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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: sara_dippity on 2005 July 18, 01:28:15

Title: Can't fufill "Graduate 3 Children" want?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2005 July 18, 01:28:15
So I just graduated Alexander Goth's three kids, with 4.0 averages to boot, and his lifetime want isn't fufilling. I even invited all the kids over and had them talk to him for a bit, and I saved and exited and reloaded the house. Nothing. Is it because they moved into their own houses afterwards, instead of moving in with him, or because they didn't throw a party, just moved out with their phones, some kind of bug (probably) or is it a hack problem?
I have most Flying Fish hacks, and some of twojeff's, but the only one I can think of that might conflict would be no20k, since it would affect some kind of a check when they graduate and go into the bin, I think. I have the box that allows you to change lifetime wants, but it's never even been placed in Alex's house, though one of the kids that graduated used it once. Or twice.

Title: Re: Can't fufill "Graduate 3 Children" want?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 July 18, 01:30:47
Known Uni bug. Indirect Want Satisfaction is mildly borked. This has been reported with other indirect wants also, where they only reliably work if the wanter is on the lot at the time it happens. What this means is that in order for Graduate 3 Sims, Marry off 6 sims, etc., to be satisfied properly, it has to happen while the wanting sim is instanced in the game, in this case, when you return from your final. It's kind of broken, and I don't really see a good solution.

Title: Re: Can't fufill "Graduate 3 Children" want?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2005 July 18, 03:26:42
Ptt. Oh well, I like the grey tombstones better than the platinum anyway, and I'm about to let the old 'tard die.

Title: Re: Can't fufill "Graduate 3 Children" want?
Post by: schmoopee on 2005 July 18, 05:41:17
I have a sim who has the three-college-grad-kids want, and she went platinum after only two of them graduated .. the third still lived at home, aduh! Her neice did graduate and she had a memory of that, so I'm thinking that must have been what satisfied it. *shrug*

Title: Re: Can't fufill "Graduate 3 Children" want?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 July 18, 05:43:58
I think all of the memory-count wants are a little dodgy. I had a sim get the "20 best friends" want satisfaction, without actually having 20 best friends, and without it actually going away. And the "Woohoo With Everyone" want gets satisfied without a memory, even though there's supposed to be one.

I'll look into making a fix for Graduate 3 children on the Lot Debugger.

Title: Re: Can't fufill "Graduate 3 Children" want?
Post by: phyllis_p on 2005 July 18, 10:47:07
Well that answers that question.  Silly me, I'd hoped that inviting the parent to the graduation party would be enough.  I guess next time I'll invite them to the house before the final final ;-)

Known Uni bug. Indirect Want Satisfaction is mildly borked. This has been reported with other indirect wants also, where they only reliably work if the wanter is on the lot at the time it happens. What this means is that in order for Graduate 3 Sims, Marry off 6 sims, etc., to be satisfied properly, it has to happen while the wanting sim is instanced in the game, in this case, when you return from your final. It's kind of broken, and I don't really see a good solution.

Title: Re: Can't fufill "Graduate 3 Children" want?
Post by: Maria on 2005 July 18, 12:34:14
One of my sims had the "graduate 3 kids" want fulfilled when only two of her kids had graduated.  Nobody else in that neighborhood had graduated yet.  In her memories, she had two memories of each kid graduating.  The first would be "Nicholas graduated summa cum laude" and, a few memories later, the second would just be something like "Nicholas graduated", without listing honors.  I'm not sure what generated the second memory, but I did move each grad from one lot to another soon after graduation, so maybe that did it?  Also, maybe it only happens if the kid had a 4.0.

Anyway, I love the bug, because it means a sim with that want only has to have two kids, and because the specific sim it first happened to died between when her second and third kids graduated, so she died happy and platinum.

Title: Re: Can't fufill "Graduate 3 Children" want?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 July 18, 23:18:10
One of my sims had the "graduate 3 kids" want fulfilled when only two of her kids had graduated.  Nobody else in that neighborhood had graduated yet.  In her memories, she had two memories of each kid graduating.  The first would be "Nicholas graduated summa cum laude" and, a few memories later, the second would just be something like "Nicholas graduated", without listing honors.  I'm not sure what generated the second memory, but I did move each grad from one lot to another soon after graduation, so maybe that did it?  Also, maybe it only happens if the kid had a 4.0.

Anyway, I love the bug, because it means a sim with that want only has to have two kids, and because the specific sim it first happened to died between when her second and third kids graduated, so she died happy and platinum.
This happens in my game a lot.  Not with all Sims, but most.  I always delete the second one, because it makes them look as if they had a lesser degree than they actually had.  I have no idea what causes it, but it's a pain, because the memory has to be deleted from all family members and anyone around at the time as well, otherwise it'll get passed on to all and sundry.

Title: Re: Can't fufill "Graduate 3 Children" want?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 July 19, 08:43:56
These dual memories are a pain and take up unnecessary space!  Like Had first kiss with X and Kissed X for the first time!  Sort of like verses in the bible, where everything is said twice in two different ways!  But soooo unnecessary!

Title: Re: Can't fufill "Graduate 3 Children" want?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 August 03, 20:21:42
I've just had a similar problem.  Two of my ex-YA's were getting married and at some point during the wedding party a box popped-up saying that one of their guests had just fulfilled her Lifetime Want to have 20 Best Friends.  I made her selectable and checked her - she was fully platinum, but had no memory of gaining the Lifetime Want or even of having 20 Best Friends.  Nevertheless, her Lifetime Want had changed and she had sprung-up the normal want to have 30 Best Friends.  After the party I went into her lot (she's in a Greek house) to see if it would come up there, but it didn't.  She isn't permanent plat, either.   She also had 21 Best Friends by then as it would seem she'd made another one at the wedding party, but that didn't alter anything.  This is a bad glitch, especially in terms of the children and related wants, because presumably there would be no box come up for those and you might never realise they've been fulfilled (or not fulfilled in real terms).

Edit:  Just had the "Graduate 3 Kids" want not satisfied now.  I actually went to the extreme of having Cassandra adopt a fifth child so she could graduate three (her eldest two were adults before I got Uni) and nothing happened, even when two of them moved back to the family home.  She was at all their graduation parties, but not present when they came back from their final, which I now realise is the problem.  This is one of the most stupidest glitches ever.  How is the Lotdebugger fix coming on?  Will it work for the other problem ones as well?