More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: jharrower on 2008 July 08, 23:55:35

Title: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: jharrower on 2008 July 08, 23:55:35
I was playing yesterday, and when I click on my Sim, he has no attraction towards his wife. When I click on her to "Check Sim Out" I got this weird error about Attraction Markers. I removed downloads, removed hacks, updated hacks, I honestly have no idea what's going on with him. Help please! Error Log attached.

Title: Re: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: Madame Mim on 2008 July 09, 00:23:18
Download Pescado's FFSdebugger and go into the Sims lot. Select him, buy the FFS, click on it and Nuke - Attraction Markers. They get corrupt sometimes.

Title: Re: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: jharrower on 2008 July 09, 00:33:50
I did that already. It didn't work, he kept getting the same error.

Title: Re: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: Madame Mim on 2008 July 09, 00:36:14
Bugger. OK, sorry, but you'll have to wait for someone more awesome than me to come around.

Title: Re: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 July 09, 00:39:00
Once again, I point the blame squarely at tight pants. It doesn't match an error produced by anything I've ever seen HERE.

Title: Re: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: jharrower on 2008 July 09, 00:49:07
Does that mean you don't know how to fix it? I'm confused.  :-\

Title: Re: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 July 09, 00:55:26
It means I have no idea what you did to cause it, plus it's a LUA error, and I don't think it matches standard codes, meaning something non-Awesome is present.

Title: Re: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: Madame Mim on 2008 July 09, 01:20:06
Ah, well, there you go. If it isn't a Pescado mod you won't get any help here. Try going to Simbology - - somebody there might be able to help you.

Title: Re: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: jharrower on 2008 July 09, 01:20:38
I swear I didn't do anything- I recolored some hairs, and he wrote a novel. Those are the only two things- oh, and I downloaded bedsidefix and biotechfix from here.

Title: Re: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: Simmerqueen on 2008 July 09, 19:05:31
Do you have wfsanity?  I had trouble with that one because I don't have FT and the updated FT version was in the Seasons hack folder, so it was calling for code my game couldn't produce.  I ditched it - no more attraction errors.   ;)

Title: Re: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: jharrower on 2008 July 10, 00:15:26
No, I don't Simmerqueen. I don't even know what that is, to be honest.

Title: Re: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 July 10, 00:49:53
Do you have wfsanity?  I had trouble with that one because I don't have FT and the updated FT version was in the Seasons hack folder, so it was calling for code my game couldn't produce.  I ditched it - no more attraction errors.   ;)
This error is not in any kind of related tree. If you experience an error with it in Seasons, attach the error log so I can look at it. That issue has probably already been fixed, though.

Title: Re: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: jharrower on 2008 July 10, 03:52:00
But do you know *why* it happened? I killed him after awhile, but I want to make sure it doesn't happen again/with any other Sim.

Title: Re: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: Simmerqueen on 2008 July 10, 16:17:12
No, I don't Simmerqueen. I don't even know what that is, to be honest.
It's a mod (wants/fears sanity) that helps to stomp some of more annoying wants and fears, for ex. the want to play with someone who isn't present, or the fear of being caught cheating when there is no history of such, etc.  It's a nice annoyance remover, but not one of my personal must-haves.  You'll find the longer you play that certain things you just can't tolerate in game-play while the next person will barely be aware they are going on.   ::) 

You probably didn't need to kill off your Sim (unless you're into that  ;D), as there is usually a solution to most problems if you are patient, ask enough questions and provide enough info for people to go on.  As to the "why" of things happening in this game, it isn't always possible to know because everyone's experience varies so widely according to your configuration, CC, and what planets are in retrograde this week :D.  For example, the Numenor coatrack that half the free world uses in their games with 0 problems nearly destroyed a 4-generation hood of mine not too long ago.  Go figure...  :P

Title: Re: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: jharrower on 2008 July 10, 17:55:51
Thanks for the advice Simmerqueen. I thought that the people here would be able to help, but I guess not.  :-\

ETA: I thought about what Pescado said, so I removed my non awesome hacks, and it still happened. I reread the Error thing and it said Attraction Score, rather than Attraction Marker. I had just given him the Secondary Aspiration of Knowledge, making him Fortune/Knowledge and his wife Fortune/Popularity. Maybe that's part of the problem?

Title: Re: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: Simmerqueen on 2008 July 11, 12:56:44
There are other forums, one of which you have already been given the link to earlier in this thread.  Keep looking until you find one that feels like a good fit for you.   ;)

As for the secondary aspirations, like I said earlier I don't have Free Time so I don't have experience with those issues specifically but it does not seem likely that using a functionality as it was designed to be used within the EP should in itself cause problems.  However, the game trying to calculate attraction score and throwing errors is a well-known result of coding issues in one way or another but I'm certainly not qualified to say exactly how that is occurring. 

I'm not sure from reading your posts, but at some point did you actually remove every hack and piece of CC from your game?  You said you removed downloads, removed hacks, updated hacks, etc., but at some point did you try just a plain vanilla game?  And if you did, did the errors still happen?  If you haven't tried this, you definitely need to.  Also, is your game patched?

Title: Re: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: leaths on 2008 July 11, 14:34:44
ETA: I thought about what Pescado said, so I removed my non awesome hacks, and it still happened. I reread the Error thing and it said Attraction Score, rather than Attraction Marker. I had just given him the Secondary Aspiration of Knowledge, making him Fortune/Knowledge and his wife Fortune/Popularity. Maybe that's part of the problem?

I'm thinking, and this is just a thought based off of what I know from the other thread at boolprop, that assigning his secondary aspiration may have been the problem since you didn't have the aspiration critical fix in at the time. Since you've killed him, we might never know, but I'm wondering now if reseting his aspirations with the Renu-U-Orb or whatever it's called might have fixed the problem. Can you rez him to find out or are you done with all of this already?

Title: Re: Sim Error- Attraction Marker?
Post by: jharrower on 2008 July 12, 23:17:55
In response to Simmerqueen, I did play a vanilla game- I removed my entire downloads folder, and it still happened.

Leaths, I did try to change his aspiration, but the game wouldn't let me- I kept generating error logs, asking me to reset, I just gave up. I'll try again though.

ETA: It worked! I resurrected him, and had him change his aspiration, and it worked, he stopped glitching, he can interact with his wife, and I stopped getting error logs. Thanks for the suggestion Leaths! :D