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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: All Game Sound Shuts Off on: 2010 September 11, 14:25:10
Well, I found a couple of sims that were stuck.  One was out in her yard and couldn't move past the sculpting station for some reason, so I used resetsim on her. Another sim in the same household was at the hospital, (just visiting?) and when I tried to send her home, she wouldn't go.  When I zoomed in on her, she had a police cruiser (family vehicle) that kept trying to get around her.  I used resetsim on her, too, which sent her home, but the car was still trying to stick to her.  I deleted the car since there were two in that household and one of them was from a sim that had died.

Since then, I haven't had any sound problems to speak of.  Maybe once or twice for a second or two out of several hours of gameplay.

Hopefully, this fixed my sound problems.  Might be worthwhile just checking on sims in households you're not currently playing, just in case.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: All Game Sound Shuts Off on: 2010 September 03, 17:32:48
No shit!  That was my thought, too.

It sounds like another way of saying, "EWE NEED MOAR RAMZ!"

Or it's an excuse for their lousy programming.

Either way, no thanks.  It's probably their spyware trying to phone home that's doing it.  When it can't do its job, it fills up your CPU and cuts out the sound.

3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: All Game Sound Shuts Off on: 2010 September 01, 22:36:43
Tried both.  Tried the middle setting first, then the low setting.  Still have sound shutting off.

Tried a couple of things last night.  I read where someone suggested changing the speaker options.  Mine are set at 2.0 basic speaker setup.  When I got to the game select screen, I tried changing it to 4. whatever and the game actually loaded faster.  Once the game was loaded, I changed it back to 2.0.  I didn't have sound problems right away like I have been, but they did start again.  So I changed to the 4.0, and the sound came back pretty fast, but cut out again.  I'm going to play around with it a little tonight and see if I can find a setting that works halfway decent.

I've also had some problems with my mouse.  Click on something and I get an unrelated pie chart or that the item is unselectable.  So I also was checking my video card settings to see if there was anything there.  There was a setting for advance frame rendering that said if there were problems with the mouse pointer to reduce the value.  So I did that, too. (After I had loaded the above-mentioned game.)

My thinking on the advance frame rendering was that maybe it was taking too much memory, but the setting is on the GPU, not the CPU.  It did help the mouse clicking, though.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: All Game Sound Shuts Off on: 2010 August 31, 23:06:55
Well, I don't have any bikes for my sims and I have the sound going out.  I lowered the sound quality and it helped, but didn't stop it entirely.

I have noticed when I have the task manager open on my second monitor that when the sound goes out, the CPU usage jumps from approx. 50-55% to 100% and stays there for awhile.  When the sound starts again, the usage drops back down.  I'm beginning to suspect a memory leak somewhere.
5  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2010 April 17, 23:00:26
Is the "Work on Late Homework" tone for sim kids at school no longer available?  I haven't really paid attention to this for awhile, so I don't know if it was borked with a patch or not.  I know there was a patch that kept this from being available if the "do homework" option wasn't available, so I guess I assumed that it got lost at that time.

I was trying to figure out how I could set up a default work tone for a couple of jobs, and in my poking around in awesomemod to see how the "late homework" was implemented, I noticed that the default work tones I was looking for were already set up in another function in there.  But my chosen sims don't get those default tones, whether I'm currently playing them or not.

So I decided to check on the homework at school tone for my sim kids, and none of them have it available.  They all have the default "normal effort".

Is it something I have to have set in the config?  Or do I have a conflict?  It seems that I did notice at one time, a long time ago, that my sim kids weren't getting the late homework tone any more, but I don't think I had any other mods at the time.  And I only have a couple of mods besides AM, anyway.

I couldn't find anything anywhere that discussed this.  I've been trying to figure out how to set up a default work tone for a couple of weeks so my playable but not current household sims would default to the tone I would give them if I was playing them, but my searches kept coming up short.  I finally was looking at a tutorial on core modding, which I really don't feel up to getting into at this time, when I found this function in AM.
6  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2010 March 21, 13:39:09
Yeah, it seems like EA went to a lot of trouble to make this game unplayable and/or unenjoyable for most of the people who have played the sims for years.

Let's see -- CFF Explorer, vsync, something in the system that I did so long ago I don't remember what it was, having to use the framework installer so you can use helpful mods like AM, figuring out what you have to do everytime a new bull shit pack comes out so you can still have your mods and CC, being able to see store stuff in game after installing WA, more bugs than I've ever seen any software have, not being able to customize without mods -- did I miss anything?  I'm sure I did!

I saw a thread at the official Bull Shit site that talked about people selling their TS3 games and going back to TS2.  EA is killing this game.

