More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Braveheart on 2005 October 20, 15:04:09

Title: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Braveheart on 2005 October 20, 15:04:09
 :(  Man, I miss the phone hack, the autoyak hack, the baby controller hack. Any idea when these hacks (and others) will be up for download again? I know J.M. says he doesn't have the game at this point, but couldn't someone who does help him out with the updating? Go ahead rip my lips off! Go for the whole head if you like, but I believe my addiction to your hacks is actually partly your fault J.M.. If I had never tasted them, I would have never become so dependant. I will continue to wait, but man the agony is killing me. Come to think of may not have the opportunity to rip any part of me off, the agony will kill me first!

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 20, 15:30:59
They already are. ;) Well some of them. Phonehack for NL is in testing. Pretty much works okay too.

The baby controller released pre-NL seems to work fine for me and some others. YMMV

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Venusy on 2005 October 20, 15:43:05
The autoyak works in Nightlife, though with some icon weirdness (i.e. displays "Groups.../Manage Groups" or "Call.../Crank Call" instead of "Call.../Friends". There is a updated phonehack trial in the Nightlife testing ground (, and I'm not sure what's wrong with the baby controller.

EDIT: Motoki beat me to it...

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 20, 15:57:33
The autoyakyak works fine for me as does the autosocialize hack.  I really don't pay attention to the icons because they were a little weird even before NL.  The phonehack in testing for NL works well, just a few minor glitches such as sims teleporting to your lot after hanging up, which I have not experienced but a few times, and sims losing their animations when chatting on the phone.  This bug was introduced in Uni but was fixed in NL.  But it's back again and I traced it to the phonehack, but I can live with it for now. 

The baby controller works well, you just can't rotate the "eye," and you can't pick up the child directly.  You have to tell your sim to put them in the crib or to do something to the child to get them to pick them up.  I have been using Inge's new  Less autonomy baby care patch instead of Pescado's no baby harrassment, and they seem to work well together.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 20, 16:04:44
I have been using Inge's new  Less autonomy baby care patch instead of Pescado's no baby harrassment, and they seem to work well together.

I was wondering if Inge's hack worked with the baby controller so it sounds like it does. I took it out (the controller) but miss it because it has some features I like such as the IQ checker and always smart milk.

Do you also use lobonanny and if so does that work okay with Inge's hack because I know hers was supposed to effect the nanny.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Inge on 2005 October 20, 16:08:27
Oh - I'd be surprised if you could use my hack at the same time as Pescado's.  Well, I haven't looked at his code but his was so pervasive it just has to overlap in places surely?

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 20, 16:12:52
The thing with the eyeball controller is it seems like it's set up to be able to turn its functions off and on but I'm not sure if it would still overlap and conflict overwriting your functions with his (or vice versa) or you'd get his functions with it on and yours with it off.

To be honest, I still never was clear on what the distinction between the controller and no baby harassment is except that you can turn the controller on and off.

I do rather like being able to tell their "IQ" (whether they are smart milk'ed or just generally what a sim's learning speed is) and I don't know of any hack that does that other than the eyeball.  :-\

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: LynnMar on 2005 October 20, 16:23:29
me too.   I have found a subsitute for the "no baby harrasment"  I am using the "less autonamy baby care package"   but it is not as good as JM's

I am using djsnodrums, nopiano and so forth in place of the "no buskers"  ,  it can't hold a candle to JM's

I am still using JM's,   no eatcrap,  even if I am missing out on some of the downtown social eating interactions,  I am keeping it until he can update.

I wish his parents would give him his allowance for the game,  or maybe they are buying it for him for Christmas.    ;D

of course we all  deceided he was a young kid and not an old man likes he claims to be.   ;)

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Inge on 2005 October 20, 16:24:40
Perhaps I should take a look inside and see what they directly touch.  Mine patches the objects themselves - the crib, the bath, the sink and the fridge, reducing autonomy on the childcare related interactions on those.  Additionally it prevents babies and toddlers falling asleep on the floor so when you do want the parent to care for them they don't keep failing because the child has crashed out.  Basically it's just a few little tweaks that I did mainly because that's how I wanted it for my own game.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 20, 16:34:04
I thought I remember him saying his indirectly pushed sims to do certain actions. At one point I asked if it would work with your no-autonomy fridge because, I keep one in the nursery for easy access to baby bottles but got tired of people going in there for potato chips  ::) , and he said it would work with it since it pushed the action for them to get the bottle into the queue (as opposed to an autonomous action I suppose).

