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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: cenoura on 2008 March 16, 14:51:48

Title: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: cenoura on 2008 March 16, 14:51:48
Does anybody know if there are features from other expansions that have been carried over into Free-Time? For example, the influence meter was carried over from Uni into Nightlife so that if you installed Nightlife without Uni then the meter still became part of the game.

What I'm really interested in is if the new turn-ons from Bon Voyage were carried over, as I can't see myself buying that EP any time soon.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: purplehaze on 2008 March 16, 15:39:51
The turn ons/offs were carried over as was 'walk to lot'. I also noticed the beddings from BV are included in FT.  How do I know this you ask? I didn't put BV on this computer (vacation home) but did install FT.  There are probably more that I am missing for lack of playing time.

ETA: Jewelry was carried forward also, although I haven't used the option.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: bowrain on 2008 March 16, 15:49:37
But if I'm not mistaken not all the BV jewelry included in FT.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 March 16, 17:05:09
But if I'm not mistaken not all the BV jewelry included in FT.

Right -- it has the regular hood jewelry, but not the special pieces you can buy in each vacation hood.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: speedreader on 2008 March 16, 17:22:07
I haven't tried it, but the guide says Community Lot Weddings was also carried over.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 16, 17:41:34
Anything that was inherent to an object would be carried over, as would anything that was part of the "engine". Textures, unique meshed objects, subhood types, critters, and uniforms would not.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: Sleepycat on 2008 March 17, 23:50:51
features carried forward:

Attraction/Chemistry -NL
Cars and driveways - NL
change lot name - OFB
collections enhancements - PETS
community lot weddings - BV
door lockability - OFB
flatten lot tool - PETS
frosted nightclub mirror - NL
game tip encyclopedia - PETS
give gift social - Seasons
gypsy - NL
hair enhancements - Seasons
influence - Uni
inventory hotkey - Pets
inventory panel - NL
invite household interface - Pets
jewelry rack - BV
leftovers - Seasons
lifetime wants - Uni
new pool shapes - Seasons
Pleasure Asp - NL
ReNuYu Porta-Chug potion - NL
revamped collections - Pets
rotating floor tiles - Pets
Sledgehammer tool - Pets
turn ons/offs - NL
vanity functionality - Uni
walking lot transition - BV
zombie - Uni

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: madamejeanie on 2008 March 19, 18:09:25
This is so good to know!  It means that I could get rid of the pesky parts of old expansion packs and keep the very parts that I bought them for in the first place!  This is great.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: Jelenedra on 2008 March 19, 18:24:37
Hair enhancements?

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: gynarchy on 2008 March 19, 18:25:36
Changing hairstyles according to outfit maybe?

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: jolrei on 2008 March 19, 18:36:42
features carried forward:

Cars and driveways - NL
gypsy - NL
Pleasure Asp - NL
revamped collections - Pets
zombie - Uni

Are you sure about these?  I'm not totally sure about FT, but I know that with a game that had only Base, uni, and BV loaded, there was no gypsy, no driveways and cars, no pleasure aspiration, (not sure about revamped collections, but even with NL, OFB, and FT also loaded now, I am still not sure what this means - perhaps I've just missed it).

My understanding is that the gypsy, cars and driveways at least are specific to their particular EPs.  Or did FT bring forward things that BV did not?

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: Jelenedra on 2008 March 19, 19:22:32
Maybe they're counting the downloadable driveways as part of the carried over bit.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: cenoura on 2008 March 19, 20:34:08
Surely the cars and driveways and gypsy need to be carried over due to the fixing of cars and delivering of lamps in FT? I'm surprised the pleasure aspiration is included, although EA did make a big thing of the "unlocked grilled cheese aspiration" being included now. The zombies? Haven't they always been there for if you don't pay the Grim Reaper enough when pleading?

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: gynarchy on 2008 March 19, 21:18:23
It might have been easier to carry forward the Pleasure Seeker aspiration than it would have been to figure out how to exclude it as an option for people without Nightlife - Grilled Cheese too. Zombies were made if you didn't pay the Reaper enough cash when you rezzed someone with the Paranormal phone. Pleading just gave you the option to save a Sim from death. Either you beat him and the Sim lived or you lost and the Sim croaked.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: Ellatrue on 2008 March 19, 21:29:15
You can't pay the Grim Reaper anything without uni, because you don't have the reward object that comes with the uni cult/paranormal career which allows you to resurrect sims. Thus no zombies. Pleading with the reaper when they come for an accidental death won't make a zombie- they play a little game to decide if the Grim Reaper takes them or not.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: Gwill on 2008 March 20, 07:31:51
Zombies are re-introduced in FT (apparently the genie can bungle up when asked to resurrect a dead sim), but I don't think you'll get them with any other EP.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: Sleepycat on 2008 March 20, 15:14:36
features carried forward:

Cars and driveways - NL
gypsy - NL
Pleasure Asp - NL
revamped collections - Pets
zombie - Uni

Are you sure about these?  I'm not totally sure about FT, but I know that with a game that had only Base, uni, and BV loaded, there was no gypsy, no driveways and cars, no pleasure aspiration, (not sure about revamped collections, but even with NL, OFB, and FT also loaded now, I am still not sure what this means - perhaps I've just missed it).

