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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: witch on 2008 March 21, 23:50:20

Title: Where is the career data located in Castaways?
Post by: witch on 2008 March 21, 23:50:20
I'm thinking about making some custom careers, specifically the castaway careers for sims 2. Bidou's careers editor in SimPE looks good and seems to be working for me.

I also have the hack that makes horses/horse and carts come instead of cars which I haven't yet tested.

Plus I believe JM has a 'walk to work'? Or did I just dream that because I want it so much?

All I need to do is find the career data in Castaways.

Each of the 20 odd tutorials I've found, all start from the base career template, the only other thing I found was going in through a sim's character data. Is there a better way?