More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Sandilou on 2005 December 31, 07:25:11

Title: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Sandilou on 2005 December 31, 07:25:11
I've used a new user account to start a brand new neighbourhood for all the Maty sims.  I want my game to run as fast as possible so I've limiting the number of downloads to the bare minimum and I'm using only 5 Must Have hacks/mos/fixes.  For me in no particular order  its... (drumroll).......
1. The Insimenator
2. The Inteeminator
3. MoreAwesomeThanYou (minus the killing Russian Toilet and the anti-family baby controller)
4. Monique's computer
5. Default nude meshes.

Everything else from my humungous 3.54 GB download folder is staying on my usual user account.   

Here is where I'd like your help. Have I unknowingly missed out on the best fix/mod/hack of all time?   What do you consider to be the top 5  Must Have hacks/fixes/mods in your game? 

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 31, 07:33:35
If the bathroom controller kills you, you must be doing something really wrong. And how is the Baby control anti-family? A productive family is a happy family.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Kyna on 2005 December 31, 08:06:25
1. Pescado's Director's Cut - with the exception of the dormie killing no-uni-invulnerability for dormies.  Except when I want to kill the dormies :big evil grin: 
And I usually take out the LTW Variety mod when I play new 'hoods, and put it back in when the 'hood has a few generations.
2. Twojeffs' fixes and mods
3. Crammyboy's portal fixes and portal problem prevention mods.  And his fishy pillows.
4. Inge's teleporter plus shrub and days left shrub
5. A three-way tie between Motoki's adult clothes for elders mod, Merola's painting (I'm unawesome, I know) and Lizzlove's gender preference kite.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 December 31, 08:16:19
1.  The More Awesome Than You director's cut.  Nothing left out.

2.  Twojeffs folder

3.  Crammyboy folder.

4.  Motoki's Elder Clothing mod.

5.  Either Merola's painting or Inge's teleporter shrub.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 31, 08:28:29
I'd definitely take the shrub. The teleporter shrub is useful for testing and debugging. The painting does nothing I can't do with finer control in debug mode.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: bloodstainedkisses on 2005 December 31, 09:14:56
1) Two Jeff's gay friendly hacks. =) And his formal wedding hack!

2) Inge's cribgetoutall, and toddlersleepthroughnight

3) For custom content, I must have things from so, that is included in TJ's formal wedding hack.

4) Anything from

5) TJ's college adjuster. Not to mention JM's college clock.
(I play with free will off, so it eliminates alot of the hacks, and mods, I have... ^^)

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Emma on 2005 December 31, 09:19:11
1-Risky Woohoo mod
2-Increased odds on abduction and satellite death
3-Community Lot skilling
4-Triplets and Quads hack
5-Quieter doorbell

They are my favourites from all the mods I have :)

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: buddha pest on 2005 December 31, 09:38:40
1. clothing tool

2. college clock or TJ college adjuster

3. phone hack

4. manual navigation

5. Inge's No Autonomy Fridge

I could just say MATY Director's Cut sans this or that, but that's too easy.

And so my Top 5 is such a lie because all five of these would be tied for #1 along with no baby harrassment, and less whiny, and all the no crap wants hacks, and the no toddlers in the toilets, and the no autonomy instruments patch I got from I forget where, and the no autonomy napping, and Inge's assignable bed patch, and TJ ghost hack (update for NL pretty please?) and, and, and....

You know how that goes. I feel spoiled to death.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: gali on 2005 December 31, 10:13:00
1) InSimenator
2) Inge's telepoter (or shrub)
3) Merola's Multi-Painting
4) Comm-skilling
5) Merola's Mind Control Mirror

All the rest are add-ons.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: agcons on 2005 December 31, 10:13:27
1.  FFS Lot Debugger:  Without fixing the AWOL Headmaster with this my game would schlepp along like mourners at a funeral.
2.  Phone hack:  If I couldn't set the phone ringer I would be in a padded room.
3.  No whatsthis:  Without this I would have to kiil sims towards whom I wouldn't otherwise harbour ill feelings.
4.  No baby harassment:  As for #3.
5.  Daily gardener:  On lots that have more than just a few shrubs and flowers it prevents everything from looking tatty.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 31, 11:09:59
I'd find it hard to live without any of mine!  But here goes:

Phone Hack + Autoyak  (I think they rather belong together)

Flamingo of Contentment

College Clock


TJ's Electronics tree

But my whole hacks folder is only 6.86MB - I have one custom skintone that's this big - so really, having the whole lot in won't slow the game down one iota!

