More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Brynne on 2005 October 20, 12:35:30

Title: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 20, 12:35:30
I have a recently divorced romance (take note of that!) sim, Justin Goth-Bayfield. Very recently divorced. He's now on the rebound, I think. I had him ask a sim out, and she rolled the typical date-wants: dine out with Justin, sing karaoke, slow dance, etc. Justin rolled these wants, shown in order of appearance:

Everything is normal here except that he wants to marry the mailwoman, while also fearing marrying the mailwoman. Note his date is not the mailwoman. His date is the blonde sim, Tara Lovejoy.

After fulfilling one of the normal date wants, Justin now wants to marry Jennifer Burb. He also fears it.

All righty, then. Fulfilled the karaoke want, and now we want to marry the mailwoman and Jennifer Burb, do we, Justin, honey?

And after fulfilling the "kiss Tara" want, the next logical step would be making out with her . Or you could marry the mailwoman, Jennifer Burb, or Angie, a sim you haven't seen in ages. Whatever.

Could somebody please explain this to me? LOL

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: DrBeast on 2005 October 20, 12:50:39
Maybe the game is struggling to revert this sim to the TRUE meaning of romance...?

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: MistMeUK on 2005 October 20, 13:17:39
If he is on the rebound then maybe he is just very upset about the breakup and confused, much like in real life.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: gali on 2005 October 20, 13:35:46
In spite of his fears of marriage - this sim SHOUTS to you - "I want to get married, no matter with whom!".

The last wishes don't have a marriage fear in them - this guy is hungry for a wife, he doesn't want a date...:).

My opinion is, that he was very happy when being married, and wants to return to the previous condition - being married.

I had a romance female which wanted a baby, without showing fear of babies. The fear of babies appeared in her pie queue only when she got elder and couldn't get pregnant anymore. I gave her 5 kids...:).

Anyway, no matter what you decide to do with him - thanks for sharing it with us...). I'll appreciate if you continue to inform us about this sim - I already like him...:).

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Muisie on 2005 October 20, 14:01:08
It's pretty simple, he

1.  wants a girl to hang out with, Tara looks good
2.  wants wife to stay at home to cook and clean, anyone will do
3.  fears wife finds lipstick on shirt and makes a fuss, that would be bad

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 October 20, 15:10:31
That's funny Brynne, I've never seen a sim roll up wants to be married to 3 different sims at the same time. After reading your posts, why do I get the feeling my sims are boring?  :D

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 20, 16:36:14
LOL, I've never seen this before, either.  Of course, as I have Justin in my game in another incarnation (as it were), I am most intrigued by this situation.  Bearing in mind that most Romance males make better husbands & fathers than Family Sims, I suppose that explains it a bit. I think you are going to have to let the poor guy marry the most suitable of these ladies.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: cabelle on 2005 October 20, 16:49:31
Or you could have him as a "Hollywood" sort of sim who marries numerous times throughout his lifetime. Can't wait to see all the juicy details. ;)

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 20, 17:12:02
You're not the only one with Romance sims rolling up some pretty bizarre wants.

Although since I don't have Uni I can still only have 4 wants for my sims, Leo's four wants were almost always cluttered with things like that.

It seems like the way the programming's set, is that once a sim is either very close to or in love with another sim they want to get engaged to them, and sometimes they don't even bother with the engagement want, just roll up the marriage want.  And I've seen a couple of other aspirations that haven't rolled up either.  In fact, I've seen more rolling up engagement and marriage wants with my Romance sims than with any besides family so far.

Leo had five girlfriends and during the course of his dating them he rolled wants for engagement for everyone of them, and did get engaged to one of them.  Then when he'd be dating the others he wanted to get engaged to them, too.  I don't think he understood he could only be engaged to one sim at a time.  LOL

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 20, 17:21:09
I've also noticed that some Sims are no longer getting the engaged want.  I had one couple on a date and although the female wanted to get engaged to the male, the male just wanted to marry the female.  She's Knowledge, he's Family.  They got engaged on the date, but she didn't roll-up the get married want.

They were at Uni then and they moved into a new house together after graduating.  The Family Sim continued to want to get married, but the female Knowledge still hasn't rolled the want to get hitched.  When she arrived at the new place, what she actually wanted to do was woo-hoo in bed, so I satisfied that for her.  She enjoyed it so much, she immediately wanted to do it again. 

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 20, 17:27:29
Maybe the fact that Justin is perma-plat has something to do with it? I remember JM (I think!) saying that one reason romance sims seem to make the best grandparents is because they've already fulfilled so many of the romance goals. Justin is by no means a grandparent, but he does have 5 kids (all with the same woman. A rarity in my game!) and he reached platinum as a teen.

Gali, I had Justin divorce his wife because they married before NL and have no chemistry. That and the fact that she kept wanting to flirt with Daniel Pleasant and one of my other male sims. She wasn't good enough for Justin. ;) Anyway, I think you'll be happy to know that he is engaged to Jennifer Burb, now. They have 3 bolts for each other, and are very cute together! Justin is one of my favorite sims (he's the son of my original romance stud, Joe, and Bella) so I promise to keep him happy and well-fed.

Cabelle, Justin's father is working on that "hollywood sim" role lol. He's on marriage #3, and has kids by 4 different women!

Muisie, I agree. It looks like he wants to have his cake and eat it too... 

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 20, 17:41:09
When she arrived at the new place, what she actually wanted to do was woo-hoo in bed, so I satisfied that for her.  She enjoyed it so much, she immediately wanted to do it again. 

One of my family sims , Giles Kimbrell, is going through this right now. One "woohoo in bed" want right after another. His poor wife, Samantha (who is Justin's sister, btw)  is exhausted! They also had 6 kids, one after another, lol.

I'm waiting for Justin to have the want to marry Jennifer again before I get him hitched. Of course, with him being romance, that may not happen, so I may have to go ahead and let them get married. Just because I said so.

How cute is this- this is his current wants panel:

He wants to be best friends with his neice and talk to his two nephews and his sister! Awwwwww...

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 October 20, 17:46:40
Brynne, he really is a good looking sim (please don't shoot me, I didn't say I had the hots for pixelated person! lol), you should clone and upload him somewhere.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 20, 17:52:36
I already sent him to AncientSim, so I've had the request, before! He's pictured in many threads on this forum. And what's wrong with having the hots for a pixelated person? Justin is hot!


Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 20, 18:00:49
I have sims that are just plain hunky, no matter how you slice it! LOL  I'd say about 90% of the sims I've created in BodyShop have gone by the wayside, but I have a handful that I just keep reincarnating in one capacity or another.  Then there are those that are produced genetically that I make copies of and put back in other neighborhoods either as Townies or playable.  I keep thinking at some point I really ought to get tired of these old sims but I never do. LOL

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 20, 18:04:51
One nice thing about my style of playing with aging off (I just carry the Bayfield family through all kinds of situations. Justin is an off-shoot of that, through Joe's affair with Bella) is that I don't have to turn them into wrinkly stooped over sim-elders. I enjoy AllenABQ's (did I get that name right?) custom skins on my adult males too much for that!

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 20, 18:44:31
One nice thing about my style of playing with aging off (I just carry the Bayfield family through all kinds of situations. Justin is an off-shoot of that, through Joe's affair with Bella) is that I don't have to turn them into wrinkly stooped over sim-elders. I enjoy AllenABQ's (did I get that name right?) custom skins on my adult males too much for that!

Oh, I can't play with Aging Off for very long.  I LOVE my elder sims!  They're so much fun, especially as grandparents, and they generally get into a whole love-related wants thing with their spouses.  Maybe part of my thing with the grandparents is that my own kids were fairly deprived of theirs when they were quite young.  My mom passed away when my oldest was 3; my dad was with us until this last winter but we didn't get to be with him as much as I would've liked; my husband's dad was an absolute control freak who wanted nothing to do with his grandkids and completely monopolized hubby's mom.  He passed away about a year-and-a-half ago so my kids (ages 19, 16 and 7) are just now getting to build a relationship with their only surviving grandmother.  It makes me a bit sad when they die, but at the same time it's like parting with someone in real life:  they've had a long, fulfilled life so that knowledge is comforting to me.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 20, 19:22:35
How cute is this- this is his current wants panel:
He wants to be best friends with his neice and talk to his two nephews and his sister! Awwwwww...

Where did you get his sister's hair?  It looks cute.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: knitro on 2005 October 20, 19:27:01
I've also noticed that some Sims are no longer getting the engaged want.  I had one couple on a date and although the female wanted to get engaged to the male, the male just wanted to marry the female.  She's Knowledge, he's Family.  They got engaged on the date, but she didn't roll-up the get married want.

They were at Uni then and they moved into a new house together after graduating.  The Family Sim continued to want to get married, but the female Knowledge still hasn't rolled the want to get hitched.  When she arrived at the new place, what she actually wanted to do was woo-hoo in bed, so I satisfied that for her.  She enjoyed it so much, she immediately wanted to do it again. 

Most of my sims don't get the engaged wnat period, for someone or just in general, and i've only had one or two marry soemone specific wants in a while, the family sims will usually roll the generic get married want even when they are engaged, it drives me nuts!

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 20, 19:31:34
I've got elders in my game; Joe's parents are very much alive, and they do the grandparent thing well. I didn't mean to imply that I didn't like elders. I just play my game more in real-time (except for the 72 hour pregnancies, 3 day infancy, etc.) so that when they reach the adult stage they don't have to age until I want them to. When I first got the game a year ago, I started with my Bayfield family, with Gregory and Maryann as the parents and Joe and his brother Gary as their children. Another brother, Jeffrey, was born later. I played Joe and Gary with aging on until they reached adulthood, at which point I turned aging off. Their parents transitioned into elders once Joe began having kids. My game is basically centered around this family, and these characters and all kinds of interesting scenarios. Sure, many of Joe's offspring look the same age as Joe, but I don't mind. After all, this is a game where the men can be abducted from looking through a telescope, then impregnated. And now we have vampires. To me, the non-aging is just another fantasy-world element. It's kind of nice, because each sim gets a real sense of history.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 20, 19:36:30
Where did you get his sister's hair?  It looks cute. ( page 7 of the hairstyles

edit to add:
I am currently on a downloading spree at pronupsims. Thanks, rainbow! :P Now I won't get anything done!

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Muisie on 2005 October 20, 21:02:57 ( page 7 of the hairstyles
Wow, that looks AWESOME!!!  Thanks for the link, Brynne  :)

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 20, 21:12:14 ( page 7 of the hairstyles
Thanks, those are gorgeous.
edit to add:
I am currently on a downloading spree at pronupsims. Thanks, rainbow! :P Now I won't get anything done!
Hehe, don't blame me for your lack of willpower. ;)  I am not forcing you to click on all those pretty hairstyles!  I'm going to have to go back and grab some more soon...

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 20, 21:35:44
Well I do have a sim wedding to I am being productive, after all! I can rationalize anything.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 20, 21:58:56
Well I do have a sim wedding to I am being productive, after all! I can rationalize anything.
There you go. ;)

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 20, 23:17:00
I just added another billion outfits to my sims' wardrobes. Way to slow your game down, Brynnie!
I have a question. It's off-topic, but since I started this thread, I won't get mad at me. And it's not important enough for its own thread. Here goes:
Why do the male sims sometimes wear an engagement ring and sometimes not? I thought it was dependant upon who proposed. If the man proposes, the female gets the ring, and vice versa. That's what the cinematic shows, anyway. But Justin proposed to Jennifer, and they both have sparkly rings. Looks kind of bling-blingish on the men, if you ask me. When Joe proposed to his current wife, he also wore an engagement ring. But most of the time, the men stay ring-free if they do the proposing. Why is this? Anyone? 

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 20, 23:59:53
I think it's kinda cute, for sims, that is.  But if you find out, let me know cuz I've been wondering that too.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 October 21, 06:46:11
Where did you get his sister's hair?  It looks cute. ( page 7 of the hairstyles

edit to add:
I am currently on a downloading spree at pronupsims. Thanks, rainbow! :P Now I won't get anything done!