ETA:  I forgot FPS limiter, 3Booter and having to decrapify.
7  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2010 March 19, 22:04:13
And I had to start my hood over (yet again, because all the crap the patches did to it finally started giving me error 12s constantly) and even with a fresh start it did it.

Those pesky error 12s quit for me with CFF_Explorer allowing more than 2 gigs of RAM for game play. I think I had to reset it after one of the patches (but it might have been that I restored my computer to an earlier date to undo some other update). Could lack of available RAM be an issue for you?

No, I have 4 GB RAM and tried the CFF Explorer, but it didn't help.  I could maybe save 3 or 4 times while I was playing, but as soon as someone in the household aged up, I'd get an E12 when I tried to save - even with the CFF explorer.  I could load the last good save, play the aging up part, and save fine, but it just got to be a real hassle having to do that every time.  And there were other problems, all which started after I got WA.

I'm not sure, but I think I'm still using it (CFF).  Even deleting caches, including the world cache files, didn't stop it.  I just finally decided my game was hosed and started over.
8  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2010 March 18, 16:23:24
It seems like every time I start playing my game I'm unable to see any of my chosen sims' map tags.  I just ctrl-click on one of the other chosen sims' lots, remove the view map tag ability, then ctrl-click them again and add it back.

As soon as I remove it, all my chosen sims' tags become visible.  When I add it back, the sims on the lot I changed become visible in map view again.

I've had to do this for quite awhile.  And I had to start my hood over (yet again, because all the crap the patches did to it finally started giving me error 12s constantly) and even with a fresh start it did it.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Strange problem... on: 2010 March 13, 16:19:23
I actually found out just the other day that all I had to do was go into buy mode and back into live mode to fix the invisible house from map view problem.  If the walls are collapsed, I had to go to build mode, then buy mode, then back to live mode.  I didn't even have to move anything or buy/build anything.

I originally thought this was a "special" seed problem, but that wouldn't always fix it.  I realized that when a toddler aged up and I went to buy mode to buy a bed or move something, that it fixed the problem.  Then I found that going to buy mode and moving something would fix it.  So I just tried going into buy mode and back and that's when I found out that it was all I needed to do.
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: What're the odds? 8 births, 8 male infants on: 2010 January 09, 00:39:22
Actually, for at least two of the pregnancies, I let the mothers to be eat nothing but watermelon - including 'raw' whole fruit watermelon as well as meals cooked with watermelon so that just adds to the strangeness of it.

One of the patches took out the gender affect from cooked foods, so if you counted something like watermelon pancakes as one of your three pieces of fruit needed to get a girl, it had no effect.

I usually make sure my PG sims eat at least 4 pieces of fresh (not cooked) fruit appropriate for the sex of the baby I'm after.  And if I want a girl, and I'm having the sim eat watermelons to get one, if they eat an apple in there somewhere it can mess up the "count", so I might have to make them eat another piece of watermelon just to be sure. 

I had one sim that I wanted to be sure had a boy, and had made sure to have her eat 3 apples, but she had a girl.  I always save after they get the bump, so I went back to that save and made her eat 4 apples before she delivered, and then she had the boy I wanted her to have.

I've never had the "baby sex determined by fruit" not work if they eat 4 of the sex-determining fruit.  I rely on it, as I'm maintaining my town size by having each household I play have only two children - one of each sex.  I just recently had a case of surprise twin girls, and I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do with the extra kid.  I'm sure something will happen to help me decide what to do before I have to worry about setting up another household.
11  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Sim canīt fish any more on: 2009 December 25, 00:23:14
I haven't experienced  the fishing problem yet, but taking special seeds out of my sim's inventory fixed an unrelated problem.

After installing 1.7 or WA, not sure which or maybe both, some of my sims houses were invisible from map view.  It wasn't the blue lot problem - the lot was green, like the grass, but the roof of the house could not be seen.  Sometimes it was also invisible from a house across the street, though I could see the sims who lived there standing around or going about their daily tasks.  And I could see the map tags of the house and the sims who were being radar tracked.

I had tried adjusting video settings, even though they had been working fine before, but that didn't fix it.  Tried getting rid of some stuff in the inventories of the sims who lived in one of the invisible houses, but that didn't work either.

I decided to try getting any special seeds out of the inventory of a sim who lived in this one house, and now I can see the house in map view again.  So the special seeds must have some kind of "special" problem that causes other problems in the game.

Thanks, Gary!
12  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 December 14, 23:49:53
I had one of those "can't do anything" kind of bugs show up last night.

I sent a sim to China to skill in martial arts for a job opportunity.  I sent him to the MA academy to kick the dummy for awhile.  He had the skill level meter above his head, but the level never rose above just being visible.

I tried having him read a skill book, and the same thing happened.

