Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!

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J. M. Pescado:

First, start your game, open up a family, select your lot debugger, SHIFT-CLICK and pick out the sim(s) you wish to kill. Debug mode must be on!

Note down the circled number.
Repeat the above for each sim you wish to delete. Now do the following:

Now convert the red circled DEC numbers above into HEX:

Back to Craptastic SimPE.
Open up the instance values of the sims you have chosen to delete and note down their character file numbers, circled in red:

Repeat for all sims you prepped for delete earlier.

Close and return to Ye Olde SimPE, or try to do this in Newfangled Craptastic, if you can figure that out. I have no idea where that went.
Now kill their files, as circled in blue. DO NOT KILL THE SimDNA (SDNA), as marked in red!

Repeat for all sims you prepped for delete earlier.

And then save and exit:

Back to Craptastic. Open up and reset the Sim Creation Index, like so:

And save and exit:

Finally, close all SimPEs and select the character file(s) you previously noted above:

Under what circumstances would you need to delete individual sims like this?

Anytime you want to get rid of sims, such as ugly townies, extra NPCs the game forces on you, or whatever, you must completely purge them from the game so you don't have loose ends and random junk throwing up errors all over the place, ultimately leading to a BFBVFS.

J. M. Pescado:
Quote from: EntropyGuardian on 2006 October 29, 04:45:13

Under what circumstances would you need to delete individual sims like this?

You'd want to delete, say, unwanted townies, extra NPCs, stuff foisted on you by expansion packs, dummy sims that SimPE's crappy Simsurgery foists on you if you were dumb enough to follow the public tutorials, etc.

resetting the sim creation index is a new one on me what is that all about?  I've been igorning those unknowns.  Does it regenerate if you just delete it - like after using deleteallcharacters on a clean hood?

I usually delete the sim description by opening up the list of SDSCs and picking the right number.  That's the same thing by a different route I hope.  mashes nonexistant thanks button several million times  ;D


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