Oh I am going to have to shut down my game so I can go on a downloading

Pertaining to the original romance sims will now roll marriage and engagement wants for sims they are in love with.  I only catch them doing it on dates though...not any other time.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 21, 18:06:20
I run into Knowledge sims who basically get stuck on the learn-learn-learn thing and popularity sims getting stuck on the friendship thing.  (I end up using the flirt>check sim out and ask>do you like what you see? to re-roll wants frequently when it's a date with anything other than romance or family.)  Maybe it's just because Romance sims are so stuck on the whole love thing they bring up those engagement and marriage wants.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 21, 18:51:03
I run into Knowledge sims who basically get stuck on the learn-learn-learn thing and popularity sims getting stuck on the friendship thing.  (I end up using the flirt>check sim out and ask>do you like what you see? to re-roll wants frequently when it's a date with anything other than romance or family.)  Maybe it's just because Romance sims are so stuck on the whole love thing they bring up those engagement and marriage wants.
But the weird thing is that Romance sims usually fear commitment of any kind--engagement, marriage, having babies.  Mine started rolling a fear of getting engaged to a sim they just fell in love with (I think it was after I installed Uni), and engagement and marriage carry a red background signifiying a bad memory.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 21, 19:20:50
Yep.  I know.  And now what I'm seeing in Romance sims is that when they have a crush on a sim they're afraid of getting engaged, then the next thing I know it turns to love and they WANT to get engaged.  I wouldn't mind seeing this once in a while, after all it can make an interesting story arc.  But consistently isn't any good. 

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 21, 20:32:17
What makes it difficult is when they have a want to marry a particular sim while simultaneously having a fear of marrying that same sim. Damned if I do, damned if I don't! Since Justin's gotten engaged to Jennifer, he hasn't rolled any fears of marrying her, so that's good.

When I had Justin's father, Joe, propose to his current wife, it was pretty funny. Marina was a romance sim at the time, and the cinematic played with Joe down on one knee, Marina gleefully accepting the ring, big hug, then as soon as it cut back to the game, she dropped to the floor flapping her lips in aspiration failure! I felt bad for my poor Joe. I decided it would be best to change her to a pleasure-seeker. She still has the three bolts with Joe with that aspiration. 

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 21, 20:37:19
I've always wondered why, if a sim has a fear of engagement or getting married they even accept the proposal!   ::)

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 21, 20:52:22
And they'll accept it happily while creating a bad memory and aspiration point loss! I would think Romance sims would also occasionally protest a little when instructed to propose. I mean, when I tell them to flirt suggestively, they yawn at me.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 21, 21:40:18
And they'll accept it happily while creating a bad memory and aspiration point loss! I would think Romance sims would also occasionally protest a little when instructed to propose. I mean, when I tell them to flirt suggestively, they yawn at me.
I don't get that either.  Why would a Romance sim yawn at being instructed to flirt?  They get all excited when I tell them to make out.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: gynarchy on 2005 October 21, 21:58:33
I don't get that either.  Why would a Romance sim yawn at being instructed to flirt?  They get all excited when I tell them to make out.

I think it has to do with their personalities, like how a shy Sim will whinge about tickling someone or telling a dirty joke. Outgoing Sims like to goose their lovers, but the other flirty stuff is too boring for them. I started a list a long time ago (I was really bored) of what actions each personality type liked and disliked, I don't think I ever finished it though.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Andygal on 2005 October 21, 22:52:52
and mean sims will complain about giving somebody a hug. I've been seeing that a lot lately, I've had an influx of mean sims in one of my neighbourhoods.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 22, 00:38:42
My outgoing romance sims yawn at flirt suggestively and kiss hand, I've noticed.  Some of my grouchier, and probably less playful, sim-teens (haven't tried with the adults), throw a mini-fit if told to "bust a move". But they do it, anyway!

The reactions I always thought were funny, pardon my going off topic again, were when the adults  are in the middle of something and a child or teen has an accident. The adults rush through to finish whatever they were doing so they can lecture the child. It's like they're on high-speed, or something. I've had adults spring up from naps to lecture a child. Looks weird, though, because they stand up in the couch.   

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 22, 03:06:52
Yep--it would be nice if their wants matched their personalities.  I always just LOVE the family sim who has a want to 'play' with their child and you tell them to do it and they look up at you and point at themselves as if saying, 'Who me?  You must be outta your mind!' then with shoulders hunched go ahead and carry through.  ::)

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 October 22, 05:31:35
It would be a lot nicer if Sim wants matched personalities a little more closely, but again, I'm for anything that makes them less predictable and more interesting.

I've discovered you can easily train a Sims to want whatever you're willing to give them which sucks because whatever you do in the beginning to make them happy will be the only thing they ever seem to want.

I tried a little experiment on twins. Gave them identical personalities and aged them to toddlers with 8 days of toddlerhood. Each was potty trained, taught to walk and talk immediately, put into Inge's escapable cribs, then left.
Sage was put in a room with no doors, spilled chocolate, a supply of smart milk, a potty and a xylophone. Seth was left in the family room with chocolate, tickled, talked to, snuggled and read to by his parents in alternating shifts. Sage ended up spinning endless wants for creativity skill points until this was maxed, then logic, then charisma. For social, I gave Sage whatever interactions she did not 'want'. Once maxed, she wanted to grow up well, the rest of her wants blank. Seth continued to spin interactions with his parents.
They both grew up well, and the first thing Sage wanted was to gain a body skill point, then cleaning, then body, then cleaning... maxing out all skill points in a couple days. Seth wanted to make friends and talk/play/be read to by his parents.
It was relatively interesting for a while, but just confirmed my fears that the game is too easily predicted. This is probably why my Knowledge Sims are more interested in socializing and woohooing than learning, I'd been encouraging social.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 22, 10:11:12
Hmmm...that's very interesting. And probably explains why some of my family sims are obsessed with their spouses and some are obsessed with...other sims' spouses.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 22, 10:19:46
I've discovered you can easily train a Sims to want whatever you're willing to give them which sucks because whatever you do in the beginning to make them happy will be the only thing they ever seem to want.
That's what I've found.  You can change a sim's wants over time too, though, not just by how they were in the beginning.  I've had some CAS sims, townies, and Maxis pre-made sims who spun up the usual wants for their aspiration, like fortune for example, and they were boring until after a while they started to spin wants having more to do with the sim I'd paired them with, if I was consistent about it.  Even though they'd still spin wants for buying stuff, they would spin wants to do stuff with their SO sometimes.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 October 22, 11:28:08
yes, but it really takes the fun out of it when you have to train variety. I like the toddler stage. Everything is just so cute and adorable, except for those annoying wants.
be talked to by dad, now talked to by mom, now tickled by dad, now tickled by mom, oh, mom come snuggle me, dad, your turn, mom, stop dinner and read to me, dad? your turn, ooh, finally I want a skill, oops, now I've wet myself, and am ready to pass out and even though mom is still holding me, she's going to put me down so everyone else in the house can take a grab at me until I pass out on the floor.
Finally, you can proceed with your own lives, oh, but stand with hilarious worry faces for a few minutes first. Then lose interest and wander off, don't worry
I'll wake up just in time to re-interrupt everyone and when I'm refreshed, I will respin the alternating parent things so that my whole toddlerhood is wasted.