Also tried having him do an adventure, but he couldn't report in.  He could talk to the guy, but when I clicked on "report in", nothing happened.

His needs were also stuck.  None of them went either up or down,  Tried resetsim, refreshmotives, fixall, etc., but no go.

I wound up just sending him to see the sights and then let him go home, figuring he'd get back to normal once home.  When he got home, it was the same thing.  Everyone else in the house was fine, though.

I had had a toddler with stuck needs about a week ago, and he also could not gain any skills.  When his dad tried to potty train him, after the green bar in dad's icon got to the full point, both of them jumped.  I had tried everything I could think of - every debug command, moving out mods, going back to a previous save - you name it, I tried it.  It finally occurred to me that he acted like he was in stasis.

So I put Twallan's story progression mod in and set the household stasis to true, then back to false, saved and exited.  Took the mod back out, went back to play that house and the toddler was fixed.

I decided that maybe I needed to do that with this sim as well, so I did, and it fixed him.

Is there something in WA that's fiddling with this stasis bit and not getting it set back right?  The sim last night was okay before I sent him to China.  And I have not been using anything that changes the stasis that I know of.
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Sims crawling naked into tents... on: 2009 December 14, 23:28:54
I had a naked adventurer in China last night.  My guy had just arrived at base camp, and when he went inside there was a guy running around naked.  My sim stopped and looked at him, then pointed and laughed.

Later, after my sim had done some stuff and came back to base camp, the naked guy was there and dancing with another guy.

No, I do not have any naked mods, either.  I thought it was funny.
14  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 December 13, 14:44:03
That's why I figured it was probably just my game.  Good ol' EA, at it again!
15  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 December 13, 14:34:53
I'm using WA and the latest version of AM. And with AM, my Sims do not go to work or school. There's simply a jump bug and they refuse to go, whether using the carpool or directed to the actual building. When I remove AM, it solves the problem.

I'm loathe to post this in the new bug thread because I haven't seen this reported anywhere else. I am also using Twallan's story mode mod, but removing that does not solve the problem. No other mods.

Anyone have any idea why this would be?

I'm having carpool problems, too.  Just since the AM of 12/7, I think.  I don't get any carpool or work notice of any kind.  About 30 minutes before they're supposed to be at work, the "Go to work" icon appears, and if they're not doing anything else, they automatically go.  But no carpool shows up at all.  I do get bus notifications, though.  And I'm not using any other story mode mods.

I have WA, patched.  I also can't seem to complete some opportunities, because they don't show up on the map tag for whatever building the sim is supposed to report to.  I've tried taking out other mods, deleting caches, etc.  I just figured my town was borked, beacause I didn't see anyone else report either of these, either. 

It's an old town, I've played it for quite awhile.  I don't really want to start over.  And if I do start over, I'll wait until the world creator is out and bug-free - or as bug-free as it can get - then start a whole new town.

The problems I've had with carpools only seem to show up after I've played a town for awhile.  I never seem to have them with a new game.
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: "grab hand" in Sims 3 glitching on: 2009 November 30, 23:21:54
I was having the "clenched hand" problem, too.  Don't know why, but I tried going into edit town mode and then back into the game and I haven't seen it happen again.  That doesn't mean it WON'T happen again, or that switching to edit town mode will help, but it did that time.  You might want to try it.
17  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: What exactly is the awesome story driver? on: 2009 November 26, 14:12:40

Are you playing with TS2 style aging on?  Only the active household will age if you do.  I was getting disappointed that none of the other households in town were aging, also, so I switched that off and started using Buzzler's Aging Manager (found in the TS3 Pudding Facory) to manage the aging of my playable households.
18  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: New AwesomeMod Request Thread on: 2009 October 12, 22:25:42
Right.  Play table and oven for children, books, xylophone and peg box for toddlers.  I'm still testing a child on athletic, also.  Haven't read kuronue's thread yet, though.
19  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: New AwesomeMod Request Thread on: 2009 October 11, 12:19:17
It would be nice if children could farm. I believe in child labor.
I'd also like it if they could gain athletic and the other skills they used to be able to earn in TS2, perhaps, say, with the items that are directly copied from TS2... the play table for mechanical ("handiness" these days) and painting, the easy-bake oven for cooking, the playground and pool for athletic. And what ever happened to the rabbit head for charisma?

They already get cooking skill from the oven and mechanical from the play table.  Like the xylophone and peg box for toddlers, they can only get up to level 3 in those skills.  They don't show up as learned skills until they become a teen and actually cook or unclog a toilet for the first time.

I miss the charisma bunny, too, but in TS3 the charisma skill also requires friends and acquaintences after a certain level, so I guess they figured it wouldn't really do much good until a sim hits teen.

