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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Kestran on 2006 July 29, 14:48:15

Title: a bank loan mod?
Post by: Kestran on 2006 July 29, 14:48:15
Various of my none cheat families have exploaded their houses off themselves (darn twins) but they can't afford to move out to bigger house so I was wondering if there is a bank loan mod out there, something that doesn't conflict with monique's computer?

I don't mind them having to pay interests on the loans, as long as it can be payed back.

Darn twins.

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: PlaidSquirrel on 2006 July 29, 14:54:44
You could try JM's money order if some sim they know has some spare cash.

edited to add link

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: MistyBlue on 2006 July 29, 15:37:15
Here is an ATM machine (

It's the best I've seen for loans. You can get a loan, pay back the loan, check your account to see how much you owe, and make a contribition if you find that your sim has a little too much money. The loan will accrue interest and if you use this, beware of overdoing the loan. Interest rates are HIGH and your sims will never be able to pay it off.

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 July 29, 15:47:46
I have a set of pictures which give 4 different loan amounts between 1,00 & 50,000 - when you sell the picture, the loan is paid back.  Not sure where I got them - MTS2 I think.  There's also Inge's mortgage shrubs.  In any case, can't you get a loan from Monique's computer?  I thought you could.

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: Kestran on 2006 July 29, 15:52:00
The money order I already have but it not an option for me....The goth's will kill me if I dip any more into their already diminishing funds :/

I don't think you can get a loan from the Monique does have a bank mod yes, but I have never used it. I thought it was only for putting money in bank...not to get loan... im gonna fire up the game to check it out. The family in most problem does have the Monique computer...

Does the ATM machine conflict with Monique?

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: Kestran on 2006 July 29, 16:00:06
Doh! Im majorly blushing now. Monique computer DOES have a loan application lol

Thanks guys. One more question ;D if I take a loan and then move them i have to put the computer into their inventory before they move out or can I buy a new monique computer and have the loan survive through that one?

And is it very risky to move out with 2 newborn infants? They really really need a bigger home.

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: Sandilou on 2006 July 29, 17:31:42
Monique's computer will remember how much they owe, whether they have it on the lot or not.  It will keep charging interest.  The only way to get away with the money is to remove the mod from your Downloads folder...otherwise the debt follows your sim forever... Even visiting sims interest charges are flagged up on residential and community lots.  One nice thing about Monique's banking system is that no matter how much you owe, you can always borrow more!

There's no risk in moving out with newborn babies - although recently I had a sim move out straight after giving birth to twins (early release from prison); when she moved into her own home with the twins she gave birth again - to another set of twins!  I'm sure it was just a glitch, nothing more.

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: Kestran on 2006 July 29, 18:44:33
Ah. No. I just moved out hte family, successfully :) but the new Monique computer I bought for them (I didn't throw the older one into their inventory) did not remember the loan. At all.

Big bummer, as this is a no cheat family :/

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: starrling on 2006 July 29, 19:27:19
Try waiting 24 simhours and see if the interest pops up again. 
And to answer your previous question about the ATM conflicting with the computer, since Monique made them both I highly doubt they'll conflict with each other - but you can probably read the (135) replies in her thread and find out.

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: MistyBlue on 2006 July 29, 19:31:49
The ATM machine is Moniqu's. It works with the computer and I have both installed.

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: Meska on 2006 July 30, 03:11:48
Ah. No. I just moved out hte family, successfully :) but the new Monique computer I bought for them (I didn't throw the older one into their inventory) did not remember the loan. At all.

Big bummer, as this is a no cheat family :/

I might just be stating the obvious here but if the husband took out the loan it won't show up as an option if you send the wife to the computer and vice versa. I've definitely moved house and had the loan follow me, so maybe there's hope for your no cheat family.

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: greeneyedsims on 2006 July 30, 05:14:54
I'm having the same dilemma, and I'm playing without cheats, too. 

Most of my families are poor, but this one particular family is living in super tiny house.  They have one child and just gave birth to twins!  They can't even afford to buy Monique's computer...let alone building onto the house or buying a new one!   :D
They hardly have any points to spare for money trees!  I'm gonna have to really hustle when I play their house again.  I want them to get a loan to buy a new house.  I noticed in other houses I've played before, that if a Sim already has money deposited in an account, the option for a loan will not show up for them.  I didn't check to see if it was open to other Sims in the house, without an account.

I recently deleted Monique's ATM.  First because, I never used it...and secondly because my Hack Conflict Detector said there was a possible conflict with Monique's computer.   ???


Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: MistyBlue on 2006 July 30, 05:35:37
I recently deleted Monique's ATM.  First because, I never used it...and secondly because my Hack Conflict Detector said there was a possible conflict with Monique's computer.   ???


There is no conflict between the computer and the ATM...they are meant to work together. The reason I have the ATM is because I can have it at a corner store and it only costs my sims a taxi ride to go get the loan. They won't ever be able to afford the computer until they get a loan. It makes sense to me...but maybe not to others.

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: moonluck on 2006 July 30, 10:00:49
Inge made a morgage shrub. You could buy it for -$1000 or -$30,000 and sell them when you get the money. It's a very simple way to do it. I guess it's with Inge's stuff at The Laden Swallow now. (

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: Sandilou on 2006 July 30, 10:16:51
Loans are personalized on Monique's computer system.  There is an option to check on other sims' accounts.  It's with the option 'check my account'.  If hubby took out the loan, only hubby's account will show the debt.  His wife can take out a separate loan.  Until she does, she will remain in credit.

The reason the ATM and the Computer show up on the HCDU is because they are using the same files to consistently calculate each account.  No point in Monique's ATM saying Sim A owes $1000 and then Monique's computer not knowing anything about it.

I think that one of Monique's computers must be on a lot for the interest accumulated dialogue to show up.  Try buying one for your poor family and then check the debtor's account.

I've heard good things about Inge's mortgage shrubs but I've never used them.

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: kacidama on 2006 July 30, 12:57:17
I noticed in other houses I've played before, that if a Sim already has money deposited in an account, the option for a loan will not show up for them.  I didn't check to see if it was open to other Sims in the house, without an account.

A family I am playing has the mother with a deposit account of $20,000.  The daughter was able to take out a loan to buy a community lot to open a business.  The interest the mother receives covers the loan repayments.

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 July 30, 14:21:22
I've heard good things about Inge's mortgage shrubs but I've never used them.

I use them all the time, and they're very handy.  (Oh, and they're 1,000 and 10,000, not 30k). The 1k one adds $10 in interest payments to the bills the sims get, and the 10k one adds $100 in interest payments, so they're not getting the 'loan' for free.  And if they sell the house before selling back the bushes, the value of the bushes remaining on the property is deducted from the money the sims get for selling the lot.

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: Sandilou on 2006 July 30, 23:56:20
Am I right in saying that Inge's mortgage shrubs charge 1% interest?  Monique's computer charges 3% with a whacking great fine for missed repayments added onto household bills.   I think that's why I stuck with Monique's. 

I used her computer to help families purchase most of the Nightlife Downtown lots for OFB.  It was hard trying to break even;  many of the lots cost over $100,000, so even after using all the money perks, loads of money was still owing, with interest accumulating in the $1000s. 

Once sims break even financially, it feels like I've clocked the game and there's no challenge left in it for me.  So I try to make it as financially hard as possible.

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 July 31, 03:55:37
Inge's shrubs are 1% interest...the money is taken out of the sims account every morning...not added to the bills. I'm addicted to them.

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: lovemysims on 2006 July 31, 14:55:26
Elfpuddle, do you know what time the mortgage shrub takes the money? I keep trying to check how many I have on the lot, but I never remember when I am supposed to be watching.

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 July 31, 18:24:04
6 or 7 am, I think.

*Warning: I'm a week's drive and 14.5 days away from my game. I can't exactly test that theory.*

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 July 31, 18:36:13
Elfpuddle, do you know what time the mortgage shrub takes the money? I keep trying to check how many I have on the lot, but I never remember when I am supposed to be watching.

I think it takes it early in the day, too -- I'll check on it later while I'm playing, and let you know if someone else doesn't pop in with an answer.

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: starrling on 2006 July 31, 19:27:23
6 or 7 am, I think.

*Warning: I'm a week's drive and 14.5 days away from my game. I can't exactly test that theory.*

Congrats (almost!).  How long has it been?

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 July 31, 19:32:04
I left home on July 4th.

I'm having some serious Sims cravings....I wanna play!  :'(

Title: Re: a bank loan mod?
Post by: greeneyedsims on 2006 July 31, 19:47:16
There is no conflict between the computer and the ATM...they are meant to work together. The reason I have the ATM is because I can have it at a corner store and it only costs my sims a taxi ride to go get the loan. They won't ever be able to afford the computer until they get a loan. It makes sense to me...but maybe not to others.

That does make a lot of sense, Misty.  I'm gonna go back and download that ATM machine.  I like when my Sims are able to do 'realistic' things in the game.  Sending them to an ATM would be the answer!  Wonder why I couldn't figure that out for myself?!!LOL!
