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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: MissDoh on 2005 November 02, 17:20:04

Title: Today is a really sad day
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 02, 17:20:04
I know this is not Sims related at all but I need to share this with some people and since all of you are kind and nice I thought it was ok to do so in here.

I have a 12 year old female cat which have big kidneys problem which works at only 20%.  We took her to the vet last week, they ran some test and told us that she was in a really bad shape.  They took good care of her and gave her the appropriate treatman but after they ran other test on her, they mention that she only a had a 10% of survival.  They suggest we take her home to see if in her regular environment she would eat and feel better since eventhough it is a small percentage it is better than nothing. 

So we took her back home Monday, she ate a bit, drank a bit I was overwhelmed and happy.  We have to give her a pill everyday but this is not a problem and a very small price to pay to have her with us, there was also other treatment to do but we did not mind at all.

This morning when I woke up she had been sick and did not kept the food she ate the day before....  :'(  Which means there is no hope anymore).  Tonight I have to take her to vet and give her an euthanasia.... I am demolish but I know it is the only proper thing to do.

Sorry I had to share this I don't want to make you all sad but I needed to share it... If you feel like it, have a thought for me and my cat "Doudoune" tonight, I am sure I will feel it.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 02, 17:24:00
That's really too bad about your cat.  I've had to put cats down before and it was an incredibly difficult thing to do.  :(  I feel your pain.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Inge on 2005 November 02, 17:24:39
I understand what you're going through, we went through similar with our own cat two years ago.  It's awful when you are counting down the last hours of a pet's life.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: gypsylady on 2005 November 02, 17:27:47
Awwww Missdoh I know how you feel I too have had pets that are like family and we love them as we love our children. I have also had to make the right choice for the pet.I am sorry you and your kitty has to go through this .You both will be in my prayers.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Akharra on 2005 November 02, 17:28:02
I, too, feel your pain. May you and your beloved friend be surrounded by love. My prayers are with both of you. Big hug!

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: striker on 2005 November 02, 17:30:03
I know the feeling.  Last year we had to put down my wife's Rottweiler.  She was an inside dog and I got closer to her than any other pet i have ever had.  She had cancer and we had her on steroids for a while but it got to where we had to make a choice.  Was having her with us worth all the pain she was going through. 

Remember all the good times and the pain will pass.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: rohina on 2005 November 02, 17:31:51
Poor you. It is the hard part about having pets, but then if we didn't adore them so much, it wouldn't be so painful. I went through this exact scenario with one of my favourite cats ever a couple of years ago, so I really feel for you, Missdoh.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Andygal on 2005 November 02, 17:34:08
I am sorry.

When I was 11 my dad's cat Rufus had to be put down. He'd been sick with thyriod problems for a while and it finally got too bad and he had to be put down.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 November 02, 17:53:53
I'm so sorry Missdoh. We had to have our 18 yr old cat put to sleep two years ago because he had cancer. It is very hard to watch their health deteriorate like that and the only thing you can do is end their suffering. You have my sympathy but please know, you are doing the right, humane thing.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 02, 17:59:49
Thank you all for your kind words, it helps me a lot dealing with it.

I have 2 other cats home, one is 16 years old and one is 3 years old, they will give me comfort tonight. :)  The house will feel less empty knowing they will be there waiting for me... *sight*

She did have a really nice life and I have good memories of her... this does ease the pain.  And like said, I know it is the only human thing to do.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Ms.Perception on 2005 November 02, 18:06:58
I understand how you feel because I'm going through a similiar situation right now with my cat. She's 13 years old, with bad kidneys and skin allergies. The vet has us giving her pills every single day, but I had a really bad scare about two months ago. I can't imagine the pain you're going through right now and I feel for you MissDoh. I'm not really big with prayer, but my thoughts are with you and your kitty tonight.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: twojeffs on 2005 November 02, 18:15:03
I feel for you Missdoh. I've been though the same thing several times over the years with pets and it's never easy. I will probably be going through it again soon as well, I've got an 18yr old cat that is starting to go downhill quickly.  :(

