More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Planet K 20X6 => Topic started by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 29, 12:56:25

Title: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 29, 12:56:25
Here's a simple, silly challenge for you: Taking the unmodified game, any edition, any official patch, and a clean neighborhood (custom or stock Maxis from fresh install) and performing only Maxis-supported behaviors (no debug cheats, any non-hacked custom Bodyshop content permitted), do anything you can to reduce your neighborhood to a Big Fiery Ball Visible From Space in as little playing time as possible.

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Myth on 2005 December 29, 14:47:15
That's not a challenge, that sounds more like your version of psychology.   :P

/me steps away from the land mine.

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Sandilou on 2005 December 29, 14:59:44
I take it that you have tested this out yourself, JM.  So what record time should we be aiming at beating? I tried this before after I got that fantastic work of EA art - Uni - and it took less than 2 weeks for blank icons to show up, career info to disappear and nannies, delivery npcs and busdrivers to block portals.  The game became unplayable pretty quickly - and that was without moving Bella to Pleasantview and loading up peopled lots. 

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Database on 2005 December 29, 18:40:40 I'm giving this challenge a miss :P

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: qvcatullus on 2005 December 29, 18:53:47
This is less a 'challenge' and more the 'constant irritation that I went through before I found that there were people fixing this damned game for free even though the company I paid for it didn't seem to have the time.' Well, free if you discount the occasional subscription fee...

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2005 December 29, 20:16:31
This was easy.  I moved a few families into the house bin and lo and behild, black squiggly lines were seen in memories and speech bubbles.

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: LK on 2005 December 29, 20:43:07
This was easy.  I moved a few families into the house bin and lo and behild, black squiggly lines were seen in memories and speech bubbles.

Good!  Now see if you can get the ENTIRE game to look like that!

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Trubble on 2005 December 29, 21:09:40
Unplayed neighbourhood, even with Awesome fixes, I was merely building a lot and now it keeps crashing out on me - no CC with the building. Heh. Off to see if it's still crappload :P So that's probably about an hour of building. Do I get a prize?

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 29, 21:44:29
I will pass on this challenge

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Lythdan on 2005 December 29, 22:50:11
Hm...I'm still wondering why anyone would want to try and turn a neighbourhod into a BFBVFS.

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Sandilou on 2005 December 30, 00:09:58
Hm...I'm still wondering why anyone would want to try and turn a neighbourhod into a BFBVFS.
Because sometimes - just sometimes - smashing things feels great! ;)

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Yay on 2005 December 30, 02:06:39
Especially when it has got to do with FIRE!

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Kitiara on 2005 December 30, 05:00:23
Every one needs an outlet.

Bad day anyone? Smashination is cathartic.

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 30, 05:18:58
Hm...I'm still wondering why anyone would want to try and turn a neighbourhod into a BFBVFS.

Well, maybe for many of us who are already on the road to the BFBVFS, this will make us feel like we've actually been working toward a goal...

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Lythdan on 2005 December 30, 06:05:07
Well, maybe for many of us who are already on the road to the BFBVFS, this will make us feel like we've actually been working toward a goal...

But Pescado managed to do it in 4 hours...

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Muisie on 2005 December 30, 18:41:12
Wow, I see FUN written all over this one.  Who is actually playing it?  Post pictures please.

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 30, 19:29:06
Well, maybe for many of us who are already on the road to the BFBVFS, this will make us feel like we've actually been working toward a goal...

But Pescado managed to do it in 4 hours...

Well, he wins, then.

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Nick on 2005 December 30, 20:10:56
Well, maybe for many of us who are already on the road to the BFBVFS, this will make us feel like we've actually been working toward a goal...

But Pescado managed to do it in 4 hours...

I thought he did that in two miniutes. That sounds like something my grandpa would say...

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Lythdan on 2005 December 30, 23:49:39
Actually, in four hours, he managed to get a family that BSOD on load.

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Trubble on 2005 December 30, 23:55:20
My one hour beats four :P

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 31, 00:18:00
Trubble wins. Game over.

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: LK on 2005 December 31, 00:55:00
Next challenge!

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 31, 00:56:09
Next Challenge: Who can fix Trubble's game?  :P

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Trubble on 2005 December 31, 01:10:03
Trubble won that one as well :D

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 December 31, 13:08:22
Move 10 families with memories of meeting random sims into a new neighborhood.

Game FUBAR'd in 5 minutes.  Game over.  =P

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Venusy on 2005 December 31, 14:02:55
Deleting objects.package:
Game FUBAR'd without even running it. Is there any method faster than that?

