Title: What is NREF (Name Reference) and CREG (Content Registry) in object files? Post by: Lord Darcy on 2008 March 29, 08:05:02 While browsing through preorder objects in SimPE, I noticed that official EAxis objects have CREG (Content Registry), which does not exist in custom objects. Instead, they are missing NREF (Name Reference), which can always be found in custom objects cloned by SimPE.
What are the functions of NREF and CREG then? CREG looks like an unnecessary resource. Can I delete CREG safely from EAxian objects? Title: Re: What is NREF (Name Reference) and CREG (Content Registry) in object files? Post by: Inge on 2008 March 29, 08:12:05 I've deleted NREF from my work at random and that doesn't seem to make any difference either. The few people who have attempted to explain to me what it's for have spouted random meaningless gobbledygook at me (well at least that's how it sounds to me)
Title: Re: What is NREF (Name Reference) and CREG (Content Registry) in object files? Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 29, 08:16:15 Well, NREF appears in Error logs as "in XXXX" when a BHAV stack passes through. Other than that, its functionality is unknown.