WARNING: Cloned bookcases and portal deletion.

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Portal deletion was fixed in the nightlife patch but any bookcase that was cloned before the Nightlife patch could potentially have this error. Most of them will not, but it does no harm to check.

How to check:
   Open the suspect package file with Simpe and look for a BHAV called "Read - Loop Reading".

If you can not find this BHAV then there is no problem because the problem is fixed in the semi-globals.  This problem will only exists if the semi-global group was imported and the code was not repaired.

You should report your findings to the creator who should then update their code.

This is related to the problem http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=83684

I'm lost.  What's all this about?   What sort of portal does this delete?

Any portals. The problem is pre-patch and most cloned bookcases would not be affected,  only those with imported semi-globals.

I think this is probably relevant to one of my hacks, but I still need to know more about it.  Is this being discussed somewhere I can read up about it?

I haven't seen anything in your downloads that would have this problem. The link in the first post is to the original fix on MTS2 which, being pre-patch, is not on MATY.

If you want to post a link to something you think is a problem, I could check it for you.

Edit: Your readingskills packages have the problem.  I have attached the original portal fix for you to use in your code, although you should probably update the nightlife version with the new nightlife code.



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