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 20, 16:39:08
That's what I thought, Motoki.  He said it was as if you gave the sim the instruction yourself, it's not autonomous.  I had no problem using the no autonomy fridge, but again, Inge said it didn't affect them getting bottles anyway.  I would appreciate your looking at it though, Inge, since you know more about the code.  Admittedly, I have not played toddlers extensively since installing your patch because I have been trying to graduate my YAs and get the next generation started. :)   I just played it for a while and didn't noticed any big problems at the time.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: laylei on 2005 October 20, 16:40:03
I'm using the new phone hack, and I'm constantly having people teleport to my sim's house after talking to them, even if they just call and ask if soandso is home, and I say no. However, this might actually be NL and not the hack... does anyone else have this problem?

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 20, 16:41:29
I wish his parents would give him his allowance for the game,  or maybe they are buying it for him for Christmas.    ;D

of course we all  deceided he was a young kid and not an old man likes he claims to be.   ;)

Did we?  First I've heard of this, although it would explain why he has to wait so long for the game.  Is he some sort of computer genius/boffin/nerdy-type teenager, then?  

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 20, 16:47:04
I'm using the new phone hack, and I'm constantly having people teleport to my sim's house after talking to them, even if they just call and ask if soandso is home, and I say no. However, this might actually be NL and not the hack... does anyone else have this problem?
I have not had this problem, but then again, I am using Dizzy2's autolateral phone calls hack that automatically takes care of it when sims call to talk to someone.  I also use dma sims dmaTeleporter with the Caller ID and I keep my sims so busy that I have pretty much stopped answering my sims phone, LOL.  If it's someone I want them to talk to, I'll have them call them back.  On the occasions they get away from me and answer the phone, dizzy's hack will have them either say they aren't home or put it on hold for the other sim without me having to click anything.  Then I can cancel it from their queue if I want.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Inge on 2005 October 20, 16:47:46
Nah - we all know he's in prison and the Wing Governor is still playing the game to make sure it's suitable.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Venusy on 2005 October 20, 16:54:34
I wish his parents would give him his allowance for the game,  or maybe they are buying it for him for Christmas.    ;D

of course we all  deceided he was a young kid and not an old man likes he claims to be.   ;)

Did we?  First I've heard of this, although it would explain why he has to wait so long for the game.  Is he some sort of computer genius/boffin/nerdy-type teenager, then? 
See the thread "JMP and NL (" for more conspiracy theories. I am now thinking that JM's copy of Nightlife has to go through the same process as the "Request to save Vogon grandmother from Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal" forms from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Sagana on 2005 October 20, 16:56:35
However, this might actually be NL and not the hack... does anyone else have this problem?

I have and I don't have any phone hacks in at all. I don't remember the exact circumstances, but my sim was talking to his roommate's brother on the phone and the kid appeared on the lot (standing below the porch actually... wasn't a big deal, but definately happens.

Oh, and I'm taking my chances and letting them have mobile phones, so it was a mobile.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 20, 17:03:25
I'm using the new phone hack, and I'm constantly having people teleport to my sim's house after talking to them, even if they just call and ask if soandso is home, and I say no. However, this might actually be NL and not the hack... does anyone else have this problem?

I had a problem similar to that once, but in my case I narrowed it down to the first NL version of TwoJeffs no autonomous napping mod (I believe it's since been updated).  When my sims talked on the phone the sim to which they were talking would suddenly appear next to them and they would immediately hang up the phone, then the other sim would disappear.  It was very bizarre, but once I took out the no autonomous napping everything was back to normal.

However, someone else here has said they have that problem with the new phone hack, too, so I'm guessing your problem is not the same as mine was.  In fact, I don't even know for sure why I'm posting this! LOL

At any rate, the phone hack is one I truly miss.  I'd forgotten just how difficult it is for shy sims to make friends until I didn't have it!

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 20, 17:49:18
I need to go back to Simlogical. I went there specifically for the babycare patch and got distracted with the home-schooling system, security system, etc. I forgot all about the patch. And as anyone who's read some of my recent threads knows, I certainly need some kind of baby-care management!

And why do sims keep potato chips in the refrigerator, anyway?

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 20, 17:53:53
And why do sims keep potato chips in the refrigerator, anyway?

