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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ryslin on 2008 March 06, 18:42:27

Title: Free time- attraction wierdness
Post by: Ryslin on 2008 March 06, 18:42:27
I have two sims neighborhood
One has no turn ons that correspond to the other(female)
the male has one (hair color) , they are compatible on signs thus started with a double bolt relationship
now over time this has become triple bolted
yet the second turn on the guy has for women .. easy to get (deliberately so) has not been fulfilled by his wife. (6 in cooking)
she still has the original turn ons/offs (swimwear/formalwear) she came with
It is possible the double bolt came from the custom clothes he was wearing , there is no reason I can see for this triple except..

they both have one hobby maxed together
Nature -due to farming.

Now I thought from various rumors and lies that there is no attraction modifier for that.
The tight pants involved is the ACR hack.

Anyone else seeing anything similar?

Title: Re: Free time- attraction wierdness
Post by: jolrei on 2008 March 06, 18:45:45
If you have the latest version of ACR (compatible with FT) there should be no tight pants issue.

Title: Re: Free time- attraction wierdness
Post by: sewinglady on 2008 March 06, 18:47:05
Actually, I started noticing this last night...

Sims are attracted to other sims with the same One True Hobby (OTH)...

I have a pleasure sim and a fortune sim married to each other - 3 bolts attraction since college so I married them off... and it's because they both have the same OTH - tinkering.

Go fig.

So now, with the addition of FT and OTHs, it seems like the hobby thing is strong enough to override repulsions that would normally exist from disparate aspirations and uncompatible zodiac signs (never liked that idea anyway).

Title: Re: Free time- attraction wierdness
Post by: Ryslin on 2008 March 06, 18:52:33
Their OTH is different. It just happens that His is Nature.. she was forced into farming (yay semi legacy stuff) and thus managed to max nature as well.

heck in all truth she should be one bolted to this guy... the only thing about him that is compatible is the sign. He tends to be running around in his undies , and I think they are also in the swimming outfit bin. So this would count for the second bolt.
It is my less than awesome guess that if two folks max a hobby they will be more attracted. I can say this is completely true IRL. If this is what I am seeing, this is very awesome.

Title: Re: Free time- attraction wierdness
Post by: sewinglady on 2008 March 06, 18:58:11
Yeah, like I said - I really don't mind if this kind of overrides that idiocy with the zodiac repulsions/attractions.

Title: Re: Free time- attraction wierdness
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 March 06, 19:04:14
I've always noticed that there is a tendency over time for two married sims to gain another bolt. I've had neutral chemistry ones pop up a bolt right after getting married, even. Wouldn't be alarmed.

Title: Re: Free time- attraction wierdness
Post by: Ryslin on 2008 March 06, 19:18:30
Never had it happen before, course I just may have ignored the concept. All together I am happy about it even if it is old news.

Title: Re: Free time- attraction wierdness
Post by: doren on 2008 March 06, 19:21:47
Sometimes I think it is just me, but my sims don't always seem comply with their programming. I always had some couples where the attraction did not follow the rule. Actually I like them better because of it.

My favourite one has the combination aries/libra (aries are repulsed by libras),fortune/popularity. Their turn-ons match as do their personalities, but they should not have more than two bolts. They don't care and have three bolts. Sometimes I also get the impression that sims develop a stronger chemistry in a longterm relationship.
Another observation I made with Stella Terrano - who must have some special alien pheromones and is generally fancied by every male she come across - is that attraction can differ even when the "target" is identical. One of the NPC's sharing a dormer with Stella has three bolts for her (and a very high attraction score, checked via ACR), one of the students from the Maxis premade "Shifting Paradymes" has exactly the same personality, the same starsign and the same match with regard to turn-ons - he has one bolt for her.

Title: Re: Free time- attraction wierdness
Post by: cwykes on 2008 March 06, 22:42:49
I'm wondering if lag is an issue in some of these examples where attraction seems to have changed for no reason
Sim bolts are "cached", so if something changes a sim's chemistry, such as fluctuation of turn-ons, personality, aspiration changes, love potions, etc., the results may be slow to display.

Title: Re: Free time- attraction wierdness
Post by: jefrir on 2008 March 09, 13:56:11
Relationships such as marriage do have a positive effect on attraction - this was stated when attraction was introduced, and I assume it is there so pre-existing couples have at least some chemistry. Which is why I find it so odd that all Maxis couples have 0 or 1 bolts - that's what I get when I deliberately try to make them as incompatible as possible.

Title: Re: Free time- attraction wierdness
Post by: Process Denied on 2008 March 12, 18:47:41
Isn't there also a fitness factor.  They have an preference for a certain level of fitness.  I have a male Sim that is identical to his son in every way except for their fitness preference and while the son has three bolts for certain girls, his father will only have two.  This is before FT.  Because the father is dead now.

Title: Re: Free time- attraction wierdness
Post by: jolrei on 2008 March 12, 23:11:08
...and while the son has three bolts for certain girls, his father will only have two.  This is before FT.  Because the father is dead now.

Well, the dead generally have less attraction for other people (and vice versa).  ;D

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Title: Re: Free time- attraction wierdness
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 March 13, 00:07:55
Isn't there also a fitness factor.  They have an preference for a certain level of fitness.  I have a male Sim that is identical to his son in every way except for their fitness preference and while the son has three bolts for certain girls, his father will only have two.  This is before FT.  Because the father is dead now.
They only have preference for a certain level of fitness if you set them with a turn-on/turn-off against fitness or the lack thereof. What you are noticing is the game behaving exactly as advertised. The boy had more bolts for the girl than his father because the girl matched more of the boy's turn-ons than his father's.

Title: Re: Free time- attraction wierdness
Post by: Process Denied on 2008 March 13, 01:04:22
Actually the turn ons and off are exactly the same.  At that time, every single sim or romance sim have exactly the same turn ons and offs.  Turn ons are custom hair and make up.  Which everyone has or less they are married and not romance.  The turn off is fatness which doesn't apply because of the fitness for all hack.  That way everyone has an equal footing and I can tell who is the most attractive to the sim. 

Title: Re: Free time- attraction wierdness
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 13, 03:51:33
Relationships such as marriage do have a positive effect on attraction - this was stated when attraction was introduced, and I assume it is there so pre-existing couples have at least some chemistry. Which is why I find it so odd that all Maxis couples have 0 or 1 bolts - that's what I get when I deliberately try to make them as incompatible as possible.
Sims that have high relationship (either high STR/LTR, or friends/love/etc), are not permitted to have X-bolts, and if their natural chemistry is worse, they receive the minimum.

Secondary aspirations also appear to have an effect on new FT-chemistry, so if your sims have matching secondary aspirations, they may get better chemistry than they previously had with different, allegedly-incompatible ones.

Title: Re: Free time- attraction wierdness
Post by: Ryslin on 2008 March 13, 13:58:40
You know.. to be honest I think that couple were a reversed set. The guy was Family/Knowledge.. she was Knowledge/family.

-ponders- They were the start up for a farming neighborhood. With all the hobbies it becomes much easier to amuse non "electronic" sims. The only problem I found in THAT pattern was if one of them decided only blogging could give them happiness. I need to learn how to update CC for freetime so I can get some typewriters blog-able.