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 02, 18:20:02
I feel for you Missdoh.  My aunt is going through this now with her dogs, and even though my dog is still quite young, I dread the day I know is coming the closer I get to her.  We had a dog years ago that we decided to have euthanized, although she was more my mom's dog, she was a part of the family.  We grew up together.  My mom and I still remember the good times we had with her.  I tell myself to just enjoy it for now, that the years of love and the good times shared will make it worth it, and my dog is very happy.  I am glad that I can provide that for her in return for the unconditional love she has given me.   :'(

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Marvelleaux on 2005 November 02, 18:27:28
That is very sad news.  A cuddle to both you and your furry friend.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 02, 18:50:48
You know, I used to be really against euthanising animals until our dog got really terribly ill and was in great pain and I couldn't bear to watch him like that so my family finally decided to have him euthanised. It was a heartwrenching decision so I feel for you. No matter what choice you make, you feel terrible. Let them live a little longer and they suffer, have them euthanised and you feel responsible for killing them. Ultimately I just couldn't bear to see someone I cared about in pain. :(

Sorry to hear about your poor kitty.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: JadeEliott on 2005 November 02, 18:51:22
My thoughts and prayers go out to you...and your little one. I have three furbabies too, and I would be devastated, inconsolable, if one of my fur-family passed on. :-(



Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Renatus on 2005 November 02, 18:53:55
It is always difficult to lose a good friend. My thoughts are with you.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 02, 19:31:45
This thread seriously gets me choked up. I have two cats who are like my children, and, although they are very healthy, they are both 12 years old now. I'm hoping they'll be with me for a long while. I can't bear to think of the day when they won't be.

I used to be a vet tech, and that made me more comfortable with the idea of euthanasia. I never got used to seeing it, but then neither do most veterinarians. I've seen the vets get choked up many times. It's always a sad thing, but rest assured that your cat won't suffer. It's a very peaceful way to go.


Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: JenW on 2005 November 02, 19:32:44
(((hugs))) I have two kitties myself, I have an idea of how much this must hurt :( Hang in there.


Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Wolfee on 2005 November 02, 19:39:44
Oh Missdoh. I'm so sorry. I know the pain you're going through. I went through it four years ago when my beloved dog passed away. Believe me you're doing the right thing. I only wish I had, believe me it's a hundred times better what you are doing than waking up one morning and finding him/her dead because you didn't want to let go .  I kept hoping he'd get better because he was all I had.  He was like my child.I was devastated.

The days will get better for you, two things that helped me were reading the rainbow bridge poem :     and reading stories from others that had pets pass on. It was very comforting knowing I wasn't alone.

My prayers are with you

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: hyperCat on 2005 November 02, 19:48:26
I'm so sorry, Missdoh. I had to put my 16 year old cat to sleep and it was the hardest, most painful thing I've ever done. You're in my thoughts.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 02, 19:58:03
I understand how you feel because I'm going through a similiar situation right now with my cat. She's 13 years old, with bad kidneys and skin allergies. The vet has us giving her pills every single day, but I had a really bad scare about two months ago. I can't imagine the pain you're going through right now and I feel for you MissDoh. I'm not really big with prayer, but my thoughts are with you and your kitty tonight.

I am sorry to read this, I send plenty of good vibrations to you and your cat.  I sure hope for you your cat will feel better.  The good thing is that the vet mentionned to me that she is not suffering so at least this is a good news....

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 02, 20:02:45
Oh Missdoh. I'm so sorry. I know the pain you're going through. I went through it four years ago when my beloved dog passed away. Believe me you're doing the right thing. I only wish I had, believe me it's a hundred times better what you are doing than waking up one morning and finding him/her dead because you didn't want to let go .  I kept hoping he'd get better because he was all I had.  He was like my child.I was devastated.

The days will get better for you, two things that helped me were reading the rainbow bridge poem :     and reading stories from others that had pets pass on. It was very comforting knowing I wasn't alone.

My prayers are with you

Thanks for this link, I will go take a look at it right now.  And yes it is really cumforting to read all your messages, I feel less alone right now... I just have to go through this day.  Tonight when I come home I will take good care and spend all my time with my "Doudoune".  Unfortunately I don't have any picture of her I can show you, well only paper ones which is not very useful.