That way no matter how long it's been since they've been bought, they won't go stale. ;)

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 20, 17:56:32
Nah - we all know he's in prison and the Wing Governor is still playing the game to make sure it's suitable.
If that's the case, he'll never get it.
And why do sims keep potato chips in the refrigerator, anyway?
That's a good question.  I guess for the same reason they keep cookies in there.  They can't keep anything but pots and pans and utensils under the counters, and they don't have any cupboards overhead.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 20, 18:06:20
And they put dishes in the dishwasher, never to be seen again...

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 20, 18:08:27
And they put dishes in the dishwasher, never to be seen again...
Yeah, I think it's a garbage disposal, not a dish washer.  It gets me when they put what looks like a full plate of lobster thermidor in there and they never have to clean it out!

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 20, 18:08:58
And they put dishes in the dishwasher, never to be seen again...

And that dishwasher is more than just a dishwasher.  It's a garbage disposal, too!

Actually, I like the way their whole dish thing works.  They put them in the dishwasher, then when they serve food they magically appear!  I wish my kitchen was that efficient! LOL

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 20, 18:14:10
Me too. From one platter springs 8 plates! And no need to rinse the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, just put them in as-is flies and all! If you don't have a dishwasher, no problem. The dishes go down the drain quite easily.

The trash compactor is kind of funny, too. If a sim tries to empty it but can't because their sim-Goddess (ahem) mistakenly deleted their trash can, he'll just drop the garbage on the floor at which point it can be put back in the trash compactor.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Braveheart on 2005 October 20, 18:17:57
Okay....out of the desperate need for a 'fix', I have downloaded the autoscocialize, the autoyak, and the baby controller. If my game blows up I will be sending it to J.M. and then at least he'll have a copy of his own to work with! and yes I rtfm.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 21, 02:21:56
He said that was Rentech.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: vecki on 2005 October 21, 02:30:39
And they put dishes in the dishwasher, never to be seen again...
Yeah, I think it's a garbage disposal, not a dish washer.  It gets me when they put what looks like a full plate of lobster thermidor in there and they never have to clean it out!

That's why it breaks so often!  The filter is overflowing with food!

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 21, 02:50:51
And they put dishes in the dishwasher, never to be seen again...
Yeah, I think it's a garbage disposal, not a dish washer.  It gets me when they put what looks like a full plate of lobster thermidor in there and they never have to clean it out!

That's why it breaks so often!  The filter is overflowing with food!
And all you need to fix it is a screwdriver!  And it can kill you!

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 21, 03:52:31
He said that was Rentech.

I can confirm that is indeed Pam's (aka Rennie or Rentech) picture. She posted it once quite some time ago on MTS2. I'm quite sure it's long since been taken down so Pescado must have archived it to his HD. Come to think of it, he probably has my picture stashed on his HD. Guess I better not piss him off or my mug could be on the front page.  :o

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 21, 04:01:57
It's not the most flattering picture, that's for sure.  Maybe that's why Rennie doesn't want anyone linking to it.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: witch on 2005 October 21, 04:12:13
I have had no problems with the phonehack and have not experienced any teleporting sims in relation to it. I don't know if I have 2jeffs no napping hack in currently, I'll have a look when I get home.

I miss autosocialise, I hadn't put it back in since NL because I assumed with new social actions available it might interfere, but by god if someone is using it without problems, that's good enough for me. Back it goes.

I miss the sleep clocks too. I play full families and the sleepclock was great for jumping a sim's queue and making them go to bed at the right time to allow them to restore energy for the next day.

And the skillinator is sorely missed. I love the way it makes sims put on a thinking cap and take it off at then end of the skill session. It's great when the skillinator takes care of the sims needs as they're skilling so I know they're not going to drop dead of hunger because I forgot to watch them.  Many clicks saved right there. Has anyone tried the skillinator in NL?

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 21, 04:24:52
I miss the sleep clocks too. I play full families and the sleepclock was great for jumping a sim's queue and making them go to bed at the right time to allow them to restore energy for the next day.

And the skillinator is sorely missed. I love the way it makes sims put on a thinking cap and take it off at then end of the skill session. It's great when the skillinator takes care of the sims needs as they're skilling so I know they're not going to drop dead of hunger because I forgot to watch them.  Many clicks saved right there. Has anyone tried the skillinator in NL?
Skillinator and sleep clock work great in NL.  Macrotastics too, with the update JM did on them so now College Rampage works.  I wouldn't have installed NL without them. :)

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 21, 12:42:24
I miss autosocialise, I hadn't put it back in since NL because I assumed with new social actions available it might interfere, but by god if someone is using it without problems, that's good enough for me. Back it goes.

