No Eat Crap II: Electric Boogaloo *UPDATED 12/21/05*

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J. M. Pescado:
No Eat Crap returns for NL, now with "Don't Eat With Your Mouth Full" technology.

UPDATE 12/21/05:
Grilled cheese sims will now finish their grilled cheeses regardless of hunger level.


No Eating Crap 2: Electric Boogaloo (v1b) for TS2NL v1.0p2
Made by: Flying Fish Systems (J. M. Pescado)

Special Thanks To:
Quaxi, for writing SimPE
Phedge, for the original "No Overeating"

Congratulations to: Draklixa!

Place in your MYDOCU~1\EAGAME~1\THESIM~1\DOWNLO~1 directory.

Sims (who are not fat or lazy) will no longer stuff themselves until they
explode. Lazy and fat sims will continue to eat everything and thus can
still become fat, because sometimes, you just want fat people. Sims who would
not eat out of a trash can will cease eating food that has gone spoiled.

Sims will talk considerably less when eating, especially if they are in a
hurry (because they're tired, starving, need to pee, have more orders), or
if they're eating without the benefit of chairs.

This hack is fully compatible with all FFS hacks. Tested for TS2NL v1.0p1.
Replaces Phedge's "No Overeating" hack - do not use together.

May cause computer damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death,
and/or halitosis.

Thank you JM, now my family can have breakfast together again. I had to feed them separately, because they talked so much, they ran out of time. I'm all for family togetherness, but sometimes (especially in the mornings) it goes on my nerves. If they accidently did have breakfast together I almost always had to cancel their actions so they could get to work/school on time.

I'm ususally pretty easy-going, but the green mist and the flies turn my stomach (because, obviously they couldn't clean up those darn dishes, because I practically had to throw them out of their house).

"Sims will talk considerably less when eating, especially if they are in a hurry (because they're tired, starving, need to pee, have more orders), or if they're eating without the benefit of chairs."

Will the above mention affect the way they act on dates on community lots? Will they speak less there too or it only apply in regular hood houses?

Is this hack about the same as Crammyboy's "eat more talk less while dining with reduced overeating V2" hack?

J. M. Pescado:
This hack is similar, and modifies the same things. I think. So don't use them together. They'll talk slightly more when dining out than they will when eating at home, and they'll talk slightly more still if you they have nothing better to be doing, and are not starving or otherwise desperate. If you queue orders for them to do after eating, they'll talk less than they would if they were eating autonomously or as a single directive.

Thank you very much Pescado for the fast reply.  Finally they won't get in their carpool or drive to work at the last minute!


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