Thanks for the hugs, prayers and thoughts you are all great, I return them all back X100

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 02, 20:08:26
I have walked in your shoes and had to put a cat I owned to sleep before and she wasnt old but she had been. beaten by some neighborhood kids who had locked her   ina shed ,she finally escaped and came home a day or so later .we took her to the vet who did all he could for her and we took her home followed the instructions to the the letter but still she worrsened and startted to go into shock and was in terrible pain.So I took her back to thevet and he gave her  a shot and she still refused to give up.the vet had to give her a secpnd shot and when she still continued to fight that shot the vet told me that until I told her it was ok for her to let go she would continue to fight the shots..I'm sure he was gulping back tears that dau so I did as he told me and my cat took a couple of shallow breaths and then one deep one and it was all over for her. I cried  and still miss her but I know I did the right thoughts and prayers will be with you Missdoh

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 02, 20:21:17
Aww, Bangelnuts, that's so sad.  :'(

People can be so wretched to animals (watch, you'll see their names listed as Most Wanted Serial Killer later in life).

My mother's cat currently has kidney problems, which they discovered when they had to do an operation for a broken leg, and I had a cat previously that was only about 3 years old when he developed kidney problems.  It got bad very quickly as he started to be unable to walk.  I took him to the vet and held him when they euthanized him, and he never broke eye contact with me.  But, it was the most humane thing for him. 

You're doing the right thing, Missdoh.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 02, 20:51:10
I'm not good at finding the right comforting words to say, so


Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 02, 20:54:06
I have walked in your shoes and had to put a cat I owned to sleep before and she wasnt old but she had been. beaten by some neighborhood kids who had locked her   ina shed ,she finally escaped and came home a day or so later .we took her to the vet who did all he could for her and we took her home followed the instructions to the the letter but still she worrsened and startted to go into shock and was in terrible pain.So I took her back to thevet and he gave her  a shot and she still refused to give up.the vet had to give her a secpnd shot and when she still continued to fight that shot the vet told me that until I told her it was ok for her to let go she would continue to fight the shots..I'm sure he was gulping back tears that dau so I did as he told me and my cat took a couple of shallow breaths and then one deep one and it was all over for her. I cried  and still miss her but I know I did the right thoughts and prayers will be with you Missdoh

Oh, God. That makes me so angry I could cry.  What happened to the kids? I hoped they faced some serious consequences for that. If not, tell me where they live.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Rascal on 2005 November 02, 20:57:11
Oh Missdoh - you poor thing.  Reading this thread has got me all teary - and Bangelnuts your post made me furious - I hope those kids got what they deserved!  I have two 12 year old cats myself and can't bear the thought of losing them - they were my first babies, before I had any human ones.  Hugs for both of you.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: PlaidSquirrel on 2005 November 02, 21:02:50
Gosh you guys have all made me cry. It is nice to know however that we are surrounded by animal lovers here.
MissDoh my thoughts will be with you as well. Losing a pet is always hard no matter what the circumstances.

I have three cats and three dogs but no kids. One of my dogs passed away very suddenly this last summer and we were so upset we actually sent her off to have a necropsy done to find out why. She had seemed so happy and healthy just earlier that same day. She had hemoragic gastroenteritis. Apparently it can happen very suddenly as it did with Coconut. I felt like my child had died and there was a lot of guilt over not realizing anything was wrong but it did get better. Plus I know she was very happy and we always did our very best for her.

Also as others have said people can be sorry bastards. I don't even want to think about all the cruel things I have personally known people to do to animals. It makes me sick and is one thing that can actually inspire me to truly Hate another human being. The worst part is knowing that usually they don't suffer for it at all. But sometimes they do. Once my cousin saw a guy throw a kitten from his car into traffic. She ran him off the road and beat the tar out of him when he said it was none of her buisiness (she's a big gal) and another driver pulled over and asked if she minded if he took over. She said sure and left them there. (i did not witness this event myself but only heard about it later.)

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2005 November 02, 21:05:31
So sorry to hear about your beloved pet, Missdoh.  I've been there myself with pets over the years, and it is hard at first but it gets better.  I have 2 kitties now myself and dread the day they will have to be laid to rest.

Bangelnuts, I really feel for you.  That had to have been really hard for both of you.  I can't imagine having to go through that with either a human or an animal family member.  I cried reading your post, so I know that had to be one of the worst moments of your life.

