Nudist hack v2.06 (02 March 2007)

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This hack will allow sims to get naked based on a more complex degree of personality, mood and other sims. If you are looking for something to allow all sims to wander around naked, you can use this hack and set it up on a lot by lot basis

THIS HACK IS ONLY FOR USE WITH NIGHTLIFE, OFB, PETZ and now SEASONS. An unofficial version is available for BV.

The willingness for sims to get naked is based on a calculated score. Once that score has been reached, sims will accept the "get naked" request.

Scoring is as follows:

values         Range (if any)         Comment
  outgoing      (0,1000)      
+ playfulness/2   (0,500)
+ neatness/-5      (0,-200)         sloppiness counts
+ active/-5      (0,-200)         so does laziness
+ nice/-5      (0,-200)         and grouchy
+ mood         (-100,100)
+ Hygiene      (-100,100)
+ Comfort      (-100,100)
+ 700 if sim alone               no other bonus is added if this is added except nighttime and outside
+ 150 for every naked sim on lot         sleeping sims are not counted.
- 200 if outside
+ 200 if alone in room               cancels out the outside penalty if alone
+ 600 if Chemistry (in love) with everyone on lot
+ 150 if Chemistry with everyone in room
- 50 for every other sim on lot            not applied if the Chemistry bonus applied
+ 200 if nighttime               between 23h and 6h
+ 300 if all other sims are asleep

Target: 1000

The Naked Emitter code is now included in a separate package. There is in there some new interactions, which some people will like, and others not. This package does not have to be used, just delete the naked emitter package and the game will use the original naked emitter code.

The naked menu has now been moved to Adjust.../Naked Options...

Sims will woohoo naked with this hack (I never understood the underwear)

This hack will conflict with anything using clothing routines for bath/shower, hot-tub, bed, general naked check and woohoo.


Install ALL packages into the downloads directory.
If you had the university version, remove CBOY_nudist_meditate.package

Created using SimPE QA
BHAV editor by PLJones
Objects listing with disasm2

Notes for use with the INTEENIMATER
Remove the CBOY_nudist_itrem.package from the downloads folder.
If you remove the inteenimater, you must put this package back.

Having both hacks installed will NOT cause any errors, but the nudist functions for hot tubs will not be used and there will be discrepancies in the outcome.

Use the OFB version for PETS
EP5 version is for seasons

Bon Voyage version: link.

Quote from: crammyboy on 2005 November 11, 18:05:35

This hack will conflict with anything using clothing routines for bath/shower, hot-tub, bed, general naked check and woohoo.

I use JM's 'bathroomusesyou' hack - does that use clothing routines?
What about Lizzlove's bed?
What about JM's clothing tool?

Sorry, I'm not sure what 'clothing routines' are but I'd like to use this hack, esp. for my hippie commune. :)

Conficts will not mess up the game. You will just get unexpected results.

JM's bathroomusesyou will always get a sim dressed after bath/shower.
JM's clothing tool doesn't clash at all
I don't know about lizzlove's bed, but I expect that it will work as it normally would without the hack.

Quote from: crammyboy on 2005 November 12, 01:49:56

Conficts will not mess up the game. You will just get unexpected results.

That's reassuring! :) cheers for the speedy reply.

I use JM's bathroomusesyou and Crammyboy's previous nude hack on MTS2, and sometimes my sims will still "forget" to get dressed after a shower and getting thrown out of the bathroom and run around nude.  Not sure why this is, but if they are shy, they will usually realize this and get dressed.  Other sims are happy to just run around nude until someone asks them to get dressed or some other event causes them to dress.  If I get tired of them being naked I can always click on them and tell them to get dressed.  It doesn't really cause any problems.  I'm looking forward to trying out this new NL version.


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