ok, so it's not quite that bad, but I'd like them to want interactions from one person and not necessarily a parent. I'm sure I've seen 'be snuggled by grandparent' in SimPE, so why don't I see it in game? Or maybe that's a child interaction, but have I even seen that?

I prefer single parents and putting them in a room in a race to build skills. I've even put off potty training until their last day because a diaper change is quicker than multiple trips to the potty and baths... heh heh

Perhaps I'm just getting bored, I've been on a feral child kick lately and have been setting parents as townies and abandoning toddlers and children.... it's fun for now...and they learn to become efficient very quickly.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 22, 13:56:32
yes, but it really takes the fun out of it when you have to train variety. I like the toddler stage. Everything is just so cute and adorable, except for those annoying wants.
be talked to by dad, now talked to by mom, now tickled by dad, now tickled by mom, oh, mom come snuggle me, dad, your turn, mom, stop dinner and read to me, dad? your turn, ooh, finally I want a skill, oops, now I've wet myself, and am ready to pass out and even though mom is still holding me, she's going to put me down so everyone else in the house can take a grab at me until I pass out on the floor.
Finally, you can proceed with your own lives, oh, but stand with hilarious worry faces for a few minutes first. Then lose interest and wander off, don't worry
I'll wake up just in time to re-interrupt everyone and when I'm refreshed, I will respin the alternating parent things so that my whole toddlerhood is wasted.

ok, so it's not quite that bad...

Oh, it sooo is!  ;D

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 22, 16:03:18
Zeljka, great info.  Thanks for posting, and if you've done any other interesting experiments, please write 'em up for us!

This confirms what I've been posting since Sims 2 first came out.  People complained about romance Sims in particular always rolling up romance wants when they were married.  But I found that if you treated a Sim as if it were a different aspiration, it would get the wants of the different aspiration.

The first family I ever made had a CAS knowledge Sim wife and her romance townie hubby.  He was inside studying to fulfill his knowledge wants (for a job promotion in this case) while she had romance wants.  So I sent her outside to let her flirt with the grocery delivery lady.  In her undies.  Then I had her skip back inside, which just seemed somehow appropriate. :)  And the grocery lady got a crush, while my Sim didn't. 


Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 23, 15:57:07
One nice thing about my style of playing with aging off (I just carry the Bayfield family through all kinds of situations. Justin is an off-shoot of that, through Joe's affair with Bella) is that I don't have to turn them into wrinkly stooped over sim-elders. I enjoy AllenABQ's (did I get that name right?) custom skins on my adult males too much for that!
for a pixelated person Justin is hot.and thanks for the pronup sims link I downloaded some hairstyles there. like you IIve been on a downloading binge lately. but I did discover I had four download folders all exactly the same  today after trying to figure out why know matter hom many times I removed downloads I never use they were still in my game.I deleted  3 0f the 4 identical download folders in the game andthen deleted stuff I never use and discovered my computer liked that Idea. I recovered actual disk space went from 49% available to 59% available

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 23, 18:06:12
I've been meaning to tackle that, myself. Instead, I provide a link for pronupsims which sets me off on another downloading bender...
It'll never stop. I need help.
I have so so so many hairstyles I will never in a gazillion years use. And looking at them, I wonder what made me  download them in the first place. Some are atrocious. The creator must have done some photo-editing to make them more appealing as a download, because in the actual game they look like mishaps with a weed-whacker. I'd post pics for examples, but that wouldn't be very nice of me. :P

edit: I'm not referring to pronupsims. They have very nice hair.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 23, 19:43:19
I've been meaning to tackle that, myself. Instead, I provide a link for pronupsims which sets me off on another downloading bender...
It'll never stop. I need help.
I have so so so many hairstyles I will never in a gazillion years use. And looking at them, I wonder what made me  download them in the first place. Some are atrocious. The creator must have done some photo-editing to make them more appealing as a download, because in the actual game they look like mishaps with a weed-whacker. I'd post pics for examples, but that wouldn't be very nice of me. :P

edit: I'm not referring to pronupsims. They have very nice hair.
I need help too I actually googled to find more download sites LOL and I wish I had Justin in my game.he would make for some gorgeous sim babies in my neighborhood.I did get som playboy clothing for my sim females out the google search like I really neede more clothes for my sims NOT  ;)

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 23, 20:00:13
I'm actually in the middle of yet another download binge, myself. AGAIN.
My name is Val, and I'm a downloadaholic.
Justin makes very nice looking children. He has 5, so far. I also had Joe and Bella (his parents) have more kids because Justin and his two full-sisters are so purty. See the thread about Don Lothario's 9 adopted children. LOL (

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 23, 20:40:52
I'm actually in the middle of yet another download binge, myself. AGAIN.
My name is Val, and I'm a downloadaholic.
Justin makes very nice looking children. He has 5, so far. I also had Joe and Bella (his parents) have more kids because Justin and his two full-sisters are so purty. See the thread about Don Lothario's 9 adopted children. LOL (
My Name is Darlene. I saw that thread and rolled with laughter the Idea of Don with  9 kids was Hysterical. has Don survied or has he snatched himself bald headed yet?I am a downloadaholic as well the problem is I only have a 40gig hard drive  for the moment . Im gettting ready to buy a 200 gig hard drive to replace the 40 I currently have.Funy when I bought this pc 2 years ago $0 gig seemed huge  now Im screaming for a bigger hard drive LOL. I just put in a gig of Ram replaced the ram I had when I got the base game I jumped to 512 mb  and now woth nightlife I am jumping  to 1 desktop came with 256 mb 2 years ago

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 24, 05:22:15
After much preponderance of the evidence, it's the opinion of this court that that particular sim simply has too many want slots.  ;D

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 24, 05:34:22
After much preponderance of the evidence, it's the opinion of this court that that particular sim simply has too many want slots.  ;D

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 October 24, 08:14:14
I've discovered you can easily train a Sims to want whatever you're willing to give them which sucks because whatever you do in the beginning to make them happy will be the only thing they ever seem to want.
I'd like to point out that this works with real people, too.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 24, 20:08:33
Welp, now Justin wants to be a dancin' fool. He wants to dance with everyone, including the cow. Guess I missed the marriage boat...

