I wait to become a Senator...:)  (just kidding, don't take me serious).

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 02, 02:34:47
Awwww, no. Sinatra was the man.
honestly I never could stand Frank Not so Hotra Sinatra. Elvis on the other Hand I loved His rich Voice. classic case of different strokes for different folks

I didn't say I didn't like Elvis...he was smokin' hot when he was young!
But as for that particular song, I'd have to go with Sinatra's version.
My husband sings it better than either.  ;)
I didnt like anything Sinatra sang .but thats me .Elvis on the other hand oh yeah........... Best singer I ever heard was my Dad . My Dad  had a chance to get a recording contract when he was 17 and turned it down :o Ray Price a singer from way back heard my Dad singing in a bar and  brought an executive from RCA  recording studios the next night to hear my Dad sing and the executive offered my Dad a recording contract on the spot  which he turned down. My Dad was singing to help the family out financially  and still turned it down go figure.....
   in the 1950's when this occurred my Dad couldnt get a Job because he was already almost completely blind not many Jobs were available to the blind in those day's.
   My Uncle told me this  story when  I was 5 so of course  I asked my Dad and he confirmed it was later years My Dad and  I would team up and sing together for church gatherings and sometimes sing  together at the bar where Dad had sung as a teenager  .I still have the recording contract my Dad refused to sign. My Dad later went on to Law School and became a criminal defense lawyer. My Dad died  in 1989 at age 49 and his then wife kept everything that was my Dad's except this unsigned contract that My Uncle managed to finagle out of her which he gave to me

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 02, 02:46:39
Aww, well that's a nice little memento to have then. Good story behind it, too.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 02, 03:08:52
Aww, well that's a nice little memento to have then. Good story behind it, too.
yes it is  a nice memento and I find family stories that are true to be the most interesting stories.
     probably why Biographies and autobiographies are my preferred reading choices.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: Renatus on 2005 December 02, 11:41:54
Pple do tend to get a bit touchy over such issues, but really, lighten up. I didn't mean it as an insult, you can be sure.

But if I 'lighten up' I don't get to have the fun of seeing how people react when I point out that they said something stupid. So, in effect, I have less fun if I do this so-called 'lightening up' thing.

Nah! I like arguing.

Title: Re: Nightmare scenarios.
Post by: baratron on 2005 December 03, 21:30:39
If you like pretty boys you should check out my SimFreezepop ( The best thing is that Freezepop are a real band ( and the boys are that pretty in real life :).

I dunno, they look a bit old for me... But speaking of pretty boys...that little kid from Air Bud has matured wonderfully over the yrs...I was shocked at just how HOT he is now!

Well, he looks a bit young for me ;). Late 20s/early 30s is about right. Early 20s is dubious, late teens is just cradle-snatching :).