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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: staroverthebay on 2006 November 03, 04:42:35

Title: No eating burnt food?
Post by: staroverthebay on 2006 November 03, 04:42:35
Is there a hack out there to prevent Sims from trying to eat scorched food that's caused the oven to catch fire? Like, an option on the pie menu to simply dispose of the burnt Lobster Thermidor or whatever. I get frustrated having to micromanage my sims when they catch the food on fire; I have to tell them to "Get <whatever the scorched food is>" and then when they sit down to eat it, I have to tell them to clean it up -- and usually I have the dishwasher and garbage disposal right next to the oven, so it'd be less time-consuming if I could just get them to clean up the scorched food from the oven.

Title: Re: No eating burnt food?
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 November 03, 04:46:02
Why? Burnt food doesn't harm them, or make them sick. I think the only downside is that the hunger boosts are slightly decreased. Why waste perfectly edible food?

Title: Re: No eating burnt food?
Post by: CatGirl on 2006 November 03, 04:51:13
Yep, if they make lobster thermidor while I'm not looking, they get to eat it regardless of how it turns out.

Title: Re: No eating burnt food?
Post by: gali on 2006 November 03, 05:07:30
The first cooking of the Lobster Termidor is almost always burnt, even if you are 10-skilled in cooking. Why, I don't know, but I experiensed it a lot. As I have "noburnfood" hack, I see only a smoke coming from the food. Then I have to order the poor sim to clean up the food, and cook again the Lobster. Sometimes he burns it again. It happens too when he cooks Pancakes.

My strategy is, to watch all the time the cooking sim, and to order  him to check the food a couple of times. It helps.

Title: Re: No eating burnt food?
Post by: Venusy on 2006 November 03, 07:20:38
I think that noeatcrap ( doesn't allow non-fat/lazy sims to eat burnt food, but I could be wrong,

Title: Re: No eating burnt food?
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 November 03, 08:08:11
I don't think noeatcrap stops burnt food eating, just spoiled food that could make sims sick if eaten, unless they are slobs that don't care.

Title: Re: No eating burnt food?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 03, 08:35:37
Burnt food is harmless, so noeatcrap has no effect on it. Personally, I wish sims would just stop trying to cook the food at all. That really already ruins it. RAW MEAT is the way to go.

Title: Re: No eating burnt food?
Post by: Liz on 2006 November 03, 08:36:00
Yep, if they make lobster thermidor while I'm not looking, they get to eat it regardless of how it turns out.

I'm with you, CatGirl. It's like, "You just had to cook lobster thermidor when I wasn't looking, didn't you? Well, you're gonna sit there and choke down every last, charred bite of it!"

If it was just an grilled cheese or something, I wouldn't care, but that lobster dish costs mucho food points. Crammyboy's EatMoreTalkLess has been a *wonderful* introduction to my game and really helps cut down on overeating. Before I trashed and restarted all my neighbourhoods, though, I still had one sim who insisted on trying to cook the highest possible food item, even when he was just barely peckish. Plenty of active points and all, just stupid as hell when it came to food.

Title: Re: No eating burnt food?
Post by: Gwill on 2006 November 03, 12:24:40
what annoys me more is that it's the poor sod who takes the food out of the oven after the incident who gets the bad memory of having burned the food, regardles of who actually caused the disaster.  I've had one sad sensible sim with a lot of bad burned food memories where he was just cleaning up after his stupid wife while she was in the shower washing soot out of her hair.

Title: Re: No eating burnt food?
Post by: Kyna on 2006 November 03, 13:57:14
I think it's even worse when they get a bad memory because they're removing food that the nanny started cooking then wandered away from.

Title: Re: No eating burnt food?
Post by: miros on 2006 November 03, 16:18:15
It's even worse when half the kitchen burns down because the family couldn't afford an alarm and the toddlers couldn't use the phone to call the fireman.

Stupid nanny sat there in an armchair and watched it burn! 

Title: Re: No eating burnt food?
Post by: Dopp on 2006 November 04, 01:16:38
In the original game there was a safety threshold of 3 or 4 cooking points after which it was virtually impossible for the sim to start fires by cooking (you couldn't burn food back then). Made a lot more sense. Of course, it doesn't have to make sense in simland, but it sure was a lot less irritating. I wonder which pyromanic moron Sims 2 designer thought it would be fun to watch 10 cooking sims burn both food and kitchen 20% of the time because all they want to cook is lobster thermidor. Probably the same one who did all the yummy channel clips.

Title: Re: No eating burnt food?
Post by: miros on 2006 November 04, 01:41:50
After they've started too many fires, I take the stove away and make 'em eat chef salad, lunch meat sandwiches, and cereal for a while.

Title: Re: No eating burnt food?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 November 04, 01:49:28
Squinge has a "no more burnt food" hack

Title: Re: No eating burnt food?
Post by: lingeringviolet on 2006 November 04, 04:14:46
"You just had to cook lobster thermidor when I wasn't looking, didn't you? Well, you're gonna sit there and choke down every last, charred bite of it!"

for some reason this just made me snort with glee, too funny