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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: eevilcat on 2006 November 16, 23:57:17

Title: fluctuating elder age duration
Post by: eevilcat on 2006 November 16, 23:57:17
I'm using the adult/elder age duration hack and have been noticing some odd fluctuations in the length of the remaining elder age span. As the sim's elder days advance the white bar fills up indicating how much time they have left. I'm getting instances where the bar advances to the point where it looks like there's 1 day remaining then next time I look the bar has crept back giving the sim several more days. I had four elder sims on a lot that age transitioned to adults pre-hack and to elders post-hack. The first two definitely gained 3 or 4 extra days on their age bars. I checked their bars at 6pm, saw them creep up to the point where they should have died the next day, but when I looked at the sim again, the bar had crept back. Although both sims should have died on the same day, one of them gained an additional day on the death of the other! The second pair didn't appear to fluctuate in age as much and managed to die at exactly the same time on the same day. I saw some mention in another thread of a bush to check the 'real' time left, can you point me in the direction please and/or shed some light on what's happening.

Title: Re: fluctuating elder age duration
Post by: Karen on 2006 November 17, 00:20:54
Look here for more discussion of this topic:,6470.0.html

Fluctuations like this are absolutely normal and have nothing to do with the age duration hack.  It's been happening ever since the base game.

Inge's days-left shrub is available here:

Title: Re: fluctuating elder age duration
Post by: eevilcat on 2006 November 17, 08:21:28
Thanks for the links - I searched the age duration hack thread but couldn't find the info I needed there. I didn't realise this had always happened, it's probably only now that the elder age span is sensible that I can actually see it fluctuating.