I don't know where this dance-obsession came from. There was no dancing. There's not even a stereo on the lot, currently.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 24, 21:12:08
Welp, now Justin wants to be a dancin' fool. He wants to dance with everyone, including the cow. Guess I missed the marriage boat...

I don't know where this dance-obsession came from. There was no dancing. There's not even a stereo on the lot, currently.
I see he also wants to talk to the cow. maybe you should buy a stereo and let him dance his self silly maybe the marriage boat will show back up

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 October 24, 22:15:10
You're not worried that will then lead to wanting to marry the cow? ;D

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 24, 22:23:47
You're not worried that will then lead to wanting to marry the cow? ;D
Lord I hope not ;D but with Justin that just might occur to him

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 24, 22:26:43
One nice thing about my style of playing with aging off (I just carry the Bayfield family through all kinds of situations. Justin is an off-shoot of that, through Joe's affair with Bella) is that I don't have to turn them into wrinkly stooped over sim-elders. I enjoy AllenABQ's (did I get that name right?) custom skins on my adult males too much for that!
Brynne how do you ge the photo's of Justins wants? all I ever get of my sims is the same old  boring shots in the game I can never get the wants or panell on My sims to show

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: virgali on 2005 October 25, 00:53:16
ok, so where can I download Mr. Pixalated Hottie??? :-[ ;D

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 25, 01:07:14
ok, so where can I download Mr. Pixalated Hottie??? :-[ ;D
ye s Brynne if you ever put him up for download please let us have the link

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 25, 02:28:38
Bangelnuts, I take a screenshot and crop it down to the wants panel. The in-game camera won't capture the wants panel or UI.
If you want Justin in your game (and I'm assuming that's who "Mr. Pixelated Hottie" is, lol. Unless you mean the cow. In that case, go to Uni!) I have him already packaged up and can email him to you. He's been requested, before. I don't want to put him up as a link because of creators' issues with the clothing, etc. I don't remember where I got them :P. I should have redressed him in original Maxis clothes, now that I think about it. Maybe I will do that, actually. I can credit AllenABQ for the skintone! And the hair is my own recolor of a recolor (had to have that perfect shade of brown). But, anyhoo...

And Justin will never marry the cow. He's just not into those of the bovine influence. But he'll happily dance with one!

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 25, 02:47:45
If you want Justin in your game (and I'm assuming that's who "Mr. Pixelated Hottie" is, lol. Unless you mean the cow. In that case, go to Uni!) I have him already packaged up and can email him to you.
Send him to me please!

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: virgali on 2005 October 25, 03:46:51
Yes! I would also like him...please mail him to me at [no tracing] I would like him in his normal suit tho.....not the maxis defautls..:D And no, I'm not talking about the ;D

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Andygal on 2005 October 25, 04:59:47
I would like to own mr. Pixelated hottie as well. Email is PM me when you send it as my junk mail filter is set on exclusive and I might miss it if I don't know it's there.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 25, 05:22:48
Okay, rainbow, virgali, and andygal, Justin should be in your inbox. In non-maxis clothes  :P
I decided not to change his clothes because bodyshop takes forever and a day to load...

Let me know if you get him okay. It's late and I very well could have emailed you a copy of my son's halloween costume measurements, instead.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 25, 05:24:35
Bangelnuts, I take a screenshot and crop it down to the wants panel. The in-game camera won't capture the wants panel or UI.
If you want Justin in your game (and I'm assuming that's who "Mr. Pixelated Hottie" is, lol. Unless you mean the cow. In that case, go to Uni!) I have him already packaged up and can email him to you. He's been requested, before. I don't want to put him up as a link because of creators' issues with the clothing, etc. I don't remember where I got them :P. I should have redressed him in original Maxis clothes, now that I think about it. Maybe I will do that, actually. I can credit AllenABQ for the skintone! And the hair is my own recolor of a recolor (had to have that perfect shade of brown). But, anyhoo...

And Justin will never marry the cow. He's just not into those of the bovine influence. But he'll happily dance with one!
send him to me  Brynne and no I dont mean the cow please email Justin to me. the cow can stay at Uni with the rest of the bovines ... you can send Justin in his normal suit . and no dont send the cow LOL ;D

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Andygal on 2005 October 25, 05:28:56
OK this is a dumb question but where do I put the files? *embarassed*

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 25, 05:29:34
But would you like the cow, Bangelnuts? Just kidding. I'm sending him to you. Justin, that is. Not the cow. :P

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 25, 05:30:48
OK this is a dumb question but where do I put the files? *embarassed*

It's a rar file containing the simpack thingy. Just double-click it and it should install for you.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 25, 05:39:37
But would you like the cow, Bangelnuts? Just kidding. I'm sending him to you. Justin, that is. Not the cow. :P
no you can keep the cow . my sims at Uni have enough trouble with the cows that Show up in the dorms without adding another. ;DJustin in your game  would be heartbroken if you sent his dancing partner away.I waiting for Justin now

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 25, 05:43:36
Let me know  if you guys get him; my email account had to be upgraded to accommodate the files. I know rainbow's was returned, so I sent it off again after upgrading.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Andygal on 2005 October 25, 05:45:36
he arrived in my inbox safe and sound Brynne thank you muchly.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 25, 05:49:13
Ah, swell. You're welcome, muchly.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 25, 05:55:54
Let me know  if you guys get him; my email account had to be upgraded to accommodate the files. I know rainbow's was returned, so I sent it off again after upgrading.
he arrived safe and sound in my inbox . Justin is downloading now  and will be installed pronto in my Game as I have some young lady Sims that are gorgeous just waiting to meet  a hottie like Justin. and I hope you took my advice and Kept Justin's dancing partner AKA the cow with your Justin ;D

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 25, 06:04:45
Well, actually, much to Ratna's dismay, he has been teleported off the lot. That's okay, though. I much prefer to see Justin with one of my more...human characters. Mooooo.