I haven't done enough with a child and athletic yet, but they can work out to the TV.  I also noticed that a teen playing catch was gaining athletic skill, so it may be that a child does, too, but it's "hidden" until they become a teen.

Someone else may know the answer to that better than I do.
20  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 was to include weather. on: 2009 October 10, 16:59:30
The EP that finally included a comprehensive bunch of alternatives to make objects available in game, was Appartment Life. Before this EP you could do nothing with the base game, first because it was too primitive and remained primitive throughout Seasons, BV and all previous crap. Finally as everything was already doggone, they released the pseudo EP Mansions &...
It included nothing that you could not find at MTS2. But it finally released all the coding so that people with a little patience could sew together all the EPs in one (I did, so any tard could do it).

I haven't been doing much programming for awhile and am just starting to get back into it.  How did you find out that the code was released and where did you get it from?  Or am I reading this wrong?  I've been searching for sims 2 source code.  Or perhaps you just mean that it can be edited better in something like SimPE?  Or do I need to get a disassembler?

I know this isn't TS3 related, but I figured a look at the TS2 code might help with something I've been working on.
21  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: New AwesomeMod Request Thread on: 2009 October 09, 00:03:41
Your answer is in this thread. Make an override mod of the Careers XML and delete the MOH tags, or just open awesome.package in a package editor and delete the relevant XML (the instance ends in CE302). The feature is effectively optional already.
My answer to your comment is already in this thread.  I don't know how (yet) to do XML coding.  I've made some really, really simple tuning mods using Morgade's Sim customizer tool (eliminated magic gnomes from gems and metals and eliminated the kid/teenager curfew), and I've tried some cloned objects, some of which have worked and some of which have not, for reasons I have yet to understand, but I've yet to delve into actual XML coding.  While I really enjoy simming, I also have a life!  I may have to figure out the coding to keep interest and enjoyment in the game, though.

There's a tutorial here,15936.0.html

This is what I did quite awhile back and it's pretty easy, even for a non-programmer.  I have 25 years of programming experience, but even my husband, who knows diddly about it, could follow this.
22  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: New AwesomeMod Request Thread on: 2009 October 05, 21:07:52
Would it be possible to make the MaxOfficeHolders function optional?

You could edit the XML file in AM that sets the maximums, if you really want not to have them or want to change the numbers.

I liked the max officeholders and wondered why it wasn't functioning.  I realized that since I'd already made XML changes to the Careers file (to give sims more time off; it's no fun when they're at work) and placed it at a higher priority than AM it was overriding AM's XML.  I went and added max officeholders similar to AM's (my numbers are probably a little different, but obviously only one governor, etc.) to my XML.

If you don't want them you can just use SimPE to edit the XML in AM to edit them out.

With SimPE, XML editing is so easy you can be as non-awesome as me and do it. Smiley

Yeah, that's what I've been doing.  I just didn't want to have to worry about maybe needing to update it every time I update AM.
23  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: New AwesomeMod Request Thread on: 2009 October 04, 16:45:37
Would it be possible to make the MaxOfficeHolders function optional?  According to the career list, the medical maxes don't start until level 9, but in the code, they start at level 7.

I couldn't give a shit less about how many sims are in a particular office, but I can understand why some people want this kind of realism.

I don't have any intention of having 5 governors or 10 astronauts, but I would like to not have to worry about having 2 or 3 when the max is set to 1.

I made an override file like shown in Facts and Strategery, but I'm worried it could cause problems if I don't continually update it.
24  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Long pauses on: 2009 October 04, 13:59:45
I upgraded my graphics card and RAM last spring, long before TS3 came out.  And my system is 4 years old, but it was designed for gaming at the time, and I have no problems running other games that are graphics intensive. 

I still run XP, though.  Maybe it's the OS that's slowing things down.  I'm sure switching from a 32-bit system to a 64-bit system would have a significant effect, especially for things that the GPU doesn't handle.

I need to get a look at Windows 7.  Didn't like the look of Vista and it had too many problems.  I had Windows ME at one time, so I didn't want to have to use another glitchy system.
25  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 October 04, 13:43:13
I tried the work pusher mod and didn't see that it made any real difference in sending sims to work.  I was having another problem with inactive chosen sims advancing by 2 or 3 job levels in a matter of a day or two and I took that mod out, which seemed to stop it.  May have just been my game, though.  I don't have many mods and it didn't start until after I put the work pusher in.

And yes, my parents who don't go and need to be pushed are always standing by the garden with the toddler.  Is this an EAxis thing?  Does the game send everyone to the garden when they're inactive at home?   Sims will gad about town like I'd expect, but it seems like when they're at home they spend a lot of time hanging around the garden.  Sometimes they just stand there, other times I can see them playing with the sprinkler.
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