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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Tigerlilley on 2006 August 17, 01:27:22

Title: Need a kick in the right direction
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2006 August 17, 01:27:22
Hey everyone,
Can some one please kick me in the right direction of a tutorial or a faq on how to determine which genetics a sim will pass on to its kids?  Things like eyes, hair colour, ears that kind of thing, not sloppy, or active points or whatever.  I've been looking for this for a while, and have had no luck.

Thanks :-)

edit: oh and instructions on how to age a adult sim back in to a teenager if thats possible cheers

Title: Re: Need a kick in the right direction
Post by: Lyall on 2006 August 17, 01:32:34
You can use the agesims cheat to age back the adult. I can't really recall how the cheat is exactly, though.

'Fraid I can't help you with the other thing.

Title: Re: Need a kick in the right direction
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 August 17, 13:20:33
There's a pretty good discussion of sim genetics in this thread in Peasantry, with links to many other tutorials and faqs on the subject:,1423.0.html

Title: Re: Need a kick in the right direction
Post by: moonluck on 2006 August 17, 18:24:30
That thread is pretty confusing if you want to find the info that tigerlily wants.

Sims basically have 2 genes for every trait (skin is slightly more complicated.) For eyes dk Blue and Brown are dominant, while grey, lt blue, and green are recessive. For hair black and brown are dominant, blond and red recessive. If a sim has a dominant gene that sim will express that gene. For a sim to express a recessive gene they must have two recessive genes it doesn't mater which. If a sim has two different recessive or dominant genes its a 50-50 chance for each, so if a sim has genes for green and gray eyes its a 50-50 shot of getting green. With skin tone sims get a gene from each parent but they get a tone in between the two. (meaning if one is skin tone 1 and the other 4 the kid can be 1,2,3, or 4.)

Using this you can approximate what genes the child will have. If a parent is a townie or NPC (Townies and always have two of the same gene) has brown hair and you want him to have a kid with your blond sim then all children will have brown hair but with a recessive blond gene so if that sim has a kid with a blond or a redhead or a heterozygote sim then there is a chance that he will pas on the blond gene.

Title: Re: Need a kick in the right direction
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 August 17, 23:19:52
In answer to the second question, if you have OFB (I think this cheat came with OFB, but I could be remembering wrong) you can use the agesims cheat to make them a teen.

You type in 'agesimscheat on' and you'll then have the option to choose their age on their pie menu.

Title: Re: Need a kick in the right direction
Post by: Kyna on 2006 August 18, 00:47:24
The other thing you need to remember is that Maxis premades (including NPCs and townies) may have different dna than their appearance.  Kaylynn Langerak the maid is an example.  Genetically she's a blonde, however she appears to have dark hair.  Before I knew this, I wondered why I was getting dark haired kids when my sims were marrying fair haired townies & NPCs.

If you play with debug mode on, you can check a sim's dna by typing "SimDNA simfirstname" in the cheat window if the sim is present on the lot, including sims visiting the lot.  You can see what the sims' dominant and recessive genes are when you do this.  I believe debug mode must be switched on at the neighbourhood view for this cheat to work - I turn debug mode on in my startup file, so I'm not sure exactly when it must be turned on for this cheat.

Title: Re: Need a kick in the right direction
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2006 August 18, 01:31:40
thanks everyone :-)  I was kinda of hoping to use simpe to make sure parents pass on the genes i want them to.  I thought it might be possible, i swear i saw a "dominant gene" thingy, ill have to have a bit more of a look.  However due to unawesomeness i don't like playing with simpe with out suffient faqs :-)

Title: Re: Need a kick in the right direction
Post by: nectere on 2006 August 18, 01:41:52
There is:
Open neighborhood in the simpe by choosing Tools from the menu and neighborhood browser
Then once that is open, go back to tools - neighborhood - sim browser
Open sim of choice
Now in the plugin at the bottom there should be a MORE icon that looks like a file cabinet - click on that and choose - open sim DNA

It will open another tab that has the sims DNA - here is where you will find what you are looking for

Title: Re: Need a kick in the right direction
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2006 August 18, 02:38:17
There is:
Open neighborhood in the simpe by choosing Tools from the menu and neighborhood browser
Then once that is open, go back to tools - neighborhood - sim browser
Open sim of choice
Now in the plugin at the bottom there should be a MORE icon that looks like a file cabinet - click on that and choose - open sim DNA

It will open another tab that has the sims DNA - here is where you will find what you are looking for

And this is for hair and eyes as well? excellent thankyou :-)

Title: Re: Need a kick in the right direction
Post by: nectere on 2006 August 18, 03:25:39
yes it is

Title: Re: Need a kick in the right direction
Post by: Rascal on 2006 August 18, 03:40:33
I found the 'Hacking Custom Genetics' tutorial at Bog Sims Institute ( had some good information about how things are passed on.

Title: Re: Need a kick in the right direction
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 August 19, 22:59:50
In answer to the second question, if you have OFB (I think this cheat came with OFB, but I could be remembering wrong) you can use the agesims cheat to make them a teen.

The cheat actually came with NL.