Justin is also into the ladies, and not the gents. Also to Ratna's dismay.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: yetyak on 2005 October 25, 06:53:27
If it isn't too late to jump on the Justin bandwagon, could I have him too, Brynne?  Thank you so much!

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 25, 06:55:41
Never too late to jump on the Justin bandwagon  ;)

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 25, 13:38:13
Never too late to jump on the Justin bandwagon  ;)
I opened up Body shop and there he was in all his pixelated glory Justin that is not the cow ;D I cloned him and sent him  to CAS where he will be  moving out of this morning and Ilooked at all my female sims and I found a gorgeous Blue eyed Brunette  for him.I hope Justin Likes Brunettes

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: yetyak on 2005 October 25, 16:38:32
He arrived safe and sound.
I'm looking forward to him spicing things up in my neighborhood.  And some new genes certainly won't hurt!  Probably 75% of the sims in my favorite neigborhood are related.  The ones I make in CAS look ok, but seem to produce ugly children who turn into fugly adults.  Now I suppose everyone will be related to Justin.... 

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 25, 17:51:49
Never too late to jump on the Justin bandwagon  ;)
well it turns out Justin had no chemistry with the wife I set him up with so I promptly had him cheat  and her catch  him and then I  had her divorce Justin and I moved him out into a house by himself. bought him a sports car and a cell phone. had him call the gypsy for a date and he got 2 disasters in a row then got a good date  he now has a new friend he wants to be bestfriends with. he had a great date with a coworker snd reeived a flower.when I saved and exited he was getting off the couch to greet the co worker. he called to invite over. he has reached the top of one career and is in a new career working to toward the top. course he has rolled these fears in order He fears marriage to Tiffany Sampson,he fears Marriage to Arcadia Bradshaw those were the two disasters the gypsy set him up with. he wants to make out with Cindy his co worker and ask her on another date, he wants to be best friends with her. he wants to be best friends with Heidi the date he was set up on by the gypsy. he has a crush on both Heidi and Cindy. his ex wife Tara has been is Aspiration Failure twice over Justin and the Therapist showed up twice for Tara. poor girl has now resorted to kicking over the trashcan as has Arcadia. I changed his turn off to include gray hair  to avoid any more elderly dates for him . he is a Romance sim in my game named Justin Danforth and lives in Golden Falls Valley

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 25, 19:17:16
Justin is most definitely a romance sim in my neighborhood, as well.  He's "been with" 53 women, so far, and his trashcan is kicked over constantly. And he hasn't been able to read the paper in ages...It's kind of funny, though, because some of the sims kicking his trashcan and stealing his paper are still teens that haven't aged along with him. Including his steady girlfriend whom I forgot to have him break up with. She's dating his son, now, but still kicks Justin's garbage over because she caught Justin holding hands with Jennifer Burb  :P.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 October 26, 03:06:53
Justin is most definitely a romance sim in my neighborhood, as well.  He's "been with" 53 women, so far, and his trashcan is kicked over constantly. And he hasn't been able to read the paper in ages...It's kind of funny, though, because some of the sims kicking his trashcan and stealing his paper are still teens that haven't aged along with him. Including his steady girlfriend whom I forgot to have him break up with. She's dating his son, now, but still kicks Justin's garbage over because she caught Justin holding hands with Jennifer Burb  :P.

I really think we need something to stop this.
My first Romance sim was quite a player about town before settling down and fathering 12 children to a Family sim. It was ridiculous when the maid, his first conquest, pitched a fit when his wife gave him a peck sim 'years' later. The first 6 kids were adults by then and it wasn't like Kaylynn hadn't been present for the birth of at least 6 of them. We need a mod to tell them 'yeah, I get it, it's over and he's married now'. I still think an 'affair' awareness would be great. A sneaky goose when the wife is in the other room or the kids are at school, but...

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 26, 03:36:21
A more intelligent definition for "affair" would be great. An affair is not when you get hit on, it's not even necessarily when you do the hitting on. That depends on what your definition of "is" is  :P.  I think of an affair as something a little more substantial than that. But it's stoopid when a sim leaps into another sims arms and the sim stuck holding the leaping sim is suddenly branded as an affair-haver-er. Or when the wife of a sim that was just flirted with now considers her husband an affair-haver-erer. Even though hubby did the right thing and rejected any advances. What's a poor sim to do?

I'm dealing with an even less logical problem. I'm trying to build up a relationship between 2 gay male family teens and things were going great. Then one of the teens decides to throw a water balloon at the other teen. Both have a good laugh, then the prank-pulling sim cleans up the puddle that he just made, and is now furious with the other teen. Because somehow it was that teen's fault the water balloon caused a puddle when it smashed into his face. Sopping-wet teen has no choice but to apologize to make up for the 40 point loss in the relationship score. Bass-ackward, all around.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 26, 04:48:49
A more intelligent definition for "affair" would be great. An affair is not when you get hit on, it's not even necessarily when you do the hitting on. That depends on what your definition of "is" is  :P.  I think of an affair as something a little more substantial than that. But it's stoopid when a sim leaps into another sims arms and the sim stuck holding the leaping sim is suddenly branded as an affair-haver-er. Or when the wife of a sim that was just flirted with now considers her husband an affair-haver-erer. Even though hubby did the right thing and rejected any advances. What's a poor sim to do?
speaking of less than Intelligent  Sims Tara Justin's ex wife in my Game is now Married to Joshua Justin's brother. and is pregnant by Joshua . note Justin is at the wedding of his brother and his exwife. in spite of the fact there is absolutely no chemistry between Justin and Tara  which is why I masterminded the divorce in the first place. Tara keeps Rolling wants like flirt with Justin,Kiss Justin , Fall in love with Justin. to make sure the chemistry did not exist. I had Justin check out Tara his  response was eh.....Joshua and Tara on the other hand do have chemistry its at medium right now two bolts. Tara has also Rolled the want to be  friends with Aurora Landchild the Sim she caught Justin cheating with. Justin hasnt seen or talked to Aurora since his marriage ended but he is happily Romancing his way through the neighborhood he has  his 5 woohoo's and now wants  20 when he arrives home from work he will have achieved his LTW to become a hall of famer. strangely enough he has crushes on much of the neighborhood but of the woohoo's he has had only on one sim is he exhibiting a red heart. at the moment he fears being engaged to her I will wait and see if he loses the fear  or wait till he is permaplat to get him engaged.