My heart goes out to both of you.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: reggikko on 2005 November 02, 21:07:11
Missdoh...I am so very sorry about your cat. I Had to put one of my little rats down a couple of weeks ago and I know what an agonizing decision this is for you. Pets become part of our families and only people who have loved an animal with their whole hearts can understand this. Be comforted by the fact that your gave your little minou a wonderful life, filled with love.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 02, 21:23:44
I have walked in your shoes and had to put a cat I owned to sleep before and she wasnt old but she had been. beaten by some neighborhood kids who had locked her   ina shed ,she finally escaped and came home a day or so later .we took her to the vet who did all he could for her and we took her home followed the instructions to the the letter but still she worrsened and startted to go into shock and was in terrible pain.So I took her back to thevet and he gave her  a shot and she still refused to give up.the vet had to give her a secpnd shot and when she still continued to fight that shot the vet told me that until I told her it was ok for her to let go she would continue to fight the shots..I'm sure he was gulping back tears that dau so I did as he told me and my cat took a couple of shallow breaths and then one deep one and it was all over for her. I cried  and still miss her but I know I did the right thoughts and prayers will be with you Missdoh

Oh my god, I sure hope my Doudoune won't make go through to this tonight, but I have to be there to comfort her and let her feel it is ok to go.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: virgali on 2005 November 02, 21:29:11
Well, I never had been through a situation like this, but I did lose pets in the past. I think it's hard when they pass away no matter the cause. No matter what happens tho, you have the wonderful moments to cherish.
I whish you a lot of strength going through these difficult times.


Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: reggikko on 2005 November 02, 21:32:38

Oh my god, I sure hope my Doudoune won't make go through to this tonight, but I have to be there to comfort her and let her feel it is ok to go.

Missdoh, it is usually very peaceful and over within a few seconds. Your vet should give you as much time as you need before the shot is given to cuddle and say your goodbye.

One thing that I would like to mention that has been comforting to me is having a pet cremated. I used to think people were crazy for doing this, but it does help with the grieving process, much like a funeral would for a human (I would say person, but I believe our pets are persons, too). It is a final gesture of love and respect for all the love your pet has given you. I know that many people may not have the means, but if you do you, it does help ease the pain.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Baa on 2005 November 02, 21:41:26
Missdoh, sorry about your cat. It is most unfortunate to have to put a cat to rest, even though I haven't had to, I know what you're going through. I like cats, because they are mostly nicer and less roudy than dogs. We had a cat at the old apartment. She was a fat and furry cat. Although very mean (she attacked legs a lot) and she tore up furniture, and shed a lot, I was still upset when my mom told us we were giving her away when we moved to the new apartment. We had gotten new furniture and my mom didnt want it tore up from the cat again. I'm unsure of where she is now, but my Aunt took her to some place where she'll find a good home, and won't sit in a cage for days. It's just so sad to imagine what she went through the first few days. Imagine not knowning where you are or where your owners are, where you're going. . I dunno it makes me sad and I really didn't like giving her away. But I had no say in it. ..

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: kewian on 2005 November 02, 22:27:14
I am so sorry about your kitty.  There is nothing harder or more loving to do than to ease someone's suffering.  Im not sure what to say but my thoughts are with you.  just take it day by day.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: GloamingMerle on 2005 November 02, 22:50:48
Missdoh: I don't pray, but I will be thinking about you and your Doudoune. The death of a loved one is always hard, regardless of whether they have four legs or two. My mum and I become sobbing messes whenever one of our rats die. They don't have a very long lifespan, but oh how they steal your heart away if you give them a chance. Be sure to give your other kitties extra hugs, not only because it'll make you feel better, but because they'll be upset too. After a pet dies, I like to let the remaining animals smell anything that the other has touched after death, especially when the said pet had to be euthanized outside of the home. That way they'll know what happened rather than wondering where they are.

