Fix for Create a Pet 'Hello Kitty'


Couldn't find any posts here on this subject, so I've come out of the shadows to share a fix I found recently.  Hope this helps.

For a while now I have been unable to edit in the advanced coat section when I create a pet.  Oddly, the window that appears in the upper left hand corner has the words 'Hello Kitty' written four times.  I rightly figured it was one of my countless CC files.  I had narrowed it down to one of my consolidated package files that I made using CCMagic.  Unfortunately, that file contains dozens of objects and I was too lazy to narrow it down any further.  

Thankfully I stumbled across a post recently that revealed the culprit file which is; JS_blondmermaid_UltraModernLiving_Chair.  

I have tested this by making a new consolidated package file omitting the said file and I can confirm it solves the issue.

Also, I invite anyone to post detailing any other problem file they have encountered.

OOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhh It's horible :o :o :o


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