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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Talismana on 2006 September 15, 10:42:33

Title: Chandler Platz
Post by: Talismana on 2006 September 15, 10:42:33
Is it 'normal' for townie children to have no family relationships? I don't pay all that much attention to townie children, or townies period, obviously, but of those that I can recall off the top of my head, most seemed to have parents and a (theoretical) home, at least.

Recently, I encountered Chandler Platz for the first time and noticed that he lacks a family tree. Is he a homeless orphan wandering the streets...suffering from amnesia...or simply a Maxian loose end?

My main question is This--were I to have him "move in" with a family versus teleporting him in via Inge's shrub, what would his status be so far as his relationship to the children of the family taking him in?

Thank you.

Title: Re: Chandler Platz
Post by: moonluck on 2006 September 15, 10:50:38
Yeah, Its normal, for some reason Maxis thinks that there should be no families for all the wondering children. If you move him in he will retain his relationship but I think he will lose all memories that he had with them.*  Like if he was best friends with them he will have no memory of becoming best friends but he still will be.

* I'm not positive because I don't use Inge's shrub very often. They could retain the memories fine.

Title: Re: Chandler Platz
Post by: Talismana on 2006 September 15, 11:08:18
Thank you, Moonluck.

My main concern is that he Not become, technically, related to any of his housemates, namely the children, as I've evil intent concerning his future adult relationship with a daughter of the household. I know. It's a particularly heartless thing to do to the poor girl...from all I've heard, Chandler doesn't improve much with age.

EDIT: Thank you Karen, Jordi...looks like I may now set my evil plan into motion.

I am relieved to learn Chandler turned out so well. He and the aforementioned daughter hit it off so completely across the board that I couldn't help but be tempted to make him a permanent fixture in her orbit despite his...hmmm, generous features? Personality, interests and even the nominally (k, likely fictionally) influentual zodiac alignment fell into near perfect place...the clincher? His very first words to her concerned her most favoured topic by far--rats...removing any remaining doubt that they are, indeed, soulmates ;)

Title: Re: Chandler Platz
Post by: Karen on 2006 September 15, 11:27:06
He should be fine if you move him in with a playable family.  I changed his name and his hairstyle, and he turned out to be unusually intelligent, considering he was a kid who'd never had any smart milk as a toddler.  He reached the top of the Medical career as an elder, the first of my Sims to do it.


Title: Re: Chandler Platz
Post by: jrd on 2006 September 15, 11:40:04
He will not become a relative of any of the other children if moved in, and not appear in the family tree. The only interaction which would change his family tree is adopting or marrying him.
The ‘family’ flag may or may not be set, but this is mostly cosmetic. It has no relation to the family tree.

By default no townies have family relationships. By contrast, in the default downtown, 8 downtownie teens will be set as children of Jonathan Tricou (allowing one to eventually resurrect the Tricous by making one of these downtownies a playable (ask to move in or college) and using the resurrection career object.

Title: Re: Chandler Platz
Post by: gali on 2006 September 15, 15:14:08
Since Uni, the townies kids leave the lot at 6 PM autonomously. I liked the basic TS2, in which at 8:30 PM came one of the townie adults (without relation to the kid), and took him home. It gave me the feeling that the townie kids are not "alley cats"...

Title: Re: Chandler Platz
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 September 15, 15:22:51
Since Uni, the townies kids leave the lot at 6 PM autonomously. I liked the basic TS2, in which at 8:30 PM came one of the townie adults (without relation to the kid), and took him home. It gave me the feeling that the townie kids are not "alley cats"...

There's a hack around that lets them stay later -- I think I got it from here, but I can't find it in my downloads folder right now.

Title: Re: Chandler Platz
Post by: Gwill on 2006 September 15, 15:29:28
I think it's a part of twojeffs' visitor controller.

Edit: My memory rules.

6) Allows children and teens to stay later when visiting (See important compatibility note below!):
      On Residential lots: kids will now stay until 9pm and teens until midnight, except Fri & Sat they have no curfew.
      On Commerical lots: children will stay until 9pm and teens can stay as long as they want.

Title: Re: Chandler Platz
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 September 15, 19:45:52
Yup, that's it -- I forgot it was part of the Visitor Controller and not a separate object. I've had the VC in my game forever...