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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: pixiejuice on 2007 December 18, 21:10:42

Title: disappearing dorm objects in regular rooms
Post by: pixiejuice on 2007 December 18, 21:10:42
I can't figure out how to fix this.  I knocked down a couple of dorm rooms and turned one into a workout room, and knocked down another to expand a bathroom.  I have deleted the dorm Myne doors and replaced them with regular doors, but still, all the objects disappear inside the rooms where the old dorm rooms were.  I've remodeled my dorms for as long as I can remember, and I've never run into this problem before.  And even stranger is that I knocked down two other dorm rooms to also expand a different bathroom, and add a computer lab, but the objects in those rooms are just fine.

Here is what I've tried so far:

- Changed the lot zoning to residential and back to dorm again.  The objects showed up when in residential, but disappeared again when changed back to dorm.
- Knocked down an outside wall, which brought the objects back.  As soon as I replaced the wall, the objects disappeared again.  If I knock down an inside wall to another room, even more stuff disappears.
- I have also placed walls to divide up the problem rooms into subsections, and I have found precisely what seem to be the troubled areas.

Any ideas on how I can fix this? 

ETA: I've since managed to mess it up even worse by deleting and redrawing walls.  Now I've got the workout room and bathroom visible, but the whole main living area, including staircases to the upstairs level have disappeared, and I can't even get them back in residential zoning.  Yet, all the stuff is still there because I get the "can't intersect other objects" message any time I try to place something.

Title: Re: disappearing dorm objects in regular rooms
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 December 19, 03:51:38
I think your problem was changing the zoning -- you don't need too.  All you need to do is type 'boolprop dormspecifictoolsdisabled false' in the cheat box, and you can do anything you want in the dorm.

Title: Re: disappearing dorm objects in regular rooms
Post by: pixiejuice on 2007 December 19, 04:16:57
Right, that's what I was doing before I ever turned it to residential.  I remodeled it while still in dorm mode, and that's when everything went wrong.  I only turned it back to residential to see if I could get my stuff back.

Title: Re: disappearing dorm objects in regular rooms
Post by: dizzy on 2007 December 19, 13:56:29
Can't help you with saving dorms. I ran into similar problems with ordinary dorm operations and soon realized that I needed to bulldoze and replace more often. It's not like your sims are going to live there more than a semester or two, right?

Title: Re: disappearing dorm objects in regular rooms
Post by: pixiejuice on 2007 December 19, 14:43:59
No, not the same sims.  But I've built this dorm from scratch, and I've put many generations of sims through it because it's so perfect for a freshman dorm, which probably explains why it's finally gone so wonky.  That gives me a good idea though.  I should probably put a fresh copy of all my favorite dorms in the lot bin, just in case something like this happens. 

But for now, I seem to have solved the problem by moving them all out, and back in again.  Solved at least until I decide to mess around with the walls again, which wont be for a while, I hope.

Title: Re: disappearing dorm objects in regular rooms
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 December 19, 16:18:14
I'd suggest also packaging the lot and saving it somewhere external, if you really, really, like it. There's two of my downtown lots that are staples for me. When I had to uninstall BV and reinstall, I lost them from the catalog. Luckily, I had them packaged on my secondary drive.

Title: Re: disappearing dorm objects in regular rooms
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 December 19, 22:44:46
Try a bombardment of Stuck Object Removers or a Force-Error-On-All.