More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: ShadySentinel on 2008 December 05, 23:24:34

Title: My dog is sinking into the ground.
Post by: ShadySentinel on 2008 December 05, 23:24:34
I searched this forum and nothing seems to have worked.
However, I haven't had this problem until after M&G. So I don't know if EAxis broke it or if I did.
Problem is self-explanatory; the dog has sunk into the ground. It's a small breed, if that helps at all.
These are the things I have tried:
Patching my game with the Pets patch (as IamMamainRed suggested). However, it said my game was up to date.
Deleting the dog, saving and exiting the lot, and coming back.
Moving to a different lot entirely.
Giving the dog up for adoption (everyone cried) and adopting it back.
Deleting the community skilling hack. The only other hacks I have are AL fixes and Squinge's No Relationship Decay telephone hack.
Nothing has worked!! I don't have a water-wiggler on the lot; I read that using one of those might interfere.
I need help from someone more awesome than me. :P

Wanted to add that I have all the EPs and I have all the SPs except Family Fun and Celebration.

Title: Re: My dog is sinking into the ground.
Post by: purplebunny on 2008 December 06, 00:06:18
Just to be clear: this is different from the normal sinking-into-ground behaviour pets exhibit when the lot gets reset? (I.e. after a patch, certain hacks, or new EP/SP install.) Normally I just have to wait about 3-4 seconds and they pop back up out of the ground on their own...

Title: Re: My dog is sinking into the ground.
Post by: ShadySentinel on 2008 December 06, 00:13:53
Yeah, I tried to see if waiting it out would work. It didn't. It nearly died from being stuck.

Title: Re: My dog is sinking into the ground.
Post by: bintalshamsa on 2008 December 19, 23:19:16
I'm having the same problem. Hopefully someone more awesome than us will come along.

I needz moar halp!

Title: Re: My dog is sinking into the ground.
Post by: Kazzandra on 2008 December 19, 23:29:48
Is everyone absolutely certain they don't have old hacks from EPs of yon? Because the only time I ever had this problem was when I was trying to use some old Squinge hack that hadn't been updated (I think it was Feed Baby).

Title: Re: My dog is sinking into the ground.
Post by: bintalshamsa on 2008 December 20, 01:55:59
I'm not sure how to check whether I have an old Squinge hack or something else that might be causing this. It wasn't happening until I installed the Mansion and Gardens stuff pack so I didn't think that it would present any conflicts.

Title: Re: My dog is sinking into the ground.
Post by: Kyna on 2008 December 20, 02:08:26
While EA refer to M&G as a stuff pack, in some ways it is more like a mini-EP.  Since it adds new BHAVs, it is likely that it broke some existing hacks.  Just like you do for every EP you add to your game, you need to go to the sites where you got your hacks from and make sure you have up-to-date versions.

If you've done that, see if the problem still exists if you remove your downloads folder.  If the problem still exists without hacks or CC in your game, then it's an EA bug.

If the problem doesn't exist in a download-free game the next step is to use the binary search method (explained in the FAQ here) to identify which hack or item of CC is causing the problem.  Once you've worked out which hack/CC is causing the problem, let the creator know so that they can update it for M&G.

Title: Re: My dog is sinking into the ground.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 December 20, 06:58:39
Sinking into the ground is caused by chain resets. Log or didn't happen.

Title: Re: My dog is sinking into the ground.
Post by: bintalshamsa on 2008 December 21, 09:30:31
Hmmm. Can someone tell me how to generate an error log?

Title: Re: My dog is sinking into the ground.
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 December 21, 15:33:01
Read the FAQ in the Podium -- the answer you seek is there for the taking...

Title: Re: My dog is sinking into the ground.
Post by: bintalshamsa on 2008 December 21, 22:59:03
I think I've correctly followed the directions about how to generate and post an error log.
Should I have posted the actual information from the log in this post?

Title: Re: My dog is sinking into the ground.
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 December 23, 16:51:23
No, attaching the log is the proper way.

Title: Re: My dog is sinking into the ground.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 December 23, 18:09:38
Your error appears to be caused by some sort of non-Awesome window, probably cloned from this "Bay Window", as the window was working fine the last time I saw it in my game. That's what you get for using shitty CC made by people who SUCK. Once again, I point the blame squarely at tight pants.

Title: Re: My dog is sinking into the ground.
Post by: Kazzandra on 2009 January 03, 22:13:09
You are currently that suck of a different colour of which you are speaking.
Read the FAQs. (,7437.0.html)