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Awesomeware => AwesomeMod! => Topic started by: PolecatEZ on 2009 December 16, 15:55:47

Title: Marriage, Baby, Death in France
Post by: PolecatEZ on 2009 December 16, 15:55:47
Note:  I have a completely fresh and patched install of TS3 and WA.  The ONLY hack I have (and it is working) is AM.  This may be a maxis bug or related to AM, not sure, but I have some theories.

I sent my single femme fatale to France for her second vacation.  Somehow, during the loading, someone "close to her" died, as she had the -50 Mourning moodlet upon arrival.  Thinking "small wierd glitch", I played through, even though she never did have any relationships really with anyone.  During the trip, she romanced someone named Jon Luc Pivet, who owns a rich house in the middle of nowhere.  With maxed relationship, nobody could propose or marry.  She returned home broken-hearted.

When she got home, she invited Jon Luc for a visit, and he accepted a move-in attempt and a successful "Try for Baby".  Still no romantic options for marriage/engagement.  After the child was born, I checked the fambly tree.

Apparently, she had married the "special stuff dealer" in France (who now had her last name), had a child (also with her last name), and the special stuff dealer died...all in the time of one game loading.  The child was living with her half-sister in France near the town square.  Further, his photo is not blacked out so the game still believes she is married.

Anyone else have this odd bug?  I'm thinking she had a duplicate ID with someone else in the France location.  The original chick was obliterated, and replaced with this one.  It doesn't explain how everyone's last name got changed to hers though.  It could also be the AM story-mode driver run amok during the long loading time, with my active sim unflagged, the game decided to do a lot of stuff to her.

Title: Re: Marriage, Baby, Death in France
Post by: Greyform on 2009 December 16, 16:04:05
Yes, this is an EA bug that a few other people have reported. If it's been fixed in any way, I'm not aware of it.

Title: Re: Marriage, Baby, Death in France
Post by: RandomInsolence on 2009 December 16, 21:37:36
Wow. How did EA pull that one off? lol. That's a pretty efing complex 'bug' haha. Not funny for the person it happens to, but still, sort of amusing.

Title: Re: Marriage, Baby, Death in France
Post by: kuronue on 2009 December 17, 19:40:41
My suspicion would be some kind of "story progession" for foreign cities, complete with dangling references to invalid sims as the parents of children. Remember TS2 where random dogs and cats would be marked as certain sims' fathers?

Title: Re: Marriage, Baby, Death in France
Post by: Keyan on 2009 December 17, 20:11:29
My suspicion would be some kind of "story progession" for foreign cities, complete with dangling references to invalid sims as the parents of children. Remember TS2 where random dogs and cats would be marked as certain sims' fathers?

Really? I never saw that...

Title: Re: Marriage, Baby, Death in France
Post by: kuronue on 2009 December 17, 20:21:14
It was a broken EAxis family in... one of the expansions. I vaguely recall some of the kids had "Patricia Wan" as their father, and others had a simID that didn't correspond to anything and so often corresponded to a stray dog.

Title: Re: Marriage, Baby, Death in France
Post by: Faizah on 2009 December 18, 06:52:28
It wasn't 'random' sims/dogs in TS2, it was the Ottomas twins and that one pair of dogs, both from the sim bin families.

Title: Re: Marriage, Baby, Death in France
Post by: kuronue on 2009 December 18, 22:47:50
I thought one of them was pointing to a sim ID that didn't exist among premade sims....?

I must have mis-remembered. There were so many bugs regarding people and dogs getting confused that I barely remember the details of any of them. I had one in which my bodyshop sims kept turning into dogs >.>

Title: Re: Marriage, Baby, Death in France
Post by: Gastfyr on 2009 December 19, 18:55:34
If the Ottomas twins were born in Pleasantview, thier "father" was Brandi Broke.  If they were born in Riverblossom Hills, thier "father" was Patricia Wan.  I never encountered the dog as a father, so I don't know what conditions were nessicary to trigger that.

Title: Re: Marriage, Baby, Death in France
Post by: kuronue on 2009 December 19, 21:12:19
Might have been in someone's custom hood.

Title: Re: Marriage, Baby, Death in France
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 December 22, 08:42:25
This bug should be solved in the latest AwesomeMod. It was not caused by dangling NID references (NIDs are pretty much universally unique in TS3, no two sims should ever have the two NIDs, ever, in any game as the NIDspace is randomized across approximately 16 quadrillion possibilities), but rather, by the way the game attempts to maintain the population of a vacation hood, which is never actually played out in real-time: When a vacationlander carks it, he may be retroactively given children. Another parent will then be selected for this based on the deceased vacationlander's relationships, and EAxis did not exclude YOUR sim, so the game would most likely pick YOUR sim for this, as vacationlanders rarely do much with each other because no one plays them.