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 December 31, 12:50:59
1.  The Insiminator..some may claim it's evil..but I love it.
2.  Phone Hack
3.  Pescado's critical fixes would have been FUBAR'd a long time ago w/o them
4. TJ's Casual Romance
5.  Inge's  assignable crib (a must have for twins)s and toddlers sleep through the night

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 December 31, 12:52:24
Oh yeah..must add a #6...Crammy's portal fixes...made the game playable as it should be with Uni and I am taking no chances with the juggling thing with NL

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: syberspunk on 2005 December 31, 12:56:14
Hrm... if I had to pick, going by individual mods only, my top 5 would be:

1) JenFlower's Teen Woohoo
2) J.M. Pescado's romancemod (at least when it gets officially released for NL :P)
3) Crammyboy's Cock mod
4) Crammyboy's Nudist mod
5) TwoJeff's Trips & Quads (Random Only version)

Risky Woohoo, TwoJeff's Increased Alien Abduction, and dizzy's smart serve are honorable mentions.

These are for my must have mods that I consider improve upon gameplay by making it more realistic.

However... my must have mods that I consider to be essential fixes are:

1) J.M. Pescado's phonehack
2) Crammyboy's portal deletion mods
3) J.M. Pescado's norandomcrush fix
4) Apology Fix
5) TwoJeff's Age Transition - Teens Keep Love fix

It's actually tougher to think of which fixes are absolutely essential. For the most part, I never experienced many of these bugs first hand, but if pressed, these are the hacks that I really can't stand to live without.

I obviously use a lot of Pescado's, TJ's, CBoy's and dizzy's hacks, and it is very difficult to rank them because they are all really More Awesome Than me, and they just improve gameplay for me so much that I cannot bear to play the game without them. If it weren't for mods, the game would probably be unplayable for me, or I'd probably just get bored of it much faster and/or just be generally disastisfied by the imposed limitations of the default game. :P

Oh... and just because I've mentioned CBoy's cock and nudist mods, doesn't mean that I actually use them all the time. It's not like I constantly have my sims woohoo naked all the time. I mean, it can be fun and funny to watch, but in actuality, I just really like them because of the realism. It actually disturbs me more to see ken and barbie dolls rather than anatomically correct sims. Personally, to me, it is more creepy to see them without genitlia. And though it really is for only brief moments, I just feel that I am an adult, and mature enough to handle nudity and "adult situations" in the game. In fact, it is actually a lot more innocuous to have nude sims casually in the background, rather than the barbie and ken doll sims with no genitalia and big distracting blurs walking around. I feel that just draws more attention to them and makes it rather annoying. :P

But, as I've always said, I just love mods that make the game a lot more realistic, like the romancemod, and risky woohoo and trips & quads, where my sims are supsceptible to sudden surprises. Those types of things are kinda cool, because I like unexpected events happening, and that I don't always have absolute control over their lives. That kind of randomness makes things a lot more interesting. :D


PS. Oooh, forgot to mention Casual Romance, that's also a good one. Well, I didn't mention a lot of them; if I did, I'd be here forever. :P Oh... like all the macrostatic related mods, which make the game a lot less tedious to play, but I suppose aren't Totally essential in that I can still sorta play the game without them, but it just makes it more of a pain because of all the clicking. So, they actually Are essential, but the game is still playable I suppose. It just takes longer. ::)

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2005 December 31, 14:01:30
1. quaxi_nl_censor_v1.package
2. ffsdebugger.package
3. mondayfix.package
4. phonehack.package
5. InSIMenator (UV) v2.2 OBJ Edition.package

1. The censor blur is just plain annoying.
2. Must have for just about anything!
3. I have too many Mad Scientists not to have this one!
4. The constant phone ringing drives me nuts!
5. I use this all the time to check on stats for my sims - pregnancy stats, ind. stats - and to let my same sex couples have their own children.

I have others, but these 5 would be essential for me!