I miss the sleep clocks too. I play full families and the sleepclock was great for jumping a sim's queue and making them go to bed at the right time to allow them to restore energy for the next day.

And the skillinator is sorely missed. I love the way it makes sims put on a thinking cap and take it off at then end of the skill session. It's great when the skillinator takes care of the sims needs as they're skilling so I know they're not going to drop dead of hunger because I forgot to watch them.  Many clicks saved right there. Has anyone tried the skillinator in NL?

I've been using auto-socialise, skillinator and the sleep clock without issues. As far as I can tell, I can still do all the new socials and actions like the table stuff, smustle, tag between adults and kids, laying on your back in the pool (is that from NL? I just found that one yesterday) etc.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: U_Dog_U on 2005 October 21, 13:05:17
laying on your back in the pool (is that from NL? I just found that one yesterday) etc.

That's pre-NL. Not sure if it's pre-Uni though.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: linolino on 2005 October 21, 13:26:34
something i haven' seen in my interaction menu anymore is the Congratulate option as well as the other that is the opposite (they make fun of the sim)

From the optionals hacks list, (not the essentials one) i might be missing only.. hum.. can't think of any. i pretty much let the game be as it is . no modifications.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 21, 13:45:30
I'm pretty sure congratulate and tease were autonomous. I don't recall ever being able to select them.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: U_Dog_U on 2005 October 21, 14:20:00
I had to get TJ's nocongrats fix because my sims were always congratulating each other for nothing:

"Congratulations on using the bathroom"
"Congratulations on eating dinner"
"Congratulations on farting"

And so on.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 21, 15:06:19
"Congratulations on farting"

Hey, if my son cuts a particularly good one, I congratulate him!  And I'm sure I'm not the only person who does this!


Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Inge on 2005 October 21, 15:37:12
I actually did one that lasted several seconds the other day, and I certainly congratulated myself that time!  I thought it was a mastery of airflow control.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: U_Dog_U on 2005 October 21, 16:11:53
I am not worthy to be in the presence of such greatness. (

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 21, 16:49:07
I actually did one that lasted several seconds the other day, and I certainly congratulated myself that time!  I thought it was a mastery of airflow control.
Maybe that's what happened when you typed "erratic buttocks" over on VS!  :D

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 21, 16:52:33
I actually did one that lasted several seconds the other day, and I certainly congratulated myself that time!  I thought it was a mastery of airflow control.

I'm sooo lucky...farting at work is some sort of competition that is indulged in by men and women. So is talking about shit, pee or any other number of body fluids. Take your pick really. By the way, Inge, you are a Goddess.

The sleep clock works fine, and so do Macrotastics. I'm still being very cautious about what I put back in my game so will try the Skillinator next.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 21, 21:23:25
I had to get TJ's nocongrats fix because my sims were always congratulating each other for nothing:

"Congratulations on using the bathroom"
"Congratulations on eating dinner"
"Congratulations on farting"

And so on.

My favorite was when a sim would congratulate their spouse on having an affair. My second favorite was "Hey, congratulations on pissing your pants!"

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 21, 21:43:07
I actually did one that lasted several seconds the other day, and I certainly congratulated myself that time!  I thought it was a mastery of airflow control.

My Heroine!  :D

Edit (I thought I'd better check the spelling): From

A woman noted for courage and daring action.
A woman noted for special achievement in a particular field.

(and the usual definition of a character in a story)


Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: dusty on 2005 October 21, 22:11:24
My second favorite was "Hey, congratulations on pissing your pants!"

The poor daughter of Lilith Pleasant and Dirk Dreamer spent her whole life being congratulated on having wet herself at her own birthday party, with the balloons and the crossed out loo and all.   It was hot gossip (made a change from fires and burnt dinner I guess) so everyone knew about it. 

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: witch on 2005 October 21, 23:27:52
I actually did one that lasted several seconds the other day, and I certainly congratulated myself that time!  I thought it was a mastery of airflow control.

I'm sooo lucky...farting at work is some sort of competition that is indulged in by men and women. So is talking about shit, pee or any other number of body fluids. Take your pick really. By the way, Inge, you are a Goddess.

My partner wins farting competitions hands down - or maybe I should say cheeks down! Edit: well actually one cheek is usually lifted up.

Question: Does the male gender have a genetic farting advantage? Experience in the field leads me to believe they do, this combined with less social constraints on behaviour gives males a big advantage.

