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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Important notice from the GRAMMAR POLICE. Plz read. This means you. on: 2009 July 02, 00:03:35
In my experience, "a water/lemonade/juice/etc." is mostly limited to restaurants, where it refers to a specific standardized drink order.  At home I wouldn't say, "I'm going to get a water" unless I was referring to an unopened bottle of water or one of many pre-prepared glasses of water, as opposed to, say, filling up a glass from the sink.

Regardless of your idol technicalities, your context above demands the use of "prepared", unless you're going to dictate what amount of time qualifies as "beforehand".  So far as I know, beforehand simply means BEFORE the intended result.  One second, many years, no matter.  On top of that, you already presented the image of a tray or counter full of "many" vessels, of course you didn't "just now fill it from the sink".

"I drank a glass of water that had been pre-prepared." = It was sitting out on the counter when I got here.

There you go again, dictating qualifiers and definitions, just because "it's your normal usage", stubborn you are.  Whether you just now filled a glass to drink immediately, or sat it on the counter, or the glass had been there for hours, the thing has been prepared before it is used.

Semantics are fun.  Grin

ETA:  Wouldn't "pre-made" make more sense, or at least provide better imagery?  I was just thinking that the words "making" and "made" would be in better accordance with your examples.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Important notice from the GRAMMAR POLICE. Plz read. This means you. on: 2009 July 01, 20:10:22
"Pre-prepared"?  Wow.  I can actually feel a few logic buffers sizzling after parsing that input.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Important notice from the GRAMMAR POLICE. Plz read. This means you. on: 2009 July 01, 00:03:28
"I took shit yesterday and I already took some shit today."  "Mr. Jones, your problem seems to be that you're taking the shit, rather than leaving the shit."  "Oh, well Doc, can you give me advices about how to stop taking shit?  The missis won't let up!" 

In conclusion, stop TAKING shit.  Seems like you uppity grammar types would refuse "take(ing) a shit" in preference to "excrete excrement" or "going to defecate" or "off to pass stool" or "make in the (use the) ((toilet)insert geographical slant/slang here), or some such shit otherwise.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Error codes 12 and 13 along with crashing. on: 2009 June 29, 21:32:28
Four days ago I started getting Error codes 12 and 13.

I've had the error code 12 problem for quite awhile now.  Rather than crashes, my problem is that saving results either in code 12, or if it is successful, the save takes an excruciating amount of time, 10-15 minutes now, actually.  As for that one problem, I think it has something to do with save file sizes and the amount of sim weeks in the game.  Of course, the older the town, the larger the file.  Check your save files and see what size they are, I've noticed that around 55-60MBs, they become unstable.  I recall a similar problem with the base TS2, having something to do with memories and bloated save files.  The Prez fixed that problem before any patch did.  Apparently, this time, there is no time or there is disbelief or whatever, because I haven't been able to obtain assistance with the issue.  I seriously doubt that programmers nor creators have very large saves, simply because they're busy modding or creating and only have time to test their stuff in their test town... 

If you start a new town, you'll see that the save file is much smaller and you'll see that the error code 12 will not be an issue.  I can't attest for the code 13 because I haven't experienced it to date.

As for your crashes, delete *cache.package files in your documents\the sims 3 folder, move the mods folder, move your save files to a backup location, start the game, exit the game.  Put your mods folder back, move the save files you want to use back and all should be well.  I would avoid the older towns and maybe try a new one, just to see if the crash issue is resolved.

FYI, try this save file viewer, check what's going on within your files. (Ooo, and I just noticed that there is a new version with basic editing!)  For a look at what the viewer is, check this thread.  Of course, I think the problems there, if they are a problem, is the cause of lag more than anything.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Sims3 Saves Inquiry on: 2009 June 26, 19:20:18
I'm using a save file viewer, to try and see if there is anything obvious going on that could be the possible cause of some problems with various saves. 

One character is listed 14 times, each with the same simdescriptionID.

In a later save there are now only four of the same character.

Is this normal?

6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Share pix / vidz of THE HORROR here on: 2009 June 25, 09:04:13
Achtung:  Be prepared to waste 210 seconds of your life and possibly phail to see the WTF is the point.

I'm just sayin', NFW...

