TUTORIAL: Neighborhood Terrain Surgery

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J. M. Pescado:
Here's how to replace a neighborhood's terrain with a new custom terrain without losing your families. You will, however, lose all of your neighborhood decorational objects. No biggie, you were going to replace the terrain anyway, right?

You will need:
SimPE, as of this writing, 0.42, although older versions will work fine.
At least half a brain.

1. Backup your neighborhood, if you haven't already.
2. Create a new temp neighborhood, using your intended custom terrain. Don't put anything in it. Quit.
3. Open up temp neighborhood in SimPE.
4. Extract and save the following resources: 2D Array (0xABCB5DA4), TATT/UNK (0x54415454), UNK (0x2C310F46), UNK (0xABD0DC63), UNK (0xCC2A6A34), UNK (0xEC44BDDC).
5. Close and open up the neighborhood you wanted to change.
6. Replace the corresponding versions of the extracted resources with your extracted resources.
7. Start TS2 and open up your modified neighborhood. Rearrange all of the houses so they once again are on proper roads.
8. Delete your temp neighborhood.
9. Reinstall any neighborhood deco you wanted.

Side effects include dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, water retention, painful rectal itch, hallucinations, dementia, psychosis, coma, death, and halitosis. Terrain replacement is not for everyone. Consult your doctor before use.

Well, that doesn't sound as bad (or difficult) as I thought it would be. I might even manage that with only a few tries. But I better copy and paste this into word and print it. I don't even want to take chances of me writing something down wrong.


Have to try it when I have a lot of time on my hands work usally interferes with me playing a lot of sims.

Reggikko thanks J. M. Pescado for this useful post.  :-*


I may have to try this.

mmmm on second thought, maybe go see doctor first...side affects are a little scary :)


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