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Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 26, 04:58:32
Hmmm...Tara looks kind of like my Justin's ex-wife, Sadie.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 26, 05:14:46
Hmmm...Tara looks kind of like my Justin's ex-wife, Sadie.
Tara is actually Drop dead gorgeous in my game but  until I get my digital camera hooked up I cant get a good close up of her. Just in is the sim getting the back rub in the photo. Joshua is the sim giving Justin the back rub at the wedding party

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 26, 06:29:33
I was looking at the wrong guy! For some reason Justin looks like he has really dark skin in that picture, so I figured the sim talking to Tara was him :P

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 26, 06:46:06
I was looking at the wrong guy! For some reason Justin looks like he has really dark skin in that picture, so I figured the sim talking to Tara was him :P
the sim Tara is talking to is a geek named Finch Loveall who is married to a woman named Kaylynn. at the moment Justin is still mad at Tara over the divorce apparently in looking at Tara's memory I con's she told Justin he was a loser that she was well rid of :-\  Justin happily steals her newspaper at the moment  in sim time  the wedding took place at 6:00 P.M.  on  a monday. however Justin still has no chemistry with Tara even though they are best friends I have had Justin Check her out and his response is Meh........ Justin only came to the wedding because Joshua asked him too. Finch is the Geek has real fair skin and where's the wire rimmed maxis glasses. he came as a guest of the bride. Justin had on the shiny light colored formal wear

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 26, 06:51:55
I couldn't really make out Finch in that picture. But I can tell that's Justin, now that you cleared that up!
So, Justin and Joshua are identical, then?
I want to see pics when that baby is born! :)

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 26, 14:15:27
I accidentally had makeup on Justin when I set him up in CAS (I was clicking through the stuff trying it out and left some light pink on by accident!)  He would ask others if they liked what they saw, and some would be turned off by his makeup and one liked it!  I couldn't understand it so I spawned the temporal adjuster with InSim and used the Fix appearance thingie.  Sure enough, he had lipstick on which I got rid of.  But they still thought he was wearing makeup!  So I tried it again with no change.  Finally I decided to buy an actual mirror and try it, and it worked.  They no longer saw him as wearing makeup.  So there is something in the coding with the fix appearance although it uses the same change appearance window that the mirror does, something does not get reset in their traits for turn on and turn offs. (I didn't try the change appearance with JM's clothing tool.)  I should probably mention this to Eric over at his site.  I thought y'all might find it interesting.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 26, 16:46:29
I couldn't really make out Finch in that picture. But I can tell that's Justin, now that you cleared that up!
So, Justin and Joshua are identical, then?
I want to see pics when that baby is born! :)
yep they are Identical except for birth sign,clothing,aspspiration and job Joshua is a Political science  Graduate and in Law enforcement courtesy of SimPE where I changed him from no uni to a summa cum Laude graduate  and used two Jeffs college adjuster to add the want slots and want lock.Justin is a  coach  and a Magna cum laude graduate  in mathematics he will arrive home from work when I re-enter his house  as a hall of famer which will meet his LTW,I tried to change Justin to a Summa Cum Laude graduate  in Sim PE but for whatever reason it wouldnt stick. so I gave up and left him a magna cum laude grad from Uni. the baby should be  a cutie as w all Know Justin and Joshua are pixelated hotties and Tara  as a sim lady is drop dead gorgeous. I cant imagine the DNA would spin out an ugly baby. especially when My Geek Finch has some gorgeous YA daughters and his DNA is no where near as good as the DNA Justin,Joshua and Tara have. funny that Tara and Joshua have  chemistry . and Justin having Identical looks has zero chemistry with his ex wife Tara and the response from Justin has always been Meh....... when asked to check out Tara

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 26, 23:57:16
I couldn't really make out Finch in that picture. But I can tell that's Justin, now that you cleared that up!
So, Justin and Joshua are identical, then?
I want to see pics when that baby is born! :)
Joshua and Tara's new baby boy

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Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 27, 03:05:00
Kinda hard to tell yet...wait until he's older. :)

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 27, 03:26:51
Kinda hard to tell yet...wait until he's older. :)
I can tell he has  his Mommy's skin tone and his eyebrows match his Daddy's haircolor.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Swiftgold on 2005 November 01, 07:22:53
Sort of late, but I just had something similar happen. I had a Family Sim and her Knowledge Sim boyfriend out on a date because, after reading this thread, I wondered if I could get them to roll up the marriage wants. Except for one time waaay back with the base game, I've never had a Sim specifically want to marry or get engaged to (one of) their loves - just the generic want if anything. So, I was happy to see both of them roll up the marriage want, especially because I was planning to get them married anyway.

They have a Dream Date, it ends, and then this rolls up directly after. My Family Sim, whose only other experience consists of a rather normal relationship with her current boyfriend's clone-brother (pre-lot debugger!) until he dumped her, wants to Public Woohoo with three Sims. ...Relationship jitters, or what?   ???

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Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 01, 07:27:55
They have a Dream Date, it ends, and then this rolls up directly after. My Family Sim, whose only other experience consists of a rather normal relationship with her current boyfriend's clone-brother (pre-lot debugger!) until he dumped her, wants to Public Woohoo with three Sims. ...Relationship jitters, or what?   ???
This happens when you have sims do public woohoo, no matter their aspiration.  It soon goes away and is replaced by the usual wants if you ignore it.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 01, 07:42:28
Did they do it in the photo booth on the date? That's triggered that want for a couple of my non-romance sims. One was family, too.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Swiftgold on 2005 November 01, 19:08:25
Hmm, no photobooth, but they both DID roll up the want to Woohoo in the car three seperate times during the date, so that likely counts as "public". Heh. Thanks, that makes a bit more sense, now...

