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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Jorganza on 2009 January 08, 23:13:09

Title: Weird flickering when building.
Post by: Jorganza on 2009 January 08, 23:13:09
The story: I received a new computer for Christmas, one of the higher than average models. I installed both The Sims 2 + all the EPs/SPs
and Simcity 4 and both ran great expect for a few glitches. For example, some of the female clothing had triangulated holes
in the mesh, but that was minor compared to how smooth TS2 ran even with all the graphics set on high.

I read that the holes can be caused by the graphics card, so I went to the ATI website and downloaded the latest driver. The
glitches in SC4 and the holes in the meshes were completely gone, but now I have an even bigger problem. When I go to a lot, the
screen flickers and the grid disappears for a second. Also, when I am in build mode and I create a wall (or delete a wall) the
walls flickers on and off. Here is a video that shows what I'm talking of.

I tried every combinations of settings to see if I can fix the problem, but nothing is working. High graphics, low graphics, high framerate,
low framerate, windowed and non-windowed mode, nothing is working.  I pretty sure I know what is causing the problem,
the new graphics driver, but I don't understand why it is doing this. If anyone has any suggestions, I will greatly appreciate it.

Title: Re: Weird flickering when building.
Post by: jsalemi on 2009 January 08, 23:30:17
I had that problem with a version of the ATI drivers a couple of months back -- I think it was the 8.3 or 8.4 drivers. It only happened on lots with a LOT of  vertical stuff, like too many trees, or a fence around the entire lot.  Reducing the trees or fence resolved it. I'm currently running the 8.10 drivers, and don't have the problem, so maybe it returned in the latest version?

Title: Re: Weird flickering when building.
Post by: summerbliz on 2009 January 09, 01:14:39
I have the ATI HD 4800, and I'm also having this problem.  Thanx for the help.  It's annoying as hell.

Title: Re: Weird flickering when building.
Post by: Jorganza on 2009 January 09, 01:24:36
Jsalemi: Unfortantly, this happens even on a fresh, new lot. The driver I downloaded was 8.12, if I remember right. It was added
at the beginning of December of 08.
Should I just do System Restore and see if I can go back to my old driver? A few holes in a mesh is a thousand times better
than having a flickery, wonky game play. I just don't understand how a newer driver is worse than an older one.

summerbliz: I too have an ATI HD, but my version is ATI HD 3600. I'm wondering if all ATI HD's are like this, and other people
are having this problem also?

Title: Re: Weird flickering when building.
Post by: jsalemi on 2009 January 09, 02:11:02
I have a HD 3850 and don't have the problem.  There's many cases where new drivers break things that were fine in earlier versions -- ask anyone with an nVidea card about that. :)  It's possible ATI broke something again.  You can download older driver versions from the ATI website, so download the 8.10 drivers, uninstall the 8.12, install the 8.10 and see if that fixes it.  If so, great!  If not, there's another issue going on.

Title: Re: Weird flickering when building.
Post by: Jorganza on 2009 January 09, 03:24:43
Woo thanks Jsalemi! It works again! ;D No more holes, no more flickering, thanks so much!

Title: Re: Weird flickering when building.
Post by: jsalemi on 2009 January 11, 00:07:14
And thank you -- I would probably have downloaded the latest drivers this week and hit the problem. :)