7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Technical problems with THE HORROR: downloading, installing, and running it on: 2009 June 25, 00:23:08
Is anyone else finding that saving the game takes about 5-10 actual minutes?

I have this problem as well.  It started roughly two weeks ago, around week 90 in a town where I was doing lots of house hopping with no aging or storymode, at least to the best of awesomemodZ ability at the time.  Now, at 187 weeks or so, saving takes 8-12 minutes, as does switching to the main menu or even exiting the game.  Very frustrating.  I was at the point of saving, then ending the process rather than quit through the game.  This caused problems so I deleted the cache files at each start-up.  Now that awesomemodZ is so elaborate and deeply woven into the game, simply deleting the cache files won't do the trick and CTDs are all I get until I remove awesomemodZ, start-up, quit, reinstall awesomemodZ.  This is not an issue with fresher testing games, everything is back to normal with those.

Apparently that particular town and all its saves are borked, or perhaps this is an issue when the town reaches a certain number of weeks?  What I'd also like to know is if there are any tools in the works that will go through and fix whatever is wrong within the save file itself?  I sure as heck can't fix it manually.    

Update for anyone experiencing this problem, or otherwise might actually give a shit:

The game update helps with the save--return to main menu--game exit times, cutting the time in half, plus, the 50/50 chance of getting an error 12 on save is gone, as this hasn't happened in six saves thus far.  Before, the ratio was consistent; one good save, one bad and getting worse.  However the other problem, that wasn't mentioned in efforts to keep short, has been made worse.  My system has no 12 nor 1AM issues, but with these borked saves, there exists a constant lag throughout the sim day that was fairly bearable.  With the update, the lag has made those files nearly unusable.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Playing Tag Bug on: 2009 June 24, 17:05:46
I wonder if it's similar to the skilling-by-TV bug that I spotted once.  If a Sim was watching, say, the cooking channel, and another Sim sat down to play video games, the skilling Sim would keep skilling.  Even as they went around doing other things, they'd be gaining skill.  Perhaps there is the same sort of bug at play here, where the action doesn't get closed cleanly, and so keeps on going, blocking all other social progress.

I'm curious as to which TV you were using, the Ubervision Panoramic in my game has caused that bug you describe several times for different sims.  Rather than reset them, having them watch non-skill channels on the same TV properly closed the skilling interactions.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Playing Tag Bug on: 2009 June 23, 21:22:52
I haven't noticed that particular scenario, however, I noticed sometimes when they're standing around, they'll get the relationship gains while seemingly doing nothing but standing there, no talking, no visuals.  What I've noticed is the sims that are getting these gains all have "Wait Outside" in their queue.  I think that is the command for after a sim gets orders to leave a home because it is late (not because of motive failure), also, I think this is some sort of borkedness, though not sure if it is to do with some mode or not.  Sounds like the Prez' doing, since he's a control freak and such.  STAND, IN THIS COORDINATE.  Plus, there are other times where one can be watching TV as others eat, and still others are standing around having drinks, yet they are all involved in the same conversation.  At least the positive/negative indicators would lead me to believe as such.  So, even though they are no longer playing tag, there could something else at play that you haven't noticed.  Like, they're simply in close proximity to one another. Or maybe the "play tag" relationship gain icons are merely delayed...  Or, maybe the sky is actually red... Grin

As for the romance, I do believe there is some sort of "chemistry" at play, even if this wouldn't seem so.  Town whores and whore hoppers are usually a must for my own enjoyment.  I've noticed, when setting things up for them, that some romances are much easier than others, while other romances actually spawn on their own, their being single or not hasn't mattered.  If you haven't noticed, this is the case for potential friends as well.  The more traits/favorites they share, the sooner they are friends.  And with certain perks, they are instant friends upon introduction; those are always easy romance targets as well. 

You should check if your sims in question have any of the same favorites and traits because when they do, things are much easier.  Except for "fambly values" or whatever it is, those are difficult but can be molded into sluts with just a bit of extra effort, such as complimenting everything you can about them (from within the "friendly" section), talking about their favorite topics over and over, then suddenly, compliment appearance gets the target to lean in, a few more romantic compliments followed by flirt, repeat as needed then bang, "first kiss" option is enabled.  Although, I always repeat compliment/flirt beforehand, to avoid possible kiss rejections. 

