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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Claeric on 2010 July 03, 01:15:25

Title: Cannot Place Lots on Lots
Post by: Claeric on 2010 July 03, 01:15:25

The shaded area tells me that I cannot place lots on existing lots when I try to place a lot there. This is the area with the consignment store, hangout, and bistro in Twinbrook.

I have tried bulldozing and click-deleting the lots, bulldozing and then bulldozing the lots, bulldozing and then moving the lots, with no positive results- this area ALWAYS complains that there's a lot there already, when there very clearly isn't.

Is this the same for anyone else? This area in particular? Any ideas? It's extremely aggravating, especially since the lots here are all really stupid sizes to begin with, so it's impossible to repurpose them for what I want to do.

Title: Re: Cannot Place Lots on Lots
Post by: rohina on 2010 July 03, 01:36:00
Needs MOAR vole.

Title: Re: Cannot Place Lots on Lots
Post by: Goggalor on 2010 July 03, 07:08:25
Yeah, it seems the big park across the road is blocking placement around that area somehow. I saved it to the bin and then I could place new lots on the spot you marked. Just don't remove the empty lot were the park was if you want to put it back, you won't be able to place one of the same size there again.

Title: Re: Cannot Place Lots on Lots
Post by: pbox on 2010 July 03, 16:08:22
I noticed that trees near the edge of lots often prevent other lots from being placed (when I move the tree further inwards, away from the lot edge, I can place the other lot fine). Maybe that plays a role here too? Not familiar with Twinbrook, but "park" sounds like it might involve trees.

Title: Re: Cannot Place Lots on Lots
Post by: Claeric on 2010 July 03, 16:30:28
There ARE a lot of trees on the other side. I'll try later to see what happens if they're removed first.