Laeshanin, I was interested to hear that your workplace competes in this way. In seven years at my workplace I've only heard one person let one slip, once.  :o

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 October 22, 00:35:25
My favorite was when a sim would congratulate their spouse on having an affair. My second favorite was "Hey, congratulations on pissing your pants!"
The poor daughter of Lilith Pleasant and Dirk Dreamer spent her whole life being congratulated on having wet herself at her own birthday party, with the balloons and the crossed out loo and all.   It was hot gossip (made a change from fires and burnt dinner I guess) so everyone knew about it. 
Your sims seem to have a consistent lack of bladder control.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 22, 00:41:09
Lack of bladder control amuses me. When it's a game, of course.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 22, 02:42:07
When I first got the game and I was learning my way around, Brandi had an accident at her wedding party, Angela had an accident at hers, and Brandi's son got shocked at his sister's birthday party.  Even to this day, these still come up as subjects of gossip, along with so-and-so caught Don cheating!

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 22, 10:47:53
If you really think about it, though, it makes sense. I'm sure if I had peed in my wedding gown my friends would never let me forget it!

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 22, 14:21:48
If you really think about it, though, it makes sense. I'm sure if I had peed in my wedding gown my friends would never let me forget it!

Some wedding photos they'd have turned out to be. ;D

Witch, I work with a disgusting bunch for whom body functions have very few barriers with regard to social convention. I have often heard 'em blame a particularly obnoxious smell on one of our young people or each other (the kids think it's hilarious, by the by). I, of course, keep my buttocks firmly clenched.  ;D

I hate the congratulations bugs the hell outa me because stupid sims will do it all the time and drop proper things out of their queue to do it!

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 22, 23:41:46
I hate the congratulations bugs the hell outa me because stupid sims will do it all the time and drop proper things out of their queue to do it!
Then you need TwoJeffs' No congrats hack.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 23, 11:21:39
Ah... I had no idea there was such a thing. Would this be found on the VS site, perchance?

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: U_Dog_U on 2005 October 23, 11:27:03
It's here:

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: LynnMar on 2005 October 23, 11:53:46
I wish he would hurry and get the game,
 I want my phone hack to work properly, without people being deported to your house when you talk to them on the phone.   
 Now,granted,  others can make some mods like JM's but nobody and I mean nobody can make a phone hack like our more awesome than you,  el presidente'

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 23, 14:17:29
It's here:

Thanks, medear... Have been and got the shiny little thing.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: witch on 2005 October 23, 22:30:06
I've been using the phone hack since I got Nightlife. Also now using Autoyak, Autosoc, Macrotastics etc. I have not had one single teleporting sim after a phonecall. What else you people got in your download folders?

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Marvin Kosh on 2005 October 23, 23:59:12
I've been using the phone hack since I got Nightlife. Also now using Autoyak, Autosoc, Macrotastics etc. I have not had one single teleporting sim after a phonecall. What else you people got in your download folders?

I had a townie drop onto the lot after randomly calling (no prior meeting?!) with just the Phone Hack installed.  I still get townies randomly calling up without it installed, and even when I hang up the phone they still manage to spam me an invite to go Downtown.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: witch on 2005 October 24, 03:24:39
Yes, I get invite spam from a slew of downtownies. :(

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 24, 10:56:09
Skillinator works fine. So do autoyak, autosoc, coffeecuphack, bathroomusesyou (thank all that's bright and good!) and thefightclub. I have most of Inge's hacks, but they were fine anyway. Do need the antispam though, as the random calls from complete "who the fuck are you?" strangers is a tad irritating.  :P

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: jrd on 2005 October 24, 15:11:01
With or without the phone hack a townie/neighbour/NPC can randomly occur at a random position in the lot after a phone call.

I've only had this happen with the "want to go downtown" type calls.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 24, 16:04:51
With or without the phone hack a townie/neighbour/NPC can randomly occur at a random position in the lot after a phone call.

I've only had this happen with the "want to go downtown" type calls.
the call that bugs me the most is the call from Downtownies asking my sim if they want to go downtown?my sim has usually just moved in and has no clue who this other Sim is. and the needs of my sim are usually low  from the move in and welcome wagon that appeared at  lunchtime.and when I say No Stay ho,\me the call always ends on a negative note

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: LynnMar on 2005 October 24, 18:09:12
so them appearing after calling on the phone is a bug?  well, okay but you still can't set the ringer,

except to off or ringing all the time, no 5 or 10 times, that part does not work.   :P

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: witch on 2005 October 25, 04:48:12
Yes I forgot, I've been using 'bathroomusesyou' since I installed NL. Occasional problems when someone is trying to pick up a child or do skilling it conflicts, but otherwise fine.