Bangelnuts: That had to be an extremely traumatic experience for both you and your dear cat. How anyone can do that to an animal, I don't know. What's more frustrating is that the assailants rarely get punished for their actions. In murder cases, what the families want most is for the person or persons responsible to be punished for their actions. Unfortunately, the justice system doesn't hold the murder of pets very highly. It's very rare for people who cruelly torture an animal to death to even receive a year in prison. Usually it's just a fine... At least that's the case in the U.S... I don't know where you're from. It sickens me that people can so easily get away with treating a feeling, thinking creature in such a barbaric manner, and that the equivalent of a pet's life in the eyes of justice is a year of prison, or a fine. *huff* I need to stop before I get ahead of myself... I'm very passionate about animal rights, so don't get me started.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Emma on 2005 November 02, 23:14:26
So sorry about your cat :( I had to do the same thing with my dog about 5 years ago, so I know how you feel.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: MsMaria on 2005 November 02, 23:26:39
I am so sorry MisDoh for your pain. My thoughts are with you tonight. My sweet Lizzie (a Maltese) had to be put to sleep in January and I miss her every single day. I'm glad you have other pets to comfort you at this time. Hang in there.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Velax on 2005 November 03, 01:01:19
I feel your pain, Missdoh. I have a 19-year-old cat. We got her when I was six, so she's grown up with me, and when you've had a cat that long, she's not a pet or even a friend anymore, she's a member of the family. Even my dad, who doesn't like cats at all, loves her. She's still relatively healthy, but given her age we know we'll probably lose her soon, so I can sympathise with what you're going through.

Just remember all the good and funny times you had together (I still have my first-year university books with the front pages all clawed, because Smokey somehow figured out that paper being shredded was the only noise that would wake me when she wanted to go out in the morning), and keep all your photos of her so you'll never forget (not that you could anyway, but physical memories help keep the mental ones sharp). You're in our thoughts.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 03, 01:19:08
Doudoune is now in cat heaven.  She went away in peace with all her beloved ones around her and her favorite toys.

I will miss you Doudoune but will see you later...

Thank you all I did feel your support in this hard time  :-*

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 03, 01:21:15
 :'( Oh poor kitty. At least she's not suffering or in pain anymore.

I'm sorry for your loss. I know some people scoff at viewing pets as family members but to me they very much are.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 03, 01:30:00
Doudoune is now in cat heaven.  She went away in peace with all her beloved ones around her and her favorite toys.

I will miss you Doudoune but will see you later...

Thank you all I did feel your support in this hard time  :-*
as sad as it is you did the right thing for her she isnt suffering anymore. Im sure she is romping and playing in kitty heaven now

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 03, 02:17:59
Doudoune is now in cat heaven.  She went away in peace with all her beloved ones around her and her favorite toys.

I will miss you Doudoune but will see you later...

Thank you all I did feel your support in this hard time  :-*

* HUGS * 

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: cabelle on 2005 November 03, 04:55:29
Doudoune is now in cat heaven.  She went away in peace with all her beloved ones around her and her favorite toys.

I will miss you Doudoune but will see you later...

Thank you all I did feel your support in this hard time  :-*

I'm so sorry for your loss and wish that there was more comfort I could give than to let you know you're in my thoguhts. I firmly believe you will be with your furry kindred spirit someday again.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Jewel on 2005 November 03, 05:30:46
Aw, I am so sorry about your kitty Miss.  I had to put mine down a few years ago for the same type of disease.  When I had him put to sleep he weighed about 11 lbs so he had lost 7 lbs in the previous year, he was a big cat.   However, when he lost interest in life to the point where all he did was sleep it was time to let you.  It was a very brave thing to do that for your cat.  hugs, Jewel

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Kyna on 2005 November 03, 10:21:12

My 12 year old cat, Tigger, was put to sleep this time last year.  I still miss him, even though I have two other cats (like you, one cat is older and the other is much younger). 

I always thought the oldest cat would be the one to go first, for the last few years we've been saying 'this will probably be her last spring' ... but she keeps on keeping on.  It kinda took me by surprise when the second oldest cat was the one that needed to be put to sleep.

Tigger was in so much pain at the end and I was very upset to see him in that much pain.  I'm comforted by the knowledge that his pain is over. 