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 01, 19:24:19
Did they do it in the photo booth on the date? That's triggered that want for a couple of my non-romance sims. One was family, too.
Mine were both family too, and another one it happened to was popularity.  I've had family sims woohoo in their car, but this didn't make any Public woohoo memories like it did in the photo booth.  Maybe they have to be downtown when they woohoo in their car, but the stupid car wouldn't give me the option.  When they did it in the photo booth, they still get the memory about "trying on clothes being more fun."  Did someone at Maxis forget something??

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Swiftgold on 2005 November 01, 20:51:44
Mine were both family too, and another one it happened to was popularity.  I've had family sims woohoo in their car, but this didn't make any Public woohoo memories like it did in the photo booth.  Maybe they have to be downtown when they woohoo in their car, but the stupid car wouldn't give me the option.  When they did it in the photo booth, they still get the memory about "trying on clothes being more fun."  Did someone at Maxis forget something??

Well, I guess since vampires are classified 'service NPCs', my Sim who seduced one of the vampires in order to become one got a WooHoo with Service Sim memory afterward and the memory that said something about "a new meaning to help around the house... hey, what exactly am I paying for here?" I hadn't seen that addition with other service Sim WooHoos, which makes no sense because they ARE paying those and they AREN'T paying the vampire...  ::)

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 01, 20:55:11
Well, I guess since vampires are classified 'service NPCs', my Sim who seduced one of the vampires in order to become one got a WooHoo with Service Sim memory afterward and the memory that said something about "a new meaning to help around the house... hey, what exactly am I paying for here?" I hadn't seen that addition with other service Sim WooHoos, which makes no sense because they ARE paying those and they AREN'T paying the vampire...  ::)
Yeah I know what you mean, it's the same when they woohoo a professor.  I have gotten the memories for woohooing service NPCs when Don woohooed his maids and his nanny...He wanted to woohoo 5 different service NPCs then, but I haven't done it yet.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Hook on 2005 November 01, 21:03:52
I've had Sims woohoo the wheels off a couple of cars downtown without getting a Public Woohoo memory.  Once my Sim's date's father-in-law was on the lot and he didn't notice.  Another time Mrs. Crumplebottom was on the *sidewalk* not far from the car and she never batted an eyelash.  Maybe knitting takes too much concentration.  "Knit one, purl two..."

I guess all the car woohoo animation is more for feeling and atmosphere and the real car just sorta sits there without making "vroom vroom" noises and flying. :)


Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Swiftgold on 2005 November 01, 21:10:05
I've had Sims woohoo the wheels off a couple of cars downtown without getting a Public Woohoo memory.  Once my Sim's date's father-in-law was on the lot and he didn't notice.  Another time Mrs. Crumplebottom was on the *sidewalk* not far from the car and she never batted an eyelash.  Maybe knitting takes too much concentration.  "Knit one, purl two..."

I guess all the car woohoo animation is more for feeling and atmosphere and the real car just sorta sits there without making "vroom vroom" noises and flying. :)

Same here - something's blocking townies from going downtown for me lately, but Mrs. Crumplebottom was there and beat on my Sim's date with her purse for a slow dance (it did make the meter go down, too!), but she didn't notice the flying car.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 01, 21:14:42
I guess all the car woohoo animation is more for feeling and atmosphere and the real car just sorta sits there without making "vroom vroom" noises and flying. :)
Well, I've never noticed that happening in the real world...maybe windows fogging up, but I've never seen the car jump in the air and all.  :)  Of course, I've never seen anyone 'woohoo' in a car before so what do I know...except for that one hot scene in Titanic. :D

What gets me is how they yawn and "ho-hum" before and after, and the little red negative points over the car during conversation.  It takes several moments for them to stop when I give the command to make out or woohoo, then they get very still before the corny giggles and windows fogging up and all.  Then it's back to yawn, ho-hum.

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Hook on 2005 November 01, 21:21:22
Then it's back to yawn, ho-hum.

Heh!  Sounds like you need to do a few Share Interest interactions. :D

I had the timing mess up on my last downtown car Woohoo and the windows cleared before the action was over, showing a totally empty car.  The Sims appeared out of nowhere after a few seconds.  I'll just pretend they were on the floorboard of the car.

(In real life, the windows really *do* fog up!  Woot!)


Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 01, 22:49:48
Then it's back to yawn, ho-hum.

Heh!  Sounds like you need to do a few Share Interest interactions. :D

I had the timing mess up on my last downtown car Woohoo and the windows cleared before the action was over, showing a totally empty car.  The Sims appeared out of nowhere after a few seconds.  I'll just pretend they were on the floorboard of the car.

(In real life, the windows really *do* fog up!  Woot!)


I have a pregnant Romance sim (I accidently clicked the wrong thing.LOL) and I have the  DMA thing so I built a community Bordello  and I clicked on the car  to send her there  to help her towards her goal of woohoo with 20 different sims. The only action I got  was sit in car ugh . she didnt even Know she was pregnant  . it was some 5 sim hours later that she did uhh yoohoo and twirled into maternity PJ's  looks down and says uhh fleebe . .so never try to send your sim out in their car after you here the lullaby

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Swiftgold on 2005 November 02, 17:12:49
I have a pregnant Romance sim (I accidently clicked the wrong thing.LOL) and I have the  DMA thing so I built a community Bordello  and I clicked on the car  to send her there  to help her towards her goal of woohoo with 20 different sims. The only action I got  was sit in car ugh . she didnt even Know she was pregnant  . it was some 5 sim hours later that she did uhh yoohoo and twirled into maternity PJ's  looks down and says uhh fleebe . .so never try to send your sim out in their car after you here the lullaby

I wonder if it's just the car that does that...? One of my twin-mothers was at two or three days pregnant, already showing, and she got that call from a friend inviting her downtown - so I said sure, and she went downtown in the taxi to the Hub and hung out for a while till I had to send her home because of energy. It didn't last long because of the pregnancy needs dropping thing, but she was able to go...

Title: Re: I don't think this would get you a dream date...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 02, 19:43:26

I wonder if it's just the car that does that...? One of my twin-mothers was at two or three days pregnant, already showing, and she got that call from a friend inviting her downtown - so I said sure, and she went downtown in the taxi to the Hub and hung out for a while till I had to send her home because of energy. It didn't last long because of the pregnancy needs dropping thing, but she was able to go...
[/quote]that could be first time  I had ever tried to send  a pregnant sim that didnt know they were pregnamt on an outing