I can set my ringer to 5 on the phonehack.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 25, 12:37:18
Witch: He made an update to Bathroomusesyou for NL in the NL hacks directory a few weeks ago. Have you been using that one? I have and it seems to work okay for me.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Lerf on 2005 October 25, 16:29:31
I just want a hack that stops them "farting hearts"* everytime they see someone they're attracted to.

I wouldn't mind if it only happened once per Sim, or once a day even.  But with married couples the constant -- Wow, s/he's hot" routine gets really old really really fast.

* Not my description.  Attribute to SlipKnotBondage at N99.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: U_Dog_U on 2005 October 25, 17:02:27
I just want a hack that stops them "farting hearts"* everytime they see someone they're attracted to.

Or when they're talking or dreaming about that person.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Inge on 2005 October 25, 17:50:27
Surely the 6-8 weeks is up by now?

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 25, 18:00:01
Been and gone by my count...  ??? Which means he's too busy elsewhere, possibly?

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 25, 18:00:44
Surely the 6-8 weeks is up by now?
They will be up when JM says they are up.  He said 6-8 weeks Microsoft Time, which means it will always be 6-8 weeks from whatever today is.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 25, 18:17:30
I just want a hack that stops them "farting hearts"* everytime they see someone they're attracted to.

I wouldn't mind if it only happened once per Sim, or once a day even.  But with married couples the constant -- Wow, s/he's hot" routine gets really old really really fast.

* Not my description.  Attribute to SlipKnotBondage at N99.
I want a mod that ends the constant crushes everytime my sim has a date. that occur everytime they become friends  . because if Sim a has a date  with sim b and crush develops then sim a  has a date with sim c sim b sees the date occuring  a slapfest and cheating Icon appear . Im like hello you had one date and you arent engaged to sim a so why cant sim a proceed to date sim c?

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 October 25, 18:20:32
Been and gone by my count...  ??? Which means he's too busy elsewhere, possibly?
No, it hasn't arrived yet. The game only came out mid-Sept, so it's barely even been 6 weeks yet. It should probably arrive soon.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: witch on 2005 October 26, 05:31:30
So J.M. - have you conquered the galaxy yet?

Motoki - I do use the NL version of bathroomusesyou. Sometimes sims go in for other purposes and get ejected, it's a very small price to pay. :)

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 October 26, 06:08:12
Motoki - I do use the NL version of bathroomusesyou. Sometimes sims go in for other purposes and get ejected, it's a very small price to pay. :)
Then they shouldn't go in there for other purposes. No loitering in the bathroom!

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 26, 14:07:01
Motoki - I do use the NL version of bathroomusesyou. Sometimes sims go in for other purposes and get ejected, it's a very small price to pay. :)
Then they shouldn't go in there for other purposes. No loitering in the bathroom!
Some reasons sims go in the bathroom for other purposes besides toilet or shower:  Washing dishes because someone is using the dishwasher or it's broken, to bathe a child, and sometimes babies get left in the bathroom when the parent gets kicked out and can't leave by themselves like toddlers, parents or other sims go in to pick up the baby who has been left or sometimes birthed in the bathroom and get kicked out before they can pick them up.  Most of the time, I can direct them to pick up the baby or clean up the plate and they will do it, or if the baby controller pushes the action, I think they are able to do it.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 26, 17:27:02
[Some reasons sims go in the bathroom for other purposes besides toilet or shower:  Washing dishes because someone is using the dishwasher or it's broken, to bathe a child, and sometimes babies get left in the bathroom when the parent gets kicked out and can't leave by themselves like toddlers, parents or other sims go in to pick up the baby who has been left or sometimes birthed in the bathroom and get kicked out before they can pick them up.  Most of the time, I can direct them to pick up the baby or clean up th eplate and they will do it, or if the baby controller pushes the action, I think they are able to do it.
my sims invariably go in the bathroom to "check themselves out" in the mirror

