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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: rufio on 2009 June 22, 09:16:50

Title: Social Worker Woes
Post by: rufio on 2009 June 22, 09:16:50
My money-grubbing fortune sim and his girlfriend recently had an unplanned spawn thanks to ACR, and decided to sell it to the child labor camp for $2500 once it became a toddler.  I accomplished this by going to the child labor camp, placing Inge's teleporter cat, teleporting the baby in, and moving it in with the cat.  As far as I can tell, the baby and the child labor camp are behaving normally.  Unfortunately, on the lot where the baby was originally born, the social worker now shows up every few hours, lectures one of my sims, and then leaves.  There is no pop-up, nothing untoward happens, and my sims receive no memory except "Met Social Worker".  There is another toddler living elsewhere on the lot, but she has been living there for some time and this never happened before.  My sims have no problems leaving the house without having an adult stay behind.  I have sshack installed, but nothing else that I think is relevant.

How do I fix this?

Title: Re: Social Worker Woes
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 22, 09:57:10
I think they're trying to take your babies away, but can't find them. Try nuking the schedulers?

Title: Re: Social Worker Woes
Post by: rufio on 2009 June 22, 22:12:48
Thanks, I'll try that.

Title: Re: Social Worker Woes
Post by: rufio on 2009 July 30, 18:33:47
Double-posting and necromancing because I have an update; it's been a while since I played this lot.

Despite Nuking Sim Schedulers every 10 seconds or so, the social work still manages to show up at the lot every few hours.  Is there anything else I can do about this, other than moving everyone out and then back in again?  Is there any way I can prevent this from happening the next time a child gets sent to the labor camp?

Title: Re: Social Worker Woes
Post by: Maximillian on 2009 August 02, 03:37:16
Perhaps aging the spawn up before its cruel imprisonment, then later reversing the process would prevent the sw onslaught?

I can't think of much in regard to the existing fambly. Maybe severing family ties to the kidling?

Title: Re: Social Worker Woes
Post by: rufio on 2009 August 02, 03:51:14
You mean aging it all the way up to teen via cheats?  I don't know - I wish I knew what was actually screwing up here.

I can't think of much in regard to the existing fambly. Maybe severing family ties to the kidling?

I specifically wanted to keep the family ties, though.  I suppose I could put it up for adoption via the teleporter before teleporting it to the labor camp, which might more effectively sever its ties to the lot (family ties don't get reassigned until after the child is readopted).  I have successfully put kids up for adoption and had them adopted onto other lots with no problems, but those were complete adoptions, with the adopters becoming the kids' parents, which I don't want to happen in this case.

I guess I'll just move everyone out and back in again for now and try to do it that way next time.