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: angelyne on 2005 December 31, 15:00:03

Oh... and just because I've mentioned CBoy's cock and nudist mods, doesn't mean that I actually use them all the time. It's not like I constantly have my sims woohoo naked all the time. I mean, it can be fun and funny to watch, but in actuality, I just really like them because of the realism. It actually disturbs me more to see ken and barbie dolls rather than anatomically correct sims. Personally, to me, it is more creepy to see them without genitlia. And though it really is for only brief moments, I just feel that I am an adult, and I mature enough to handle nudity and "adult situations" in the game. In fact, it is actually a lot more innocuous to have nude sims casually in the background, rather than the barbie and ken doll sims with no genitalia and big distracting blurs walking around. I feel that just draws more attention to them and makes it rather annoying. :P

It's always amazing when someone expresses your thoughts so exactly they might have plucked it straight out of your head.  Except you said it so much better than me.  :)

It's hard to get an essential list.  I've played with hacks so long, I probably forgot about most of the worst annoyances of the game.  I think trying to play with an almost empty hack folder will quckly reveal what is absolutely essential and what is not.

This being said, i would start my game with these three absolutely essential hacks (for me)

1. no censor blur
2.  CEP3 package (which is only essential if you use custom content really)
3. Then I'd add all the critical fixes that were implemented by our excellent modders here, although I think they belong in a different category of non-optional hacks. 
4. no dormie regen and no townie regen as  I'm keeping a tight leash on my dormie/townie population.

5.  Then I'd just add hacks, as I become exasperated by the game.  Less whiny would make it back into my game pretty fast, as would the non-autonomous fridge, babies sleep through the night.  Not sure about the rest since as I've played with them so long, I forgot how annoying the base game can be!

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: nectere on 2005 December 31, 15:13:17
Top 5 Must Haves (in singular form)
1. Nowhatsthis
2. Lesswhiney
3. Toddlersleepnight
4. Eldersleepnight
5. Nocongrats

Thats difficult, I am not sure I would be happy with just those five, theres another five that I would greatly miss


Who am I kidding? Take all my custom content, just leave my mods alone.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 31, 15:17:26
Who am I kidding? Take all my custom content, just leave my mods alone.

Let's face it, if one has to reinstall everything, what's the first folder to go back into one's game?

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: IcemanTO on 2005 December 31, 15:25:16
1. The InSimenator v.2.2 Sim Edition. (Absolutely a Must for me. It's the "Cybernetich God for the Sims' World")
2. TJ Visitor controller.
3. Cboy nudist hack (off course, this includes the quaxi no-censor btw).
4. Inge's security system (doors, tokens and so on).
5. Dizzy2's smart lights system.


These are the "hacks" I prefere to use.
Meanwhile, ALL JM's, TJ's and Cboy's "fixes" are ABSOLUTELY NEEDED, because without them the game would be unplayable.

So, I'm here to declare the bigger THANK to all You Great Guys/Gals for your excellent work!

and finally....



Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Sandilou on 2005 December 31, 15:28:49
Posted by: J. M. Pescado
If the bathroom controller kills you, you must be doing something really wrong.
I haven't used the Nightlife edition of the Russian toilet.  The old one used to override my instructions to the point where it was starting to feel Maxian.  If you have only one tiny terlet (ie four to six squares) and more than two sims needed to go, then all three would get trapped in the terlet.   Even cancelling out the controller symbol made no difference, it simply reappeared.  The only way to set them free was to use move_objects on to delete the toilet roll.   On two separate occasions two visiting sims starved to death because other sims wouldn't let them get in or out of the loo.  Visitors are more vulnerable because you don't always know what level their needs are at: your first clue (if you ignore all other whining)  is the arrival of Grimmie.  When you discussed this before, you stated quite clearly that the Russian toilet was designed to be used with more than one bathroom, so I do take that on board.

Posted by: J. M. Pescado
And how is the Baby control anti-family? A productive family is a happy family.
Many of the baby sims in my neighbourhood do not live with their (ahem) real fathers - or mothers.  Maxian programming helps here - the errant parent will always seek out and hold their newborn when they arrive on a visit.  Its sweet, and it allows for some sort of relationship later.  Your controller doesn't allow this to happen, so this time around, I've given it a miss.  I  like the IQ feature on the Baby Controller which you've also included on the Lot Timer, so I've not installed it yet.  However, the Baby Controller is a must for any households that have to use a nanny.