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 26, 17:35:42
my sims invariably go in the bathroom to "check themselves out" in the mirror
Yeah, I forgot about that, or gussy up, and I used to send them in there to practice charisma, but I've quit putting mirrors in the bathrooms even though that's where most homes have them, because no one can use the bathroom while they are in there.  And I quit putting them in bedrooms because when sims practice charisma it wakes up sleeping sims, although other stuff doesn't, like the toddler's rabbit toy.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 26, 18:34:54
Yeah, I forgot about that, or gussy up, and I used to send them in there to practice charisma, but I've quit putting mirrors in the bathrooms even though that's where most homes have them, because no one can use the bathroom while they are in there.  And I quit putting them in bedrooms because when sims practice charisma it wakes up sleeping sims, although other stuff doesn't, like the toddler's rabbit toy.
the only way I have  mirrors in the bathroom now are if the house I downloaded came that way or I have a single sim living on the I have Justin in my game now and I have a mirror for him as he is living alone on a lot after his divorce. but I rarely ever see him checking himself out. I think maybe its because he is to busy thinking about dating and romance to care about his pixelated hottie looks. this sims woohoo drive is insatiable. ;)

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 October 26, 19:07:22
If your sims are loitering in the bathroom just to check themselves out, they SHOULD get thrown out. That's the point!

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 26, 19:17:23
If your sims are loitering in the bathroom just to check themselves out, they SHOULD get thrown out. That's the point!
one would think so any way but instead of throwing the vain sim out of the bathroom  my sims stand there and complain  about the sim that is busy checking themselves out ;DI end up having to cancel the check out self Icon in the vainsim's qeue and send the sim outside or that sim will go right back to checking themselves out.another thing that is annoying and we need a hack or mod for is when I have a sim taking a bath another sim will get the Idea that they have to "clean the bathtub" right then and there! while having the nerve to complain that they cant clean the bath tub because its in use by another sim at the time. no matter how many times I cancel the clean the bathtub or toilet icon it reappears instantly in the sims qeue. I end up sending my  would be cleaner on a run around the lot by saying run here  and run there

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 26, 20:27:06
I've done that- made the sim run to each of the 4 corners of the lot to get his mind off of whatever it was that he was obsessing over. Kind of funny to watch. But then I think bladder desperation is funny on my sims.

I'm still missing that nocrybabies hack, big time. I've currently got a lot of fighting going on on my lot! The crying completely ruins the moment for me.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: seventhson on 2005 October 27, 00:58:48
I'm still missing that nocrybabies hack, big time. I've currently got a lot of fighting going on on my lot! The crying completely ruins the moment for me.

The crying was directly responsible for the murder of one of my Legacy Sims - the heir's husband and boyfriend got into a big fight and the husband spent the next few days bawling. He was already annoying me, and that was the last straw...he was always very bad at feeding himself without directions, and I must have...forgotten somehow to send him to the fridge. Or to get anyone to serve food. Oops.

*settles in to wait for the Nightlife drop to JM's bunker*

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 27, 03:38:08
What about the hack that has the kids step away from the school bus door before whipping out their report cards? Which one is that? I forget. And does it work with NL, anyone know? I have a house full of teens and it takes forever to get them all off the bus!

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 27, 03:46:18
What about the hack that has the kids step away from the school bus door before whipping out their report cards? Which one is that? I forget. And does it work with NL, anyone know? I have a house full of teens and it takes forever to get them all off the bus!

No Cheering Hack (v4b) for TS2 v1.0-1.0p2 & TS2U v1.0
Made by: Flying Fish Systems (J. M. Pescado & Doctor Boris)

1. Extended A+ Cheer
2. Bus Unloading Clog

This hack is fully compatible with all FFS hacks.
Tested for TS2 1.0-1.0p2 & TS2U v1.0.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 27, 19:07:17
Been and gone by my count...  ??? Which means he's too busy elsewhere, possibly?
No, it hasn't arrived yet. The game only came out mid-Sept, so it's barely even been 6 weeks yet. It should probably arrive soon.

Never was much good at counting (despite working in a bank eons ago :-X), so forgive the impatience, oh worshipful one... But we are waiting with breath baited, as it were.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 27, 19:11:48
Been and gone by my count...  ??? Which means he's too busy elsewhere, possibly?
No, it hasn't arrived yet. The game only came out mid-Sept, so it's barely even been 6 weeks yet. It should probably arrive soon.

Never was much good at counting (despite working in a bank eons ago :-X), so forgive the impatience, oh worshipful one... But we are waiting with breath baited, as it were.
ah very true  :P

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 27, 20:11:23
What about the hack that has the kids step away from the school bus door before whipping out their report cards? Which one is that? I forget. And does it work with NL, anyone know? I have a house full of teens and it takes forever to get them all off the bus!

