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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: ThyGuy on 2007 March 14, 17:22:11

Title: Macrotastics being effected by season food changes,
Post by: ThyGuy on 2007 March 14, 17:22:11
I can't be the only person who notices this, and hates it passionately.

Macrotastics makes it that when a sim doesn't finish their meal; ANYONE without a current command will come racing to the dish to finish it off. This used to be somewhat annoying, but it was very easy to ensure it didn't happen by not letting them eat high level food that would max their hunger out before they finished, make every fat slobs who always finish their plates; I was able to cope.

Things have changed since seasons... the new sparkly food makes cereal and lunch meat sandwhiches fill someone up like grilled cheese and chilli would. Spaghetti is maxing out the hunger meter of sims who are damn near starvation.

Now I'm seeing negative effects of Macrotastics. ANY family, who is the least bit neat, are eating until their full... stopping, going to resume power idle actvities, do those for a ccouple sim minutes; BAM, they stop what they're doing and run break neck speed back to their plate, but are unable to take a bite because they're FULL. This will happen over and over and over, rendering Macrotastics completely useless and forcing me to take them out of power idle.

I hate sims who aren't in power idle...

Can Macrotastics be adjusted so they will only be summoned to food if their hunger level is at least 35% empty?

Title: Re: Macrotastics being effected by season food changes,
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 14, 23:59:53
Matter is being looked into. Normally a sim wouldn't show up to finish off the plate unless its food value were able to fit within his tankage space, though, so it's definitely not normal if they come back and DON'T take a bite out of it to finish it. I will try tweaking the values a bit.

UPDATE: Fresh food appears to have a bonus not associated with traditional FPV, and is worth approximately double FPV as a "bonus" added on after every bite. Macrotastics will now correctly calculate this bonus as part of the FPV, preventing the above behavior, although it may producea few other quirks of its own, such as that some foods will be classified as "inedible" due to the fact their modified FPV will exceed 200, meaning that a plate of the stuff lying around is inedible because no sim can fit it into their fuel tank without overloading and becoming fat (unless No Eat Crap is in place, but Macrotastics is programmed to assume default behavior for safety). A more detailed solution to this is currently being pursued, but in the meantime, you have the stopgap patch.

Title: Re: Macrotastics being effected by season food changes,
Post by: ThyGuy on 2007 March 15, 00:29:53
Well that'ss no big deal. I'll just continue to givee them low level foods, since they now give a huge amount of hunger relief.

Title: Re: Macrotastics being effected by season food changes,
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 15, 18:19:52
New update now probes and chooses algorithmically from all of the foods in the game if your game engine is OFB+, rather than using te old TS2-original heuristic of spaghetti, chili, burgers, porkchops. The optimal safe food will now be autoselected, taking into account the fact that sparklefood is worth 2x FPV.