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TS2: Burnination => Peasantry => Topic started by: Argon on 2008 October 09, 21:11:46

Title: Nuke the "download patcher" controller!
Post by: Argon on 2008 October 09, 21:11:46
Instead of actually updating any of the downloads EAxis decided to use something called the "download patcher" controller to update the object size and for sale flags on objects from the Holiday Party Pack (christmas 05), the alienware pc, cupid statue, and giant scissors. This controller runs a lua script every time it loads, so no matter what you set these flags to they would always be reverted.

This is a very stupid way of doing things, so I decided someone needed to update the objects and nuke the controller. All of the objects are using the values assigned by the script.

To install:
Copy argon_nukedownloadpatcher.package into your downloads folder
Copy the other files to either your downloads folder or your latest EP's Bin folder

The following objects are affected:
Computer - Branded - Alienware (Havelock's didn't use the globals pie menu?? also removed animations since they're all included in FT and AL now, also adds missing CT reference)
Sculpture - Cupid (removed junk, enabled dropped "Pine For..." interactions)
Run With Sissors (removed duplicate animations, and re-added missing animations that got removed when EAxis updated for OFB; requires UNI)
Holiday - Box - Noisemakers
Holiday - Box - Poppers   
Holiday - Box - Sparklers
Holiday - Dancing - Snowman
Holiday - Fireworks
Holiday - Lump O' Coal
Holiday - Plant - Poinsetta
Holiday - Sculpture - Gingerbread House
Holiday - Sculpture - Holiday Candle
Holiday - Sculpture - Nutcracker Floor
Holiday - Sculpture - Nutcracker Table
Holiday - Sculpture - Presents
Holiday - Sculpture - Santa Statue
Holiday - Sculpture - Small Holiday Tree
Holiday - Sculpture - Wreath
Sculpture - Cornucopia
Snow Man - Base    (now not affected by snow)
Snow Man - Hat
Snow Man - Head (now not affected by snow)
Snow Man - Middle  (now not affected by snow)
Stuffed Animal - Teddy Bear Bunny

Title: Re: Nuke the "download patcher" controller!
Post by: Ambular on 2008 October 10, 02:18:17
Clarification, please: is this download patcher controller a part of AL?  Also, what in-game effect do these updates have on the objects in question, and will the changes still be made if the object's filename has been changed?

Title: Re: Nuke the "download patcher" controller!
Post by: Argon on 2008 October 10, 19:02:58
It's been present since one of the base game patches. I think they changed the behavs to use a lua script sometime around Pets but I can't be certain, I've only tested with AL.

Functionally it's adding OFB shelves compatibility which is the same as what the controller does but in a more efficient way; you'll be using less cpu cycles in the background (and maybe slight improvement in stuff like set to next because there will be one less object) because the controller will no longer be loaded or needed.

ETA: I have no lua coding background but I saw references to GUIDs, so I'm guessing filename doesn't matter, they'll still get changed unless you disable the controller.

Title: Re: Nuke the "download patcher" controller!
Post by: Ambular on 2008 October 10, 19:20:37
It's been present since one of the base game patches. I think they changed the behavs to use a lua script sometime around Pets but I can't be certain, I've only tested with AL.

Functionally it's adding OFB shelves compatibility which is the same as what the controller does but in a more efficient way; you'll be using less cpu cycles in the background (and maybe slight improvement in stuff like set to next because there will be one less object) because the controller will no longer be loaded or needed.

ETA: I have no lua coding background but I saw references to GUIDs, so I'm guessing filename doesn't matter, they'll still get changed unless you disable the controller.

Okay, so it doesn't actually change the file itself, it just changes how it runs in the game?  Huh.  Thanks for the explanation.

Title: Re: Nuke the "download patcher" controller!
Post by: Richief on 2008 October 10, 22:07:59
This may be a stupid question but how is this supposed enable "Pine For" interaction, remove duplicate animations and fix other stuff if the package only contains a "Function - Init" and some OBJDs ? What am I missing ??? ?

Everything is clear now, error was mine. I downloaded and extracted file on "Documents" where I keep almost everything, as I only expected to see somehting like "argon-nukedownloadpatcher" I didn't notice the other packages (alienWare, Cupid, RunWithScissors)...

Title: Re: Nuke the "download patcher" controller!
Post by: Argon on 2008 October 12, 07:10:47
Alienware, RunWithSissors, and SculptureCupid are separate files and not included in the Holiday Party Pack from 2005. argon_HPPupdate.package affects only those files that need updating from the HPP, and it's the only file which has only inits and objds.

SculptureCupid.package (the valentines cupid table sculpture) has the entire object included, since it's not already in the game files but is affected by the controller, has all the needed modifications for enabling "Pine For...". The animations are removed because they long longer exist in the package (ie. two copies of the same thing being loaded twice from different files).

Title: Re: Nuke the "download patcher" controller!
Post by: maxon on 2008 October 12, 14:58:22
Just to clarify for my sake - and I realise this might be dumb.  Are you saying the Cupid, Scissors and Alienware are replacement files for those objects?  And, therefore, do I need to remove the files I do have from my Downloads folder?  I'm assuming yes but want to check.  My version of the alienware file is already a fix - can't remember now what for but probably to enable some later EP features.  I'd guess, being the modder you are, that you have this part of it sorted anyway.

Title: Re: Nuke the "download patcher" controller!
Post by: Insanity Prelude on 2008 November 13, 03:14:36
So, does this controller run even if you don't have any of the affected objects? (Seems like a stupid thing EAxis would do.)