Err, I guess that goes for potential standard monogamous partners as well.
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Arr Vs. Retail on: 2009 June 21, 16:17:46
Okay, just to see if the nocd is responsible, have replaced the executable and allowed it to "phone home."  Unlike was expected, it didn't bitch about EADM being missing and simply checked in then began loading.  Again, I have the downloaded version, without EADM, ts3.exe itself will complain and not run without an initial connection.  ...  Oh, so I allowed the original ts3.exe to connect for "verification" and now, the hidden securom folder in appdata\roaming is again present with files dated for right now and named securom_v7_01.dat, *.tmp, *.bak.  Upon restart, ts3.exe doesn't ask for the connection, so I assume the securom*.dat acts as a digital rights file, perhaps an alternative "check" for the downloaded version since there is no disk?  No signs of cmdlineExt.dll or any variations.

Plus, the borked business career options are still existent after replacing the executable AND loading a previously manually saved copy that was working.  So, which is normal, "Hold Meeting" at all rabbitholes, or just the business/media building?  What a coincidence that this happens exactly when I decide to switch the executables and what weirdness that reverting back and using an older copy that wasn't touched by the nocd is now borked as well.  Lastly, all cache files were deleted between switches.
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Arr Vs. Retail on: 2009 June 21, 14:24:16
EADM was from TS2 DD that I had just downloaded a few months ago, after discovering the original TS2 DVD missing and was needing to do a full installation.  Plus, securom removal instructions insist that EADM be removed first and that TS2 DD was indeed infested.

From what I understand, the activations are server side, which is why EADM is required to begin with.  The launcher has the option to deactivate your machine, so I'm thinking Netflix type machine IDs recorded to the accounts and tracked that way. 
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Arr Vs. Retail on: 2009 June 21, 07:05:57
Okay, so I have become paranoid enough to remove EADM, thereby borking my game and succumbing to the use of a mutilated executable.  I even do banking and shopping on a separate system now.

I'm curious as to what differences people who have played both copies have noted.  You may recall the original ts2.exe "nocd" had issues with walls, or foundations (can't exactly recall) in build mode.

Just now, I've spotted a problem with the business career.  Not a giant problem, because I have had trouble anyway with the "hold meeting" portion of the career, never getting the grade past "bad", which leads me to believe something is left undone anyway, or that there is some type of meeting pattern that I haven't figured.  The only buildings I didn't "hold meeting" with were the science and criminal buildings, because I simply hadn't gotten around to them.  So I can't verify that those buildings had the option.  However, all other rabbit hole buildings had the option to "hold meeting" with the retail executable.  Now that I'm using rzr nocd, there are no options to "hold meeting" anywhere except the business/media building.  The versions match, 11195, with files size 16.5MB retail, 10.7 arr.  These results are from using a file originally saved in the retail and loaded into the arr, plus I didn't actually re-install, just switched out the executables, which may be causing a problem since my original install is from EADM...

I ask, because if there are very many shavings off the original executable, and it seems to me that nearly 6MB is quite a bit, then I may redo the stupid EADM, waste an activation and just live with it.

13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Share pix / vidz of THE HORROR here on: 2009 June 19, 01:17:20
Reporter: "Madam Leader, your campaign was all about brute force and military might. 
However, our sources tell us that you continually take it up the ass on a daily basis. 
Care to comment on that Madam Leader?"

14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Wishes for Book Reading: Which books are which? on: 2009 June 19, 00:55:01
Yeah, the wish department missed the memo from the object department: "Scrap the wish for reading writing/painting books, they won't exist."
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / "Wait Outside" on: 2009 June 16, 21:08:41
Has anyone noticed this autonomous command in their game?  I've noticed it since day one, but haven't thought much of it until a mother nearly let her baby starve as dad was training a guest.  Guests over is when this happens in my game.  Doesn't seem to matter if the randomly afflicted sim knows the guest(s) or not and there is usually just one sim out of the active fambly in which this happens.  Sometimes more.  During this time, the sim just stands around doing nothing, much like the sims you may spy within inactive households.
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / 1.0.631.0003 on: 2009 June 16, 11:10:12
Is anyone using version 1.0.631.0003?  If so, is there any real difference between that and xxx.0002 or xxx.001?  Also, what is the difference between these versions and my direct2drive version 1.0.631.00107? 
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Broken Radio, anyone? on: 2009 June 15, 19:49:33
*runs off to check that out!