Just a reminder that the MoreAwesomeThanYou Director's Cut includes all of JM's mods and fixes, so by naming the package I've carried over more than five mods.  CrammyBoy's portal fix is a critical fix and as such doesn't need to be counted in your top five.  All critical fixes are compulsory - atleast for me they are.

I must confess that I also took TJ's Triplets and Quads hack and Dr Doofus's NoFamilySizeLimit hack with me...and the Toddler Mirror, along with the default toddler and kiddie hairmeshes for the maxian hairstyles.  And a small number of nubian hairstyles...but that really was all of my Must Haves!

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 December 31, 15:36:10
Without meaning to seem overly-fussy (it's my Virgo ascendant), you can't choose MoreAwesomeThanYou or the Director's Cut as just one mod, because there are loads in both.  You can only choose one out of them!  I haven't a clue what five I would choose, mainly because I'd have to play the game to work out which I miss the most.  I know I'd have to keep the LotDebugger and the Insimenator, because I use them all the time.  I'd hate to be without the option to teleport my Sims all over the place as I'm so used to it now, ditto being able to select other Sims with ease and various other things.  I suppose in a sense both of those could be classed as more than one mod insofar as they both perform lots of different functions that are unrelated to each other, which is why they're good choices in the first place.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2005 December 31, 15:39:31
1. CEP (must have my color options, also essential in creating custom objects)
2. Quaxi's blur patch (the few days I had to play without a blur remover after getting NL are something I never want to relive again  :D. I absolutely can't stand the blur. )
3. JMP's coffee cup hack
4. JMP's abortable bed making hack
5. Twojeffs' toddlers playing with toilets fix

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 December 31, 15:44:07
While reading thru this thread, I started thinking what would be the 5 hacks I would use. By the time I got to the bottom, I realized that there is no way I would limit myself to only five hacks. But there are certain hacks that I use/prefer more than others. Some of the critical fixes you never even think about because they sit nicely in your downloads folder and prevent a major screw-up in your game.

That being said, I don't think I could do without anything that adds more realism to the game. That would include: nude skins, censor blur removal, crammyboy's nudist and cock mods, inteen (don't tell me teenagers don't have sex and sometimes get knocked up). For control purposes, I love Inge's doors and security system - and just because I think the animnation is sooo cute-cribgetoutall. I hate using Maxis sims so notownie/dormie regen is a must.

Also, depending on the neighborhood, no20khandouts in conjunction with Monique's computer (with all the banking functions).

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Sandilou on 2005 December 31, 15:57:11
Posted by: Ancient Sim
Without meaning to seem overly-fussy (it's my Virgo ascendant), you can't choose MoreAwesomeThanYou or the Director's Cut as just one mod, because there are loads in both.  You can only choose one out of them!
Ahem, JM has it all in one it's one download...if you split them up they get lonely....  It's a Must Have.  I can't be asked to choose them separately, even if I choose not to use a couple, the majority Have to remain in my game.  Some of JM's critical fixes are included in there, like the nomemory spams, notownie/npc regen, the baristas fix etc.  Others are sanitychecks, like nowhatsthis, nowhiny, nocheering etc.  I can't play the game without the whole Director's Cut, because TS2 without it is just crap.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2005 December 31, 16:22:51
that  are my Must 2 have

1) InSIMenator (Dest Edition)
1) Quaxi's blur patch
2) Auto Lateral Phone Calls (By dizzy2)
3) smart-lights2
4) Turn off the TV when stop watching (from bed, too) (by  Numenor)
5) apologizefix
5) j.m. nostrangerdance  ;D

why i can't use number 3 on my nick ? :(
i'm Max3D everyware :P

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 December 31, 16:56:48
why i can't use number 3 on my nick ? :(
i'm Max3D everyware :P

JM doesn't like numbers in people's names, so that's why they are banned from the forum.

