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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Winklesim on 2008 August 07, 09:42:18

Title: Zepto notebooks
Post by: Winklesim on 2008 August 07, 09:42:18
Does anyone have any comments on zepto notebooks, more specifically the Mythos/Nox A15's, and their ability to handle sims 2? I've never met anyone with a zepto computer, does anyone have any first hand experience/horror stories with these machines?
Link: (

Any other advice on notebooks that can handle the sims 2 would be welcome also...

Ta, Winkle

Title: Re: Zepto notebooks
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 August 07, 09:51:01
I've never heard of these guys, but a point against them immediately is their use of Windoze as a webserver. They clearly know nothing about computers and cannot be trusted.

Title: Re: Zepto notebooks
Post by: Annan on 2008 August 07, 11:11:00
Mr Kofi has a Zepto notebook, though it is not the Mythos. Apparently, they buy their noname laptops from the same factories that produce laptops for other companies. Compal, they're called. Mr Kofi has had some issues with overheating with his Zepto, and had to clock it down to make it stop. I dunno, I wouldn't get a Zepto, but perhaps they are better now - his is a year old.

I would also never get a laptop for gaming. They overheat. No matter what the manufacturers say, laptops are not meant for gaming.

Title: Re: Zepto notebooks
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 August 07, 11:30:30
It depends on the laptop. Mine doesn't overheat, but it also weighs in at an extremely portable 42 pounds with an impressive battery life of one-half of ten minutes. The miniature wussy laptops always overheat, though. That's why you need a big, heavy one. Plus, we know you're a little scrawny pencil-necked dork. Hefting your laptop is probably the only exercise you ever get, so you may as well make it worth it.

Title: Re: Zepto notebooks
Post by: Winklesim on 2008 August 08, 09:41:16
I know notebooks are hardly ideal for gaming, but buying a laptop is the most convenient solution to a string of problems right now including finding the space to put a hulking great desktop unit.

If you wouldn't buy a zepto Annan (or anyone else), what else would you consider?

Title: Re: Zepto notebooks
Post by: Annan on 2008 August 08, 11:17:45
I know notebooks are hardly ideal for gaming, but buying a laptop is the most convenient solution to a string of problems right now including finding the space to put a hulking great desktop unit.

If you wouldn't buy a zepto Annan (or anyone else), what else would you consider?

I just got an Asus M51SE-AS120C. It is shiny and has a duo core as well as a dedicated graphics card, but I would never, ever, play a game on it. I fried my last laptop by playing TS2 on it - the graphics card died a slow fiery death which gave me a permanent heat rash on my thigh, before totally crapping out. It took a year for it to die after I started to play TS2 on it.

Desktops aren't all that big, nowadays. You might not be able to carry it, but it won't take up a room.

Title: Re: Zepto notebooks
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 August 08, 11:22:00
Squareish desktop towers actually consume very little actual space because they are stackable surfaces. In fact, you can create more "space" using them by using them as structural supports for shelves. If you're really that hard up for space, what the hell are you DOING with all that space?

Title: Re: Zepto notebooks
Post by: Winklesim on 2008 August 09, 00:41:48
Heh, the apartment i'm about to move into has midget sized bedrooms (literally space for a bed only) and the communal space is not really an ideal spot for a desk/computer when you share with 3 other people.

Thanks for the advice Annan, i guess i'll re-think my options before rushing out to buy a laptop.

Title: Re: Zepto notebooks
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 August 09, 02:03:01
The solution is obviously to lose the bed and give up sleep.