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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Emma on 2007 May 23, 16:47:48

Title: Stupid 'buy lemonade stand' want.
Post by: Emma on 2007 May 23, 16:47:48
Does anyone know of a hack to nuke this stupid want? Every child wants one when transitioning from toddlerhood. No child ever wants to buy a 'toy' anymore! I'd settle for a hack that lets any toy that is bought will satisfy this want. I thought it was cute at first, but every single sim on the lot wants to sell lemonade! Grr! Stupid sims.

Title: Re: Stupid 'buy lemonade stand' want.
Post by: Sagana on 2007 May 23, 16:51:58
What's funny is that the vast majority of them want to buy the stand, want to sell lemonade *once* and then never look at the dang thing again. I figger when they hafta clean up the dirty glasses the first time, they lose interest ;) Anyone that stays interested becomes a fortune sim.

Title: Re: Stupid 'buy lemonade stand' want.
Post by: nekonoai on 2007 May 23, 17:58:44
What's funny is that the vast majority of them want to buy the stand, want to sell lemonade *once* and then never look at the dang thing again.
Just like real life! :D

Yeah, i'm annoyed by this too. It was cute the first five times, but now it's just annoying. No more lemonade stand for these damn kids. And get off my lawn! *waves rake*

Title: Re: Stupid 'buy lemonade stand' want.
Post by: kuronue on 2007 May 23, 23:07:31
what DO you want sims to want? I mean, when you put in enough want hacks to nuke the knowledge sim's peculiar wants, and the wants to buy expensive shit, and the wants to flirt with random passersby, and they've maxed all skills by the time they're teens, and then they can't want to do things that arn't on the lot itself... they have to want SOMETHING, hehe

Title: Re: Stupid 'buy lemonade stand' want.
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2007 May 24, 02:07:08
To die?

Title: Re: Stupid 'buy lemonade stand' want.
Post by: kuronue on 2007 May 24, 02:55:46
To die?

nope, I've seen people bitch about the "get hit by lightning" and so forth, too.

Title: Re: Stupid 'buy lemonade stand' want.
Post by: Sagana on 2007 May 24, 02:56:33
Eaxis always overdoes everything. I like that some kids want a lemonade stand, but I wish not *all* of them did, so it'd be different and unique. Actually maybe they've gotten somewhat better at it because I don't feel spammed out with the "want to fish" want, but I get it sometimes for kids, so it's nice.

I don't actually nuke all those wants - mostly just the buy eletronics and stupid influence ones, nor do my kids normally max their skills by the time they're teens. I don't let 'em max out that fast - only some specific kids or for some specific things.

Title: Re: Stupid 'buy lemonade stand' want.
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2007 May 24, 07:16:30
I'd like to see different wants instead of the same things over and over, for one thing.  Every time a new expansion pack comes out, the new wants take over.  In Uni, they were obsessed about college.  In NL they obsessed about dating and going downtown.  In OFB, they obsess about starting a business and hiring every single person they know.  In Pets, every single sim wants to adopt a pet or obtain a puppy/kitten.  Now in Seasons all the want is to see rain/snow play catch/have water balloon fight/snowball fight, etc.  I wish that they could randomize them a little bit more instead of every sim in the neighborhood getting stuck on the same wants all the freaking time.

Title: Re: Stupid 'buy lemonade stand' want.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 May 24, 08:33:39
It's the principle of linear obsession. Since the most heavily weighted wants or actions push out the lower-weighted ones, anything in a new expansion must be more obsessive-compulsive than anything in a previous expansion, or sims will never pay attention to it.

Title: Re: Stupid 'buy lemonade stand' want.
Post by: Gwill on 2007 May 24, 15:00:34
I'm annoyed at children who want to "buy a toy" when the lot contains every possible toy known to simkind, whether craftable or buyable.

Title: Re: Stupid 'buy lemonade stand' want.
Post by: Emma on 2007 May 24, 15:42:22
It's the principle of linear obsession. Since the most heavily weighted wants or actions push out the lower-weighted ones, anything in a new expansion must be more obsessive-compulsive than anything in a previous expansion, or sims will never pay attention to it.

Yeah, but the lemonade stand actually came with OFB, and none of my OFB born kids actually wanted to buy them! It was only when I installed pets and/or seasons that the obsessive want occurred. I get them with the crafting stations and makeover salon too, but I don't mind those. It's the adults wanting to sell lemonade all the time that does my head in! I've said it before and I'll say it again...stupid sims.

Title: Re: Stupid 'buy lemonade stand' want.
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 May 24, 16:01:04
My sim kids haven't wanted the lemonade stand since Seasons, which is fine. They usually end up smashed by a nasty townie or chewn to bits by a dog, anyways. Now, I do have one sim whose want slots are filled with "make zombie of Sim X", but then I'm in the middle of setting up a second try at the Apocalypse Challenge and doing some cleaning. The Oversoul is about to get very angry. Also, Charisma is a murderous freak.

Title: Re: Stupid 'buy lemonade stand' want.
Post by: Liz on 2007 May 25, 03:54:50
I've mercifully seen the LemStand want relax a *lot* since installing past OFB, but I kinda think it was realistic when the kids would rillyrilly want to start/buy a Lemonade Stand, run/play it once, and then be over it. It did kind of annoy, but it was very true to lifeish and so like a real kid to be all, "Ooh, Xmas is coming - I want the new shiney! Yay, I got the new shiiney! New shiney is fun! Ooh, wait, what's that over there... Ooh, nevermind new shiney - now I want othernew shiney!"

Any realism in the progression was surely accidental, I'm sure, but it was kinda nice to see the kids actually act like real kids :)