More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Peasantry => Topic started by: Fat D on 2007 March 25, 17:38:48

Title: Clothes Controller (Seasons)
Post by: Fat D on 2007 March 25, 17:38:48
Some of you might have heard about my clothes controller, a stupid helpful object based on the Ingelogical Clothes Change System (

A little background information: Inge was getting tired of updating stuff for each EP, so I did some research on how to make it work without global use. While it worked, there were some rare scenarios which caused my project to fail. For these scenarios, I put the globals back in, but as an optional file. Since one of the globals is often changed in each EP, I referenced a modified copy of the original BHAV instead of incorporating my code in there. This BHAV has been put into a seperate file for easy updating.
I also inserted another global which helps sims actually stay dressed properly once inside.

Files included:
1) fatd-clothescontroller.package - Main package containing object. Theoretically works standalone.
2) fatd-clothescontroller-changerglobal.package - Forces Sims to respect controller's settings when redressing.
3) fatd-clothescontroller-doormod.package - Helpful for changing at the door to the room. Prevents the rare situation of Sims not being correctly redressed. Requires 4).
4) fatd-clothescontroller-doormod-epbit.package - Modify this file for your EPs and hacks if it doesn't fit. Only to be used with 3).

This mod is compatible with all awesome hacks except nounneededcoats. For nounneededcoats, you need to modify nounneededcoats.package and delete 4).

Installation (without nounneededcoats):
1. Download the file
2. Extract 1) to any place in your download dir.
3 (OPTIONAL). Extract 2) to any place in your download dir.
4 (OPTIONAL). Extract 3) and 4) to any place in your download dir.

Installation (with nounneededcoats):
1. Download the file
2. Extract 1) to any place in your download dir.
3 (OPTIONAL). Extract 2) to any place in your download dir.
- a. Extract 3) to any place in your download dir.
- b. Open nounneededcoats.package in your favorite package editor (in this example SimPE modern v61d)
- c. change the instance ID of the BHAV "Function - Portal - SG" to 228E and save.
(for SimPE this means: Open the file, select the BHAV,  choose "Resource" at the far bottom end of the window, enter 0x0000228E in the text box next to "instance", click "force commit" and save the file).

Download can be found at MTS2 ( or as  an attachment to this thread.

WARNING: The fix for nounneededcoats does not conform to the security guidelines of nounneededcoats. Neither Flying Fish Systems nor I are responsible for any damage done to you or your game.

Title: Re: Clothes Controller (Seasons)
Post by: dizzy on 2007 March 25, 18:49:26
As a die hard user of APO, I've found this clothes controller (historically) to behave rather unpredictably (or to cause APO to freak out). Has this been fully addressed now?

Title: Re: Clothes Controller (Seasons)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 25, 18:50:41
APO no longer uses that functionality, as the deprecation of the "kill" function (which was amusing in the early days of simming, but now there are so many better ways to kill sims if you REALLY want to, plus we know that most of the things you'd want to therapeutically kill are, in fact, inadvisable), so the two don't conflict.

Title: Re: Clothes Controller (Seasons)
Post by: Fat D on 2007 March 26, 14:40:11
the conflicting function has
a) always been optional in my mod and
b) not been necessary for full operation in either.

Title: Re: Clothes Controller (Seasons)
Post by: syberspunk on 2007 March 26, 20:13:46
I followed your instructions (although... I was confused as to why we need to change the instance number of the BHAV rather than references pointing to that BHAV? *shrugs*) for use with nounneededcoats.  I noticed that my sims will go to their backyard without changing into outerwear if they want to use any of the objects there.  Is this intentional?  I may be confused as to the point of this hack and nounneededcoats.

First, I assume this hack would allow you to control the clothes that sims would change into upon entering/passing through doorways.  I also assume these changes must be done by using some object available in Buy Mode? (I have never used Inge's hack, so this is all new to me).

Should I also assume then, that without changing anything using the aforementioned object, the game is still "running" with Maxis EA defaults?

Second, with nounneededcoats, I thought the point was to prevent sims from changing into coats when they don't really need it i.e. exiting the house from one doorway only to re-enter the house via another doorway due to stupid route/path finding issues.

But if sims are interacting with objects and/or people outside, shouldn't they put on their coats (if/when it's appropriate)?


Title: Re: Clothes Controller (Seasons)
Post by: Fat D on 2007 March 27, 15:49:19
changing the instance number makes modding far easier as in any other case, you would have to change every single door in your game if you want it to work with this mod.

second: did you follow the instructions correctly? I have no idea why they don't change. If Nounneededcodes has been successfully merged with this, the only explainable reason could be a feature of nounneededcoats. Certain types of "strange" sims (the ones not affected by cold) are forced not to change with that mod installed.

third: the clothes controller itself is available in "decorative/paintings". It looks like a small box that sits inside the top of the wall.

fourth (referring to your second part): I'd suggest you read the description of nounneededcoats (I HATE typing that) again:
Sims that don't need coats because they can't freeze should no longer bother
to waste time wearing them. Because it's all about the cape.