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Emma on 2005 December 31, 16:44:28
What about if you break your game cd?  :D

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 December 31, 18:38:30
Deleting objects.package:
Game FUBAR'd without even running it. Is there any method faster than that?

Maxis supported behaviors only. Mucking about with the game files is definitely not on that list.

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: speedreader on 2006 January 02, 05:25:18
I haven't had a laugh this good in ages.  Thanks all.

I have been playing Pleasantville since Sims 2 was released in Sept 2004 - same families(10 + 2 townie families, just began birthing generation 5).  I began to get the jump bug early on and so played new families until Motoki pointed me to JM's fix.  When I get bored I play Veronaville or another game.  I have never reloaded the original game.  I have occasional squiggly line memories but no real issues.  I've never had dozens of gardners, or nannies or any other fun stuff.  I have loaded Uni and NL and patches.  I've somehow been exceptionally lucky with this game.   

I HAVE to be eligible for some kind of award, don't I?

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Trubble on 2006 January 02, 11:08:30
Does a jealous boot to the head count?

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: speedreader on 2006 January 02, 15:54:03
I went to bed last night and realized the only reason my game has not FUBARd is that I play way too cautiously compared to most of you.  I don't import outside Sims or houses.  I don't download much, and carefully put them into a folder so that I can yank it if problems occur.  99.9% of my hacks come from 2J, JM and Inge. I am watching my Sim count so I will know when I get close to critical mass and then I know I will have issues, but until then I will just be boring.  So don't bother to kick me upside the head - you probably wouldn't like playing the game my style.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I bought a new computer just before Sims came out so I would meet or exceed all the specs.  I'm sure that has helped as well.


Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: bluecatvon on 2006 January 02, 16:09:31
ooh..interesting..who's the winner? at what time?

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Trubble on 2006 January 02, 19:03:37
Speedreader, you're not alone in playing like that :P I excede the specs, I'm now very anal with my downloads etc. The boot to the head was a joke :P

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: speedreader on 2006 January 02, 19:14:02
OOOh - I took it as a joke Trubble, really I did!

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Marvelleaux on 2006 January 30, 18:57:47
I won this challege within two days of the release of the game.


Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 February 16, 17:19:30
One day after the mac release.

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: JoJo on 2006 April 30, 20:35:54
Yeh Peacado, the game ships like this.

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Frankenbeasley on 2006 August 01, 22:52:20
Yeh Peacado, the game ships like this.
Exactly, so, by default, Maxis wins having been able to complete the challenge before the game was even released.

Apparently they're going one step further with TS3. When you pre-order a Maxoid comes round and pours a cup of cold piss down the back of your computer.

ETA: Having blithely posted away on this I finally managed to notice the dates on the original post and on the one I just quoted. I hope I'm not guilty of necromancy... merely stupidity and lack of concentration.  :-[ :-[ :-[

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: kewian on 2006 August 02, 15:38:04
I dont think so...the challenges are always open. :D

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 August 02, 16:05:08
Is it even possible to do necromancy on a sticky?

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: dizzy on 2006 August 02, 18:26:46
In this case, the sticky is guilty of necromancy.  ;)

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: Andygal on 2006 November 09, 22:09:33
I've had one neighbourhood reduced to a BFBVFS, but that was my fault trying to fix a Greek house glitch with SimPE, i suceeded in erasing the memories of the the entire hood. So i deleted it.

I use almost all of JM, TJ and Crammyboy's fixes. Plus i'm a pretty slow player so i don't have a huge number of generations in my hoods. (furthest is 5 generations). So I've never had a natural BFBVFS.

it will happen eventually, probably in the hoodie where the whole point is to move in as many NPCs and townies as possible. And seeing as they are all ending up reproducing they are probably non-deletable.

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: V on 2006 November 10, 04:28:58
Exactly, so, by default, Maxis wins having been able to complete the challenge before the game was even released.

Apparently they're going one step further with TS3. When you pre-order a Maxoid comes round and pours a cup of cold piss down the back of your computer.

Oh, Frankenbeasley, you have been cracking me up all day!

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 10, 05:59:01
Apparently they're going one step further with TS3. When you pre-order a Maxoid comes round and pours a cup of cold piss down the back of your computer.
COLD piss? Hell no. They'll give you fresh piss, right on the spot.

Title: Re: The Scorched Earth Challenge
Post by: V on 2006 November 10, 06:10:58
Oh, you are funny too, J--


Where have you been all day?