More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: tiffyt on 2009 May 21, 11:50:04

Title: Phone issue
Post by: tiffyt on 2009 May 21, 11:50:04
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone else was having this particular problem.
My sims cannot use the phone.
If they pick up the phone they immediately put it back down.
I don't have any phone hacks and I was wondering what the problem could be.
I ran the hack conflict program and have none.
I am posting an error log I got with the testingcheatsenabled hack on.
Any help would be appreciated.

Title: Re: Phone issue
Post by: jolrei on 2009 May 21, 12:44:06
You may actually want to use the phone hack.

Title: Re: Phone issue
Post by: Sigmund on 2009 May 21, 15:02:13
Have you tried this after removing all of your downloads? I remember having this problem when I had a certain hack in my game. I don't remember what the hack was, but I figured it out by combing through my hacks folder.

Title: Re: Phone issue
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 May 21, 15:22:28
Forcing errors tells us NOTHING!

Title: Re: Phone issue
Post by: jolrei on 2009 May 21, 15:31:19
In any case, hack conflict checking will only tell you if your hacks/mods conflict with other hacks/mods.  It may not tell you that one of your hacks/mods has essentially disabled a sim action.  Also, conflict checking, while a good idea, may not be a completely exhaustive test.

I continue to suspect tight pants.

Test vanilla operation and see if that fixes it.

Title: Re: Phone issue
Post by: rufio on 2009 May 21, 23:12:05
I am posting an error log I got with the testingcheatsenabled hack on.

That word... I do not think it means what you think it means.

Running clean installer will tell you what hacks you may have accidentally downloaded, or you can just delete everything in your downloads folder called fdnjkaeuwufneakr_0001.package and the like.

Title: Re: Phone issue
Post by: tiffyt on 2009 May 21, 23:27:57
I know what it means. I will edit it if it bothers you too much, what I meant there was I had boolprop testingcheatsenabled on (true) and forced the error, which of course told me absolutely nothing. I ran the hcdcu which also told me absolutely nothing. I used clean installer to see if I had any weird phone hacks, which I didn't and then I just went through my hacks folder and figured it out that way.
It was the autoyak hack which I figured out after taking an educated guess and so I removed it. Now my phone options are all fine.
I don't really like that hack anyway, no disprespect to the mod gods here, I'm just not big on the phone hacks only recolors and cosmetic overrides.

Thanks for all your advice, as usual you all are quite efficient at making me use my brain when I am lazy and tend to leave it on the pillow in a puddle of drool. :-*

Title: Re: Phone issue
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 May 22, 01:30:27
What version of game are you running that has the autoyak not working? Because it works fine for me.

Title: Re: Phone issue
Post by: Kyna on 2009 May 22, 01:33:11
If you have any phone recolours or downloaded phones and you use CEP, make sure you've updated your CEP.  I've heard there were issues with CEP & phones.

Title: Re: Phone issue
Post by: tiffyt on 2009 May 22, 14:36:36
I have every single expansion and stuff pack. I'm running M&G
I downloaded the autoyak with the directors cut and weeded out the hacks I didn't want or need. Also using hcdcu I made sure all was good, which it is.
Is the hack not compatible with M&G?
I thought it was all updated. I'll check again, to see but I'm not really missing it much, it kinda confused me anyways.

Title: Re: Phone issue
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 May 22, 14:43:44
There is no Awesomeware that is not compatible with MGS. Because that's the edition of the game I run, so if it works in MY game, either you've found a bug, or, more likely, you've done something stupid. Since I am unable to reproduce the malfunction, and neither can anyone else running an Awesome-approved configuration, it is likely that your problem is Tight Pants. Sometimes, though, randomly removing crap can "reset" enough items to jog loose the malfunction, but that does not mean the removed item CAUSED it.

Title: Re: Phone issue
Post by: tiffyt on 2009 May 28, 18:46:26
Of course you're right. I knew it wouldn't be that easy, it never is.
Though the original house I found the bug in is fixed, the house next door, literally, has it now. It's like a frickin disease that is spreading.
I am going to have to go about it the long and hard way, and loosen up my pants. ;)

Cleaning out my closet would be easier then this. >_<

Title: Re: Phone issue
Post by: GelatinousSubstance on 2009 May 28, 21:11:31
If they pick up the phone they immediately put it back down.

I don't know which EPs you're running. But with Apartment Life (I think) Using "Screen Calls" automatically causes this type of behaviour.

If you have AL, try turning "Screen Calls" off if you've got it turned on and see if that improves anything.