Sandilou, I totally agree...the director's cut is one download and therefore it is one item.  I wouldn't play without a majority of these hacks in the package.  Plus, I know that the reason my game is so slow is because of all the objects and all the recolours I have, not the hacks.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Savage on 2005 December 31, 17:04:36
Mailbox Hack
No Shoo (from here I think)
Phone Hack

Thats pretty much does me for the game bwuaha.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2005 December 31, 17:20:24
i've to confess.. i didn't know "director's cut." but i'll test it now !  :D

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 31, 17:38:27
Top 5 Must haves for me are
 1) Quaxi's blur removal patch
  2)No whats this
   3) the insimenator
    4) toddler play with toilet fix by Two Jeffs
     5) toddler sleep through the night by Inge at similogical

       but lets face it if I had to get rid of all CC but keep my hacks and fixes I would do so.I could live with fugly maxis but I cant live with the game annoyances and fubars that ultimaately lead to BFBVFS

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Kristalrose on 2005 December 31, 17:50:06
1)  Quaxi's No Censor
2)  No What's This
3)  Merola's Multi-Painting
4)  Inge's Teleporter
5)  TJ's College Adjuster

Ooooh, but I could never limit myself to just 5!  That's like just eating 1 lays potato chip.  ;)

I must play with the JMP's director's cut, many of Crammyboy's and TJ's fixes, and my default nude skins and Crammyboy's naughty bits.  ;) 

Oh, wait, that didn't sound quite right. . .  (KR goes away mumbling. . . )

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2005 December 31, 18:01:31
JM doesn't like numbers in people's names, so that's why they are banned from the forum.

I never realized there were no numbers in anyone's username. Now, what's this thing about? I understand not wanting to have "simmygurl957023457", but, come on, not even one number?  :D Or is it just to make sure there won't be a "J.M.Pescad0" or "J.M.P3scado"?  ;)

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 31, 18:23:12
Maybe JM just likes people to be individuals "I'm not a number, I'm a free man" (The Prisoner).

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2005 December 31, 18:27:50
1. Plans for World Domination

2. The More Awesome than you Folder

3. A Few TwoJeffs Hacks

4. A Few CRammyboy Hacks

5. A secret basement to hide the bodies of my horrible, inhumane experiments

Nothing big...

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Venusy on 2005 December 31, 18:38:31
Click here ( for the reason you aren't allowed to have numbers in names.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2005 December 31, 18:46:47
Click here ( for the reason you aren't allowed to have numbers in names.

Ahh, that was enlightening, thanks!  ;D

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 31, 18:48:40
       but lets face it if I had to get rid of all CC but keep my hacks and fixes I would do so.I could live with fugly maxis but I cant live with the game annoyances and fubars that ultimaately lead to BFBVFS

I want my cake and eat it too. I gotta have my cc, man. My game has to be nice to look at for me to want to play it.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 December 31, 18:53:32
1. Critical fixes
2. Director's cut
3. Teleporter Shrub
4. Crammyboy's Fish Pillows
5. TwoJeffs Pregnancy for All Genders

Okay, so the first two are actually a bunch of seperate items, but I would be afraid to play the game without all the critical fixes. The most important non-critical fix out of the Director's cut is probably Macrotastics and accessories.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 31, 19:11:30
Click here ( for the reason you aren't allowed to have numbers in names.

Ahh, that was enlightening, thanks!  ;D

Definitely JM would have agreed with Number 6!

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: PlaidSquirrel on 2005 December 31, 19:17:20
1. InSim
2. InTeen
3. Phone hack/Auto yakyak
4. Lot Debugger
5. No censor

I've really gotten used to the yellow burglar alarm from DMA sims too though.

I'm sure there are tons of others I'd really miss if I were without them.  I never even think before I stick a new usefull hack in but I think quite a bit before I put a new object or outfit into my folder.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: MutantBunny on 2005 December 31, 20:52:26
I didn't use so many hacks before NL, but since NL, I've grown to depend on so many! 5, eh?

1. Quaxi's blur remover for sure! And with it CrammyBoy's penis of course!
2. bandcontroller_patch_V3.package cuz I love my musical insturments
3. Inge's Apt. system/lock doors.
4. Power_Espresso-SimCutie.package--could not survive Uni without it.
5 JM's phone hack

I also would hate to play without LizLove's bed and Danny66's girls and booths and Marvine and BBBs muscleman meshes, not a hack, but still..... And then there are the vampire hacks which I haven't played with very much yet and 2jeffs nofinals at night and the novel progress bar and the community lot skilling and Inge's nocommunity lot plate clearing and the dormgendercontroller and the no welfare many now...

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Sleepycat on 2005 December 31, 21:03:37
I would be more willing to remove downloaded custom clothes and custom hair and furniture recolors then any of the hacks/mods I use!