No Cheering Hack (v4b) for TS2 v1.0-1.0p2 & TS2U v1.0
Made by: Flying Fish Systems (J. M. Pescado & Doctor Boris)

1. Extended A+ Cheer
2. Bus Unloading Clog

Thanks! I yanked that one out of my downloads folder once I found out the cheering thing had been fixed with NL. Didn't even think about the bus-clogging issue.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 28, 02:53:38
Thanks! I yanked that one out of my downloads folder once I found out the cheering thing had been fixed with NL. Didn't even think about the bus-clogging issue.
Me either...until you mentioned it. :)

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: syberspunk on 2005 October 30, 23:56:46
I've been lurking and what not. Been mostly busy anyways with other crap in life. :P But I still try and keep a hopeful, watchful eye waiting for Pescado to get NL and hopefully update his hacks. In particular, I really want the romancemod updated. :P Hopefully it will address the insanity that is now the super mutated monster that is jealousy.  ::) That, and hopefully tone down the furious state, either as part of the romancemod or something totally separate but complementary. It is just totally insanely ridiculous just how super easy it is for sims to get all furious.

Anyhew, in addition to that, and being far too lazy to go scouring about seeing if other people have mentioned all of these already, but I noticed that some hacks are missing from the "Official" NL list as put out by Dr. Boris. The following MIA hacks are:



I did not see whether these are NL compatible, required or has an update pending, have been made obsolete by NL or the patch, or will be abandoned and no longer supported altogether.

Will someone please kindly comment on whether any of these hacks either work with NL, and to their knowledge, does not conflict with the game. When I get a chance, I plan to take some time and compare the BHAVs to see if anything changed codewise, but I've been a bit pre-occupied. I was just curious if anyone knew off the top of their head whether these work or not. I believe the nonpcspam is an alpha test anyways, but I had all of these working in Uni.

Thanks in advance for any help you can spare. :)


Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 31, 02:28:16
Noroutefail seems to work as does nodeanspam. Lesswhiny definitely does NOT work so do not use it. It will make sims stand around and do nothing and basically turns autonomy off even for sims you aren't playing. Inge has a variation similar hack that more or less does the same thing and is NL compatible. Not sure about a lot of the others as I haven't put them back.

I don't bother with payatthebox because macrotastics has a macro to grab and pay the bills and as long as you have a little table near the mailbox, they will get the mail, put the bills on the table, pick them up and 'render onto caesar' all at once.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: dizzy on 2005 October 31, 08:19:27
You can find CBoy's lesswhiny here:

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Venusy on 2005 October 31, 17:21:20
Don't use payatbox if you have NL. If you get something like a restaurant coupon, then the animations for Macro.../Pay Bills and Get Mail constantly repeat without the Sim ever getting anything out of the mailbox.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 01, 02:18:25
Don't use payatbox if you have NL. If you get something like a restaurant coupon, then the animations for Macro.../Pay Bills and Get Mail constantly repeat without the Sim ever getting anything out of the mailbox.
I found that out the hard way after the Repo man showed up and repossessed the kids toy Box and a kitchen Counter

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 01, 11:57:44
You can find CBoy's lesswhiny here:

You know, even with Crammyboy's less whiny my sims bitch a whole lot more than they used to. I put the no route fail back in and that doesn't seem to help too much with it either. I'm not sure if it was those hacks or others, but prior to NL I used to have it so my sims never so much as made a complaining peep but now it seems like they are always bitching about something.  >:(

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: U_Dog_U on 2005 November 01, 12:02:55
What pisses me off is they'll stand next to the computer while it's being repaired and keep complaining about it then when the repairman is finished they'll go and do something else.

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 02, 01:29:34
What pisses me off is they'll stand next to the computer while it's being repaired and keep complaining about it then when the repairman is finished they'll go and do something else.
or how about the complaining they do when they just have to clean the bath tub ast the exact moment a dirty sim is is taking a bath. ::) but the minute the dirty sim is done they head off elsewhere

Title: Re: Missing J.M.'s hacks...........
Post by: LynnMar on 2005 November 02, 11:01:27
I refuse to give up "no eat crap" and "no buskers".    I tried a subsitute for no buskers but I did not like it because it made the music instruments so that no sim could use them without being directed too, even on the college downtown lots.

If JM does not get the game soon and fix the"No eat crap", I am going to start cying, and you know how he hates wuzzies, even if you are a girl  ;D   

 He would probably get real mad and say "there's no crying in baseball"
Like in the Tom Hanks movie.     ;D