Converting Late Night apartments to regular houses

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I'm not a builder, I'm not good with building houses or apartments. I'd rather just have my sims in them and maybe take out a wall or two and decorate. However... there's an apartment building in a world called St. Claire that I would like to convert to a house.

I've deleted the trash chute, the wall mailbox, all hidden room markers, and placed a base game mailbox and trash can. After that I still can't touch objects "outside of my unit." So I ctrl+shift clicked on all doors and reset them and unlocked them. Still didn't change anything. It's obvious I'm missing something or a few things, so any help would be appreciated.

Before I edited the lot, I did save it to my bin, in case I did something I couldn't undo. So if I need to place the unedited lot, I will.

What are you talking about? Why not just leave it alone and live there how it is? Same thing.

Because it's an industrial building, and I'd rather it be a house than an apartment.

Use "restrictbuildbuyinbuildings false" to build outside of your apartment unit. You might need to have testingcheats on, but I don't recall if it's actually necessary because I usually have it enabled anyway.

I assume you already tried changing the lot type to community and back after you swapped out all the apartment objects? If that doesn't work, I'd bet you still have a stray room marker or NPC door somewhere.

In the eyes of the game though, they are the same thing. Your question doesn't make sense. House = Apartment, Apartment = House


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