Most hacks/mods are small, it dosen't take much for them to load so I wouldn't give any of them up  ;)

I'd also keep custom makeup and my custom clothes!

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Savage on 2006 January 01, 10:44:59
JM doesn't like numbers in people's names, so that's why they are banned from the forum.

I agree, I HATE numbers like Jake749663 or those dumbassnames with 66xxCherieeXx66
it looks so tacky, but banning them? Lmao!

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2006 January 01, 10:49:33
My Most top fav's Are

1. Most of JM's mods
2. Most of TJ's mods
3. Christianlov Allinone stove and nanny painting.
4. Some of Inge's Mods
5.the Insim as well.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 01, 19:08:59
JM doesn't like numbers in people's names, so that's why they are banned from the forum.

I agree, I HATE numbers like Jake749663 or those dumbassnames with 66xxCherieeXx66
it looks so tacky, but banning them? Lmao!

Not easy to type names like that!  I personally hated it when I tried to use my real name, and found there were loads of others with the same name (at least the abbreviated version) and I had to use my full name (which I hate) for my email address, or else tack on some number to it!  I like to feel I am an individual, not a number!

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Gwill on 2006 January 01, 19:32:25
In no particular order except for the first one.
  • No20kHandout - I worship this hack, I don't know what I ever did without it, and I can't for the life of me understand why it's not built into the game.
  • Shaklin's Vampire Mod - Vampires are just too dull without it.
  • No "What is this?" - This is one of those hacks you never think about until you try the without it.
  • Scanner gun hack - Without it I can never find that tiny thing when they hide it.
  • Daily Gardener - It doesn't take many plants before this is a must have.
  • Phone hack - I know that makes six...  But 3+3=5 for very small values of 3. ;)

I think those are the ones I wouldn't want to play without.  Some of them are tiny tweaks, but they fix things that annoy the hell out of me.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: baratron on 2006 January 02, 03:09:06
Oh God... I am terrible at choosing my favourite 5 anything!

But I suppose they go as follows:
1) All the Critical Fixes from JMP, TwoJeffs & Crammyboy. Don't ask me to list them individually. I care too much about my game to have it explode.
2) The Phone Hack. Absolutely. Can't live without. Nightlife pre-NL Phone Hack was so frustrating.
3) Always Flush Toilets, by TwoJeffs. So important, with Sims 2 not having a self-flushing toilet (why not? Every house I had in The Sims had the expensive toilet for this reason! My poor families would save up so they could buy it as soon as possible!).
4) No "What's This?". Totally rocks. Such a little fix, but it makes the sims seem so much more sensible.
5) The Romance Mod. Fixes many broken behaviours.

For storytelling purposes, I'd add the Simlogical Teleporter Plus shrub & TwoJeffs' Movie Maker bonsai, without which, a large percentage of my photos wouldn't have been possible, or would have taken even more hours setting up & swearing at the computer than they did!

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 January 02, 03:34:08
Here are mine and they are not in favorite order:

1- FFS lot debugger (for all the fixes it can do and mostly for the rerandomize sim generator and the possiblity to reroll boring LTW)
2- TJ college adjuster (University is not the same without it)
3- Nocommlotfoodserve (I hated it when the Sim would go all over the place to place a plate)
4- Noeatcrap II (finally my Sims go to work/school in time)
5- Merola's multi-painting (very useful to age a baby's fast (I hate the baby stage) and other useful tools)

And of course all the critical fixes that we cannot live without if we care about our game.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 02, 04:35:41
3) Always Flush Toilets, by TwoJeffs. So important, with Sims 2 not having a self-flushing toilet (why not? Every house I had in The Sims had the expensive toilet for this reason! My poor families would save up so they could buy it as soon as possible!).

True, they seem to have missed that, and a lot of other nice stuff from Sims1 that could easily have been put into Sims2!  I used to really like the mechanical bull for getting body skills, and the way you could use both dining and lounge chairs aat the chess table!  I mean, if your chess board is in the lounge, why have dining chairs which don't match your three piece?