My understanding is that the gypsy, cars and driveways at least are specific to their particular EPs.  Or did FT bring forward things that BV did not?

according to the guide  :P  they were carried forward from 'whichever' EP to Free Time.  They usually/always carry some features forward in each new EP that weren't carried forward before. 

I've been considering uninstalling Pets even though I'd have to start my hoods all over again. The only thing in Pets I'd miss are the floor dividers :P

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: Gwill on 2008 March 21, 07:52:28
The floor dividers and the cute space bedroom are the only things that keeps Pets installed on my computer too.
If any awesome creator could extract the objects from Pets, I'd throw the EP out the window.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: LizzyJ on 2008 March 21, 10:41:08
The floor dividers and the cute space bedroom are the only things that keeps Pets installed on my computer too.
If any awesome creator could extract the objects from Pets, I'd throw the EP out the window.
That's my soul reason for buying it in the first place. Floor dividers are a god-send in a two bedroom house with triplets.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: Jelenedra on 2008 March 21, 14:50:28
*laughs* That's exactly the reason I have Pets installed. Moar kiddie bed options.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: kuronue on 2008 March 25, 02:15:38
I think the gypsy was carried forward for the purpose of dropping off the lamp, wasn't she? Also, Pleasure asp because with the new 2-asp system it was probably easier.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: Gwill on 2008 March 25, 11:01:23
The gypsy carries forward to pets and seasons too (to sell curing potions).

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: gynarchy on 2008 March 25, 16:47:10
Speaking of the gypsy, does anyone know of a fix that makes her stop dropping off lamps every time she comes over? It was amusing at first but I'd like to set up some blind dates and buy a case of Vamprocillin-D now. Are the lot debugger and TJ's crystal ball the only work arounds?

Edit: I just saw in the FT Borked thread that TJ has a fix now, so uhhh nevermind!

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: rome_raven on 2008 March 25, 20:34:46
I've been considering uninstalling Pets even though I'd have to start my hoods all over again. The only thing in Pets I'd miss are the floor dividers :P

What are the floor dividers for pets because after reading all of the things that were carried over, I'm uninstalling it at first opportunity, depending on what the floor dividers are.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: kuronue on 2008 March 25, 20:51:29
The little fence things that separate areas so that they're considered separate "rooms". If you don't recognize them from that you probably don't use them - it took me forever to figure out where they were and I never used them much anyway.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: Gwill on 2008 March 25, 20:57:37
Room dividers can be very handy, among other things because they block sound, which is handy if you have one toddler sleeping while another plays with the xylophone.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: kuronue on 2008 March 25, 21:01:02
yeah, but before we had them I got into the habit of giving each sprog its own room, furnishing at first with baby stuff and then turning that into their bedroom as a child. They thus are isolated enough to not wake anyone else with their screaming or xylaphoning. Since I was used to not having them I've not used them all that much >.>

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 March 26, 00:17:53
The room dividers are great for poor sims in small houses, so the crib can be in the living room and the tv won't keep the sprog up.  They also work great for isolating pet beds the same way.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: Swiftgold on 2008 March 26, 16:31:01
The room dividers are great for poor sims in small houses, so the crib can be in the living room and the tv won't keep the sprog up.  They also work great for isolating pet beds the same way.

I don't suppose there are any hacks that prevent radios/TVs from waking pets up, are there? Realistically they shouldn't even care if there's noise, and most animals I've known love to sleep on/by the couch with you while you're watching TV, but then again, it is the Sims...

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 March 26, 17:26:09
I haven't come across any, though that would be a handy hack. My dog sleeps through anything, including the TV, radio, and thunderstorms.  But crinkle a package that sounds like food, and even if he's sleeping 2 floors away, he comes running. :)

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: jolrei on 2008 March 26, 17:31:57
I haven't come across any, though that would be a handy hack. My dog sleeps through anything, including the TV, radio, and thunderstorms.  But crinkle a package that sounds like food, and even if he's sleeping 2 floors away, he comes running. :)

Lol.  Ollie the Cat can hear a tin opener lock onto a tin of salmon from a distance of two blocks.  His time from tin opener lock-on to arrival is generally under the time it takes to finish opening the tin.  I swear, kittehs have some mysterious "get me to the fish" teleport ability.
Lock tin opener onto tin...ZOT!...and suddenly there is a purring insistent force pressed against an ankle.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: friendlyquark on 2008 March 27, 17:12:56
Been there, fed that! LOL

Even if the driveways weren't carried over, you can download them now anyway, so it doesn't really matter. But they had to have included them for the repair auto feature. I just wish that they had unlocked controlling pets in FT, so I didn't have to keep typing in "ControlPets on".  >:( I always thought it was stupid that you couldn't control your sims' pets.

Title: Re: Features from other EPs carried over into Free-Time
Post by: gynarchy on 2008 March 27, 17:31:04
You can add "boolprop ControlPets on" to your userStartup.cheat file so you don't have to type it in every time you load the game.