More Awesome Than You!

Awesomeware => The Armory => Topic started by: Blushing Rose on 2009 February 15, 18:50:42

Title: Updated Hack Descriptions
Post by: Blushing Rose on 2009 February 15, 18:50:42
Because I had to do a complete reformatting of my hard drive (don't ask  >:( ), I needed to reinstall my AL DC, so I went hunting for an updated RATFM.  And 'cause I'm a reasonably nice person and I went to a lot of work to put this together, I thought I might as well share.  If it's helpful to anyone else to use, great.  If not, the mods can delete it and it won't hurt my feelings one bit.

Please note a few things:
1.  To save space (and because I own all the EPs and SPs and didn't really plan on sharing this file when I started), I took out the verbage that talks about compatibility.  So if you don't have all the EPs and SPs and you have a question about whether the mod will work in your game, please go look it up.  Don't ask me, 'cause I don't know and I'm not looking it up for you.
2.  All I did to create this file was to take the existing FT_RATFM file, remove all the dead mods and add in the new ones.  So excepting the verbage on the mods I added, I take no credit or blame for work that was already done.
3.  All the descriptions I used for the updated mods came directly from the forum (yes, "Search" is your friend!).
4.  I took out the language that indicated the mod was a "DC exclusive", because this is labeled as the RATFM for the DC file (duh!).

Go ye and download if you wish :)

Title: Re: Updated Hack Descriptions
Post by: BastDawn on 2009 February 15, 19:38:01
The old thread can be found here:,2086.0.html

Title: What is this?
Post by: GoddessByline on 2009 February 22, 23:10:08
Hiya guys. I've come back to the game, and to the community after being on hiatus for over a year. Anyway, I made a real bobo the other day, and uninstalled AL because the game wouldn't start up for me, and in the proccess my entire, unbackupped downloads folder.

I simply don't have time to chase all hacks individually for instance, as I want to get on plying. Therefor I just grabbed Pesky's Directors to save me some time, as I don't dare to start the game without his fixes.

Anyway, in it I found some hacks with names that sounds totally unfamiliar to me, and I'm not sure I wanna use them without knowing what they do. Pesky and I may have different opinions about what is annoying, and they may kill a feature I like. So I hope you guys can help tell me what those hacks o, cause I can't find any info on them on this site. :)


Title: Re: What is this?
Post by: Lorelei on 2009 February 22, 23:17:08
They may be explained on MATY Wikka.

Title: Re: What is this?
Post by: GoddessByline on 2009 February 22, 23:20:40
They may be explained on MATY Wikka.
Like I said, it's been over a year since I was active in the community. What the heck is MATY Wikka? Googeling it just gives nonsens hits. :(

Title: Re: What is this?
Post by: Tsarina on 2009 February 22, 23:29:36
Behold! (,14428.0.html)

Title: Re: What is this?
Post by: kutto on 2009 February 22, 23:44:07
rpshack.package - fixes Rock Paper Scissors so that it can be beneficial instead of stupid
shoonobreakgroup.package - you can shoo people on an outing without ending it
skillinator.package - Are you serious? Provides macrotastics support for skills. Very Shiny.

Title: Re: Updated Hack Descriptions
Post by: GoddessByline on 2009 February 23, 10:59:39
Thank you Kutto. :)
And no, I was serious, I have no idea wha the skillinator is. I'm sure it's most awesome and shiny, but I never heard of it before, probably because I never had any need. :D

And a big thank you to RoseAnn... This is the handiest document I've seen in a long time.

Title: Re: Updated Hack Descriptions
Post by: Callista on 2009 February 27, 03:22:28
Ditto. It's very useful.

Does there exist somewhere a document with a list of hacks that are outdated for each EP? They can cause problems and a checklist could help.

Title: Re: Updated Hack Descriptions
Post by: rhodaloo on 2009 February 27, 04:01:29
Yes, those are listed here. (,7.0.html) Click on each ep link and look for Obsolete.

Title: Re: Updated Hack Descriptions
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 March 05, 04:15:14
The Director's Cut normally excludes all the obsolete files. The obsolete files are those which have been superceded by an official patch, but are kept around for those people who for some bizarre reason don't want to use it.

Title: Re: Updated Hack Descriptions
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 March 05, 04:26:19
The Debugger never needs any obsolete files. However, some people, for various reasons, don't WANT to install the patches, so the obsoletes are kept around for those weirdos. Anyone running a more recent expansion or having the latest patches never needs any obsolete file, unless they just want to look at them for learnings. Sometimes people download mods not to actually use them, but just to take them apart for their learnings.

Title: Re: Updated Hack Descriptions
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 March 05, 05:06:14
Buy not! Do, or do not! There is no buy!

Title: Re: Updated Hack Descriptions
Post by: Kyna on 2009 March 07, 08:09:22
in America, there's ONLY buy..  :-*

Really?  Are you sure about that?  Because I know Americans who have ARR-quired the game.

Title: Re: Updated Hack Descriptions
Post by: akatonbo on 2009 March 20, 05:08:39
This document only describes antivisitcampus in the most general (i.e. it does what the filename says) terms. Is this a mod that keeps non-YAs from showing up on campus autonomously, so comm lots on campus aren't full of non-students, and mom and dad don't walk by the dorm? (Actually, I'd expect the local walkbys mod to do the latter already, but.) Or does it do something else or something in addition to that?

Title: Re: Updated Hack Descriptions
Post by: Cappuccino on 2009 March 20, 08:51:42
^ IIRC it prevents Greek House members to Visit Campus (essentially disappearing, having their needs replenished and occasionally bringing back pizzas and other crap)

Title: Re: Updated Hack Descriptions
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 March 20, 14:25:25
Well, to be sure, I base my assumptions on the rush to keep "capitalism" afloat (with bailouts, and the like) but I digress...
Except keeping "capitalism" afloat with bailouts is actually COMMUNISM, yes.

Title: Re: Updated Hack Descriptions
Post by: akatonbo on 2009 March 20, 17:06:50
Ah, that makes more sense for several reasons. Danke.

Title: Re: Updated Hack Descriptions
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 March 21, 15:27:46
Elsewise, it's called "buying toxic assets to keep the economy afloat".
More like "the state buying up private business".

Title: Re: Updated Hack Descriptions
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 April 07, 08:29:31
I don't have BV but did, eh, acquire FT.  Do I assume the animations are also/still busted in FT since this is in the FT pack?
Yes, it apparently is still broken in FT.

ditto the orchardtreefix, assuming Orchard trees came with Seasons (which I also acquired).

It's described as fixing a break introduced by Pets.  Well, I don't have Pets (nor do I want them) but I do have and use the Businesses in OFB.  Is this one of those cases where it won't hurt anything to have it in and/or will harderjobs & OFBfixes suffice?  (Well, I don't use harderjobs, but still...)
Jobfixes covers brokenness in jobs that persists to this day, hence why the "pets" label was removed.

antivacationactions, bedsidefix, and vacationfixes
If you don't have BV, you don't need to worry about antivacationactions, but other fixes are still in there. It does not hurt to install the fixes, as if you have a more recent expansion, the code is still THERE.

I can't find a rtfm for this, but the description in the doc from the OP suggests this is only applicable if I have the Pets EP?
Well, it doesn't do anything useful if you don't.

Is stated to work with Uni+Seasons "only".  Reading that literally, as I tend to do, why is it in the FT folder?  Or, what does this do that the ffsdebugger can't?
RTFM is old, works with anything Seasons+.