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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Simgoose on 2007 June 12, 05:13:52

Title: Create More UNI based Sims?
Post by: Simgoose on 2007 June 12, 05:13:52
Simmers, I've been trying to find away to create more UNI sims.

I've started a new hood with all the empty templates etc, so I dont get any of the maxis sims etc.
I has also added new CAS faces, and mods to help in that way.
I have used the NPC Townie tree to make down townies and townies. and thats fine.
I have made with the tree 30 townies (and dont really want any more random townies)

But when I move my sims to Uni into a dorm... no other sims come to take up rooms etc

Is there a way I can create just UNI sims to socialize with and enter the dorms too?


Title: Re: Create More UNI based Sims?
Post by: IAmTheRad on 2007 June 12, 05:17:49
downtownies and townies aren't in the same pool as dormies.

If you use nodormieregen you won't get any dormies unless you make your own. The NPC tree maker is still broken at making dormies

Title: Re: Create More UNI based Sims?
Post by: Simgoose on 2007 June 12, 05:23:05
So is there  a way i can create dormies?
besides taking out the nodormieregen?

EDIT: im not using the nodormieregen, only the notownieregen

Title: Re: Create More UNI based Sims?
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 June 12, 05:36:40
Create some young adult sims in UniCAS, then use the Teleporter Shrub to make them into townies. They'll become dormies and will be able to move into various dorms.... Unless something has been broken since the last time I've done this.

Title: Re: Create More UNI based Sims?
Post by: Simgoose on 2007 June 12, 05:47:56
Sweet... Thankyou SaraMK and IAmTheRad.
I'll try this when I get home tonight.

Also, will more dormies allow them to move into dorms?
Or is something conflicting causing no Dormies to enter/claim a room at a dorm


Title: Re: Create More UNI based Sims?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 June 12, 13:38:15
odd, I use the empty templates and the game creates dormies once I move a sim into a dorm - the first newly created dormie dosen't show up the minute my sim gets there, takes a little while.

You can also make some YAs in CAS and move them into a dorm and have them claim a door, then make them unselectable - they will leave but they will come back. I do that sometimes.

Title: Re: Create More UNI based Sims?
Post by: Weaver on 2007 June 12, 15:45:20
Generate townies while on a university lot. I ended up with around 30 Adult "At Campus" townies who were for all purposes, dormies.

Title: Re: Create More UNI based Sims?
Post by: Sagana on 2007 June 12, 16:57:14
Adults or Young Adults? Did the game age your townies back so they were in school? If you marry 'em, do they get the graduated memories? Or if you move 'em in, are they students?

<thought you needed Young Adults>

Title: Re: Create More UNI based Sims?
Post by: Gwill on 2007 June 12, 17:13:20
I've made custom sims in YACAS many times and added them to the townie bin with the teleporter shrub, and that at least works perfectly fine.
I think also the townie tree is smart enoug to understand that any adults generated on a uni lot is a YA.

Title: Re: Create More UNI based Sims?
Post by: Invisigoth on 2007 June 12, 19:43:12
I've made custom sims in YACAS many times and added them to the townie bin with the teleporter shrub, and that at least works perfectly fine.
I think also the townie tree is smart enoug to understand that any adults generated on a uni lot is a YA.

Because Maxis always writes smart code.

Title: Re: Create More UNI based Sims?
Post by: Sagana on 2007 June 12, 23:04:04
I think also the townie tree is smart enoug to understand that any adults generated on a uni lot is a YA.
But they aren't... well, not *any* adult as not all NPCs are YAs - the cashiers generated to populate Uni community lots (as I only had one before and the game needed several for a couple of lots) are either teens or adults. And there's lots of other NPCs that run around on Uni lots - profs, cooks, the coach, paperboy, newspaper peoples, maids, etc. I've used inteen to allow an adult to live on campus and the game doesn't just turn them into young adults (but Inteen makes it sos they can go to work as well, so who knows what else it changes.)

I've made lots of custom sims and added them to the townie pool without a problem as well (either teens I brought in from the neighborhood and made dormies after they aged up or ones created in the Uni CAS), but they were all Young Adults when I did it. I haven't tried an adult and I'm curious how the game deals with it if they start out in the wrong age group.

Title: Re: Create More UNI based Sims?
Post by: Simgoose on 2007 June 13, 00:12:17
I've made custom sims in YACAS many times and added them to the townie bin with the teleporter shrub, and that at least works perfectly fine.

I have since done this... I made 5 YA in the YACAS... but i used the shrub to turn them into townies from the normal parents house in the main n/hood not from a Dorm using one of my sims sent to uni... should i have made them townies from the UNI DORM... or does it not matter i made the YA's townies from the normal n/hood???


Title: Re: Create More UNI based Sims?
Post by: Gwill on 2007 June 13, 07:58:15
I specified YACAS, as in Young Adult CAS, as in the one at uni.
They have to be Young Adults to start with, and they have to be on campus.  I think someone once said that you had to use a rented house, not a dorm, so I always do that just in case.

Title: Re: Create More UNI based Sims?
Post by: Sagana on 2007 June 13, 10:37:00
I'm interested in what Weaver did with the townie tree and adults <hopes he comes back to answer questions, as I don't think I can mess with the townie tree in my current game>.

I put my young adults in dorms, choose rooms for them, and then make them townies. Works perfectly and I get them in the dorms I want (the ones where my playables are). The only issue I've had with it is that I have the game so limited in dormies that it made one of them an SS member and when I gave him a dorm room, I got a clone. I'm not really minding that - it's a kind of fun glitch.

Title: Re: Create More UNI based Sims?
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 June 14, 20:14:56
I think someone once said that you had to use a rented house, not a dorm, so I always do that just in case.

Nah, I use the otherwise mostly useless 5-room dorm as my 'home' for soon-to-be dormies -- works just fine there.