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: cabelle on 2006 January 02, 04:50:57
Besides the critical fixes which are as essential as breathing here's my faves in no particular order-

1. TwoJeffs college adjuster/Pescado's college clock-at least one of these is essential in a Uni neighborhood so I don't die of boredom.
2. Merola's multi-painting-to change names and personalities that annoy me. It's bad enough to have a last name like Grunt, why add insult to injury by having a first name of Tank or Ripp? :-X
3. Inge's teleporter painting-There are certain sims I want to hook up quickly. I don't have the patience to wait numerous Sim days for them to finally get the chance to meet. I also like giving the child townies a real home so they can grow up.
4. TwoJeffs triplets & quads hack-most of the time I pick "original" number of babies but for some families I have certain plans in their storyline. I don't have the patience to keep reloading right before "try for baby" to get the twin birth I'd wanted for a specific couple.
5. Merola's energizer painting-takes up a small amount of space. Dina Goth was my first pregnant sim I played and I nearly killed her twice. I don't have a home without this painting. Most of the time I try to handle all the needs on my own but it's nice to have this to fall back on.

There's also many of the annoyance fixes by Pescado and TwoJeffs that I can't live without.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: baratron on 2006 January 03, 20:38:56
True, they seem to have missed that, and a lot of other nice stuff from Sims1 that could easily have been put into Sims2!  I used to really like the mechanical bull for getting body skills, and the way you could use both dining and lounge chairs aat the chess table!  I mean, if your chess board is in the lounge, why have dining chairs which don't match your three piece?

It does, at least, look like we're getting the gnome bench back in Open For Business. I don't know why it's taken them so long to come up with something that builds Mechanical skill and is fun to use. Apart from reading, the only way to build Mechanical in the game as it is at the moment is either to fix stuff (which most sims hate) or to use the Medical career reward (which is locked, unless you have a relative in the Medical career or use a hacked collection).

We have a load of ways to build Body and Creativity, and even several ways of building Charisma, but only one method for Mechanical. It's unbalanced!

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 03, 21:24:04
Specially since it's about the only non fun or charisma skill want that Romance, Popularity and Pleasure sims get!

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: KnightSkyKyte on 2006 January 06, 03:47:38
I'm torn between hacks and custom content... and also between what is useful and why I play the game... oh, who am I kiidding? Anything that indulges my YAOI fantasies has got to be first, or I wouldn't be playing the game at all :P

For hacks:

1. 2Jeffs preg for all genders, same sex marriage, have child not adopt
2. Crammyboy's Cock Hack
3. Macrotastics
4. Autoyak & Phone hack
5. Coffecup hack
For Custom content:

1. Beosboxboy's realistic skin I adapted for #2 above
2. Invisible clothes for male sims
3. Custom hair for male sims
4. Clothing that makes male sims look sexy
5. A damn good MALE sim skin... haven't found one I really, really like yet though...

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Batelle on 2006 January 06, 16:33:52
When it's all said and done, I could live without custom content (although I love me some realistic eyes and have Helaene's as my default) but there are a few hacks that, were it not for them, I would have given up on the game within a few months

1. Merola's Multi-painting- I hate that CAS sims are such blank slates and, being SpimPE impaired, this is the easiest way for me to fine tune personalities, skill sets and interests without having to waste a bunch of time getting them up to standard.  I also like having the ability to adjust specific moods, especially when glitches happen in my Legacy houses. 
2. College adjuster- Even in non-cheat situations, I'm a slave driver at Uni.  I can get the semester grade filled up in a fraction of the time that Maxi allots and not having the option to "fast forward" the semester would kill my gaming momentum.
3. TwoJeff's Same-sex marriage, preg for all genders, have child not adopt-  Equality for all sims! 
4. Abduction hack- My first hack ever (and the one that has, admittedly, been most abused). 
5. Inge's teleporter shrub-  I don't know how I lived without it.  Not only has it made matchmaking a breeze, used in in tandem with Dr. Vu's plastic surgery machine, it's increased the Townie attractiveness quotient tenfold.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: Muisie on 2006 January 06, 17:03:02
1.  phone hack (with talk till you drop dead)
2.  greater LTW variety
3.  college adjuster
4.  homework sometimes faster fun
5.  no secret society abduction

The phone hack being the absolute number one essential component keeping me from committing felonious homicide.

Edit:  Holy crap, I forgot about the LTW variety hack.  Can't do without that!  Readjusted my list.

Title: Re: Name your top 5 Must Haves....
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 07, 01:24:05
I found that with the NL version of the phone hack they don't talk for so long as they did before, not even always till their meter is full.  Once they have made a sim a friend I use the Autoyak much more!