Pinstar's new Apocalypse challenge

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This one just might be twisted enough to get a Pescado stamp of approval.

I really like the way this looks. The idea of unlocking things is appealling to me. not usre how I'll remember every rule, though.

Which two are you unlocking first?  ;)

I'm going to wait until someone makes a score card of some kind. The rules are too many and too complicated for me right now. I felt lost even after reading it twice. Does sound great though.

I'm going to think about it for a while before I play it. I'm kind of up to my knees in legacy at the moment, and I'm not ready to start another multi-generational story. Plus, I'm thinking I want to make a neighbourhood of mutants, and that might take a while.

J. M. Pescado:
Well, obviously, you need military for the ability to send to college (or else this isn't going anywhere), and you need a creativity unlocker. You also need the buy/build mode items, but there are a few loopholes you can use to get around that. The ability to travel about unlocked by Mil also opens up a great number of potential exploits. Also, the entire "spouses" thing is an exploit, as there are no limitations for how many spouses you can have, or what you can choose as a spouse, so you can marry as many times as you wish, whoever you wish. In a best-case scenario using the above, it's entirely possible to defeat this challenge within a week or two on gen-zero, possibly faster. :P


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