Some relatives of mine (who don't have pets) couldn't understand why my adult kids and I were so upset - those relatives tried to tell me he was only an animal, but I knew better.  Tigger was a four-legged furry family member.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 November 03, 10:58:04
I have walked in your shoes and had to put a cat I owned to sleep before and she wasnt old but she had been. beaten by some neighborhood kids who had locked her   ina shed ,she finally escaped and came home a day or so later .we took her to the vet who did all he could for her and we took her home followed the instructions to the the letter but still she worrsened and startted to go into shock and was in terrible pain.So I took her back to thevet and he gave her  a shot and she still refused to give up.the vet had to give her a secpnd shot and when she still continued to fight that shot the vet told me that until I told her it was ok for her to let go she would continue to fight the shots..I'm sure he was gulping back tears that dau so I did as he told me and my cat took a couple of shallow breaths and then one deep one and it was all over for her. I cried  and still miss her but I know I did the right thoughts and prayers will be with you Missdoh

This makes me so mad I could go and wring their wretched little necks. It is beyond me that some sick, twisted liittle shites manage to torture a defenceless creature to the point of death. It makes me wonder how they treat people if ther is no compassion for a creature that does no more than to provide affection and company for its owner. I hope they were caught, Bangelnuts. Belated hugs.

Missdoh, I have had many cats and lost many too. Each of them was special and brought great joy to me and whoever knew them. At the moment I have four healthy girls, who I adore and will miss sorely when their time comes. HUGS.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: DrBeast on 2005 November 03, 12:04:56
I've often been asked why I don't have a dog by people who know me and my affection for these animals. The answer is simple: I had a dog once. It was ran over by a car in New Year's Day 1998. On our way to the vet I examined him quickly in the car and I knew, though I was just a 3rd year student at that time, that he wouldn't make it. The vet gave him a painkiller and gave me a look that confirmed my diagnosis. Shattered pelvis, ruptured kidneys. No way for Svenson to get out of this. He passed away a couple of hours later. He was 7. I won't go through this again.
I'm really sorry for your loss Missdoh.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: cwieberdink on 2005 November 03, 13:18:57
I am so sorry Missdoh.  I had a 16 year old Siamese cat that was my good friend.  She had to be put down at the end also.  The vet gave her a shot and I held her on my lap, bawling like she used to, while her heart just. slowly. stopped.  She had no pain.  It was peaceful.  But I cried for days.   :'(


Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: Lynda on 2005 November 03, 13:51:50
I'm so sorry for your loss Missdoh.  My mom recently had to put down her 10 year old cat (who we got when I was in high school) for similar reasons.  He lived a very happy life up (albeit he always had health problems) up until the very end.   I hope you can take comfort in the fact that you gave Doudoune the best life she could have possibly had.

I have an 11 year old cat myself and although she doesn't have any major health problems yet, I'm not holding out hope that she'll live for more than another few years.  The hardest part of being the caretaker for a pet with a typically short lifespan is knowing you only have a limited amount of time with them before you have to say good-bye.

Title: Re: Today is a really sad day
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 03, 15:08:56

My 12 year old cat, Tigger, was put to sleep this time last year.  I still miss him, even though I have two other cats (like you, one cat is older and the other is much younger). 

I always thought the oldest cat would be the one to go first, for the last few years we've been saying 'this will probably be her last spring' ... but she keeps on keeping on.  It kinda took me by surprise when the second oldest cat was the one that needed to be put to sleep.

Tigger was in so much pain at the end and I was very upset to see him in that much pain.  I'm comforted by the knowledge that his pain is over. 

Some relatives of mine (who don't have pets) couldn't understand why my adult kids and I were so upset - those relatives tried to tell me he was only an animal, but I knew better.  Tigger was a four-legged furry family member.

This is exactly how I felt, actually we wanted a 3rd cat because I did not wanted my Doudoune to be alone when my oldest (Ti-Mine) would go away though he is still in great shape right now, I know now that he can get in bad shape really fast.  We only had 1 week to do something about Doudoune, that was really fast.  I stayed with Doudoune 'til the end and don't regret what I decided though I am sad, the vet reconfirmed to me yesterday it was the best decision to take.

When I came back home, I make my 2 other cats smell my hands, they look at me with a troubled face but they seem to understand what happened.  An hour later they both came to me and rub my legs and purr, it was so cute they were trying to comfort me.  My youngest (Ti-Pou)  spend the night in our bed close to my legs in a little furry ball, that was all I needed to have a good night sleep.

I feel better this morning thanks to all of you for listening to me and understanding the pain I am going through and sharing your experience, you're giving me the courage and strength to go through this, I still feel your energy this morning.

I was happily surprise to see how many pet lovers we have on this board.

Now let's turn the page and talk about something that is a little more happy shall we  :)