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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Tigerlilley on 2009 June 21, 13:07:27

Title: Unable to learn guitar songs
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2009 June 21, 13:07:27
Hey everyone,
As mentioned here (,15376.msg442354/topicseen.html#msg442354), there seems to be a random bug with learning bought songs. 

My sim has read the books but she cannot play the songs, nor do they turn up in the skills journal.  The books come up with "No function available" when they're in the sims inventory and the sim can re-read the book from the bookcase, but they still will not have learnt the song.

Any ideas on how to prevent / fix this?  I'm unable to complete any of the guitar skill challenges.

Title: Re: Unable to learn guitar songs
Post by: Blech on 2009 June 21, 14:27:00
I've seen somewhere on here that someone discovered "reading" the book directly borks it permanently. Apparently, it's best to always do "learn song" through the guitar. In my own experience, I had this happen once, but I had just loaded up the game, so I exited without saving, turned off the part of Awesomemod that stops skill books from disappearing, and tried it again through the guitar. I'm not sure if turning off the skill books thing had any effect, but I'm positive that learning the song through the guitar and not the book itself is much safer.

Title: Re: Unable to learn guitar songs
Post by: Madame Mim on 2009 June 21, 14:50:21
I had this earlier - they just weren't showing up - not only that but my Sim could learn music above her skill level. Reading the books again didn't work but then I had her learn a different skill and go play for tips in the park and then I could see the songs she had learnt.