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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Blech on 2010 August 28, 23:10:21

Title: Laundry Borked (?)
Post by: Blech on 2010 August 28, 23:10:21
A while ago, I discovered that, in some families, leaving clean clothes in the dryer gives you the clean clothes and sheets moodlets, indefinitely; in some families laundry must be done almost every day to keep the the moodlets; and in some families, you can do nothing but laundry all day and never get the moodlets. So, my question is WTF? There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. The number of sims in the family doesn't seem to have any impact on which flavor of the "laundry situation" I'm going to get, nor does the quality of the equipment. Since I've only been playing WA and Ambitions for about a week, I have no idea what "normal" is supposed to be.

I'm pretty sure the cheatiness of leaving clean clothes in the dryer for "perma-clean" is a bug, along with some sims never getting the moodlets, no matter what, but I think I need a standard of how it's supposed to work before I can start trying to fix it. Also, the "laundry situation" can randomly change in any given family, at any given time. So, a family who once got away with "perma-clean" can suddenly lose the moodlets, no matter how often they do laundry, but then a few days later it'll come back with the "laundry every other day" flavor. The only time the system seems to work properly is with sims who do not own any laundry equipment and get their fix at the laundromat. With these sims, about one visit to the laundromat a week is sufficient to keep the moodlets going.

So, can someone more awesome than me tell me how the laundry system is supposed to work, please? I would guess that sims should only be doing laundry once every few days, but that happens rarely in my game. What I'd like to know is if my experiences are "normal" or is my game just borked?

Title: Re: Laundry Borked (?)
Post by: Dienvae on 2010 August 29, 07:50:06
With these sims, about one visit to the laundromat a week is sufficient to keep the moodlets going.

This seems to be mostly my experience with doing laundry on home lots. Did play a game where it seemed too many hampers on the lot made things buggy. I'm not using any mods.

Title: Re: Laundry Borked (?)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2010 August 29, 11:41:46
Completing the laundry process and removing the clothes from the dryer is what resets the "clean laundry" timer. While the timer is in effect, changing clothes or using a bed gives the relevant moodlet. If you leave clothes in the dryer, you'll be able to remove them at any time to reset the timer. Doing laundry multiple times in a row has no useful effect.

Title: Re: Laundry Borked (?)
Post by: Blech on 2010 August 29, 16:08:02
If you leave clothes in the dryer, you'll be able to remove them at any time to reset the timer.

Yes, but in my game, sometimes, if I leave clothes in the dryer, the timer never runs out, so it never needs to be reset. At other times, removing clothes from the dryer does absolutely nothing. When this happens, I've even tried letting the laundry build up again for a few days, waiting until the hamper is full, but I still don't get the moodlets, after removing clothes from the dryer or line, when the sims sleep or change. Also, just to make sure I'm thoroughly confused, some sims can go an unusually long time w/o doing laundry and keep the moodlets.

I think Dienvae may be on to something in that most of my households that have laundry issues have more than one sim, so more than one hamper. Except, the current fambly I'm playing has 3 sims, 2 hampers, and 0 problems. Also, the first fambly where I noticed an issue had only 2 sims and 1 hamper. So, basically, it's random as fuck.

If it matters, the mods I'm using are: nointro, same energy gain for beds, stuff on fridge, twoftmama's teen woohoo, and awesomemod. All are up to date and working properly. I could try removing mods for testing, but as the issue is so random, I'm not sure what good that would do.