Turns out that you suffer from a local problem.  See for yourself if you wish.

18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Der Gestapo on: 2009 June 15, 19:33:43
Haven't you been paying attention?  "Law Enforcement" are "Secret Police" in any civilized society these days.  Personally, I think this interaction is a sort of nod to them.
19  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Ambrosia on: 2009 June 15, 19:22:24
I feel for you, there seem to be so many quirks with this game that it is mind numbing.  I'd like to see our Presidente weigh in on the matter.  But for now, I would suggest you reload the game, edit 'hood, choose evict on the fambly tab, select the fambly again from the upper left corner, and place them back into the home.  This seems painless enough, I was recently forced to do the same.  Hopefully, that will fix the problem and if it doesn't, perhaps you could post the lot file, or the sim itself, so the great minds can rummage through it for answers.
20  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Ambrosia on: 2009 June 15, 18:32:59
I'm curious, did the game add extra days to the age bar?  I'm playing with aging and everything turned off for now, but I have the lifespan set to long.  When my sims consume ambrosia, they get an extra nine days, as the bar reports 54 days to aging, rather than 45.

To answer your question, I haven't seen anything of the sort and am left wandering if you accidentally shift-clicked on the sim, causing the transition.
21  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: How do you protect your right to piracy? on: 2009 June 15, 18:12:24
Or, you can hop on IRC and get your pirate cat fix that way. All this nonsense about newsgroups.

Also, Securom screwed with my anti-virus and firewall.

You just had to mention IRC didn't you. allow myself...well let me just add that IRC is nothing but the original P2P.  Trace anyone?

Also, can someone produce unbiased, hard data materials about SucuROM and whether it is an actual rootkit, cause it's beginning to sound like one.  All I find are reports which are too biased one way or the other.  And, again, I've had no issues with it, except once, several years ago with dTools, before they went all commercial.  But other versions since then, and now, dTools Lite offer no hiccups.  I know this because the dreaded SucuROM is running it's little processes as I type, have an image mounted and have physical TS2AL disk in drive (which I haven't played in days but it works fine) and the downloaded retail of TS3 is running.  No problems anywhere, comodo is listing no suspicious connections and avast! pro reports system green with no rootkit activities.  Alas, I'm beginning to get paranoid about it though.
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Broken Radio, anyone? on: 2009 June 15, 17:11:40
Okay, you can exhale now  Grin

Seems to me that a global player always scanning for X stereo objects on what station would be more taxing than a simple object based player.  Then you'd need a global player for each station, always scanning to see if it was time to stream itself.
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Narcissa Vatos: Blank Favorites and Perpetual Obesity on: 2009 June 15, 16:55:19
Just an update.  After reading about public woohoo in the rabbit holes, I had this sim and Christopher Steel running around checking it out.  Eventually, the "let's-move-in-together-'cause-we're-made-one-another" offer pops up.  After accepting, switching households, setting things up and adding an extra "athletic" trait to Narcissa (in hopes that she would at least refrain from becoming Shamu Jr.), the happy couple are keeping themselves in shape without intervention and while away at other households.  The dude was chubby when he made the offer, as was she, so I thought okay, nice happy fat couple, what's the harm?  I swear, it's as if this game has some type of brainwave sensor programming that gives you exactly opposite of what you're willing to settle for.

Edit:  Forgot to mention also, that the move did nothing for the missing favorites.
24  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Is anyone else having issues with the in-game Voices? on: 2009 June 15, 07:10:03
I tried to replicate that problem with no success under normal play conditions.  I also added a bunch-o-crap to the lot, enough to tax my system to where it slowed the game clock a bit as I moved the camera around.  At this point I noticed a bit of distortion in the voice, but still nothing as you describe.  Almost sounds like DSP effect settings on the sound board.  In addition to updated drivers, if you have DSP capablilties, you should check the software settings and maybe disable DSP altogether.  Could be that TS3 doesn't play nice with your particular brand. 
25  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: What, in Heaven's name, is up with traits?! Scary Pic included on: 2009 June 15, 03:55:48
Looks like a normal morph between sexes to me, except the brow was raised a bit much.  That was probably to compensate for the enlongation of the smaller face to match the larger one.
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