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76  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Killing off a sim on: 2008 December 13, 21:55:18
The Ottomas family was borked originally -- she's pregnant with twins, but the pointer to the father points to some random sim in the hood rather than Peter. The first patch fixed them, but only if they're added to a hood after the game is patched.  Otherwise, you've got to either terminate the pregnancy, or fix the kids' parents with SimPe after they're born.

I was incredibly amused to find that the random person in one hood, to whom said pregnancy pointed, was a toddler named Callista.
77  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: How I went from body skill 1 to 10 in under 15 seconds! on: 2008 December 13, 16:13:47
I had a bug with the ballet barre immediately after installing M&G that did that.  It happened on several lots; sim touched the barre and immediately I got ten pop-ups about body skill.  Replacing the barre fixed it.
I have no idea how it happened.

"Alrighty, I think I'm going to go do some ballet." *FSHOOMP* MUSCLES!
78  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics on: 2008 December 13, 15:11:37
I apologize for necromancy, but I've been told that when having a problem with a mod, one should post within the mod's thread. So, I apologize if this is not what I should be doing.

Anyways, I have been having some trouble with using Logic skillination. I have the expensive telescope in the house, which has the highest base rate out of all Logic-builders (aside from the Biotech station, but we all know that it's crap uninstructed), yet it will drop out of their queue or sometimes simply flash up in the corner and cause horrendous lag. I will then place an indoor chess table and they'll use that just fine. Is it because the telescope is outside? I thought that freezing was a non-issue, and the chances of abduction were negligible. It also won't use it if it's on the top story, inside, next to a large window.

Also, Body has been a bit irritating because I sometimes put coffee tables in the living room and it prevents anyone from working out at the television or stereo. Is there any chance that this could be replaced by either jumping rope or an Instructor with the Impart Knowledge FT Benefit and sufficient body skill? (I've always wondered why Impart Knowledge has a base rate of 200. Borken in my opinion.)

Finally, there is also the flashing-and-lag issue with a Sim who has no cooking skill and no food in the house trying to Macro...Eat while skillinating. It seems to drop and then queue itself up again repeatedly. There were other Sims in the house with 10 cooking - I ended up having to kill the skillinator, serve a few platters, and then turning it back on while cooking some Baked Alaska. (Does anyone know the HungerRate:CookTime ratio for Baked Alaska vs. FT platters? I've found that though the cheese platter seems to be slow, chip and appetizer platters seem to fill hunger fairly quickly with zero cooking time.)
79  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Pythagoras window won't go on diagonal wall with M&G? on: 2008 December 13, 03:59:23
They did this on purpose. I know it.

In other news, anyone see the wall called "Brick Rolled"? "This wall is never gonna let you down."

I rather like the Noble End Table from Store Stuff castle set.

Can't has that pack - would you mind posting the description? It sounds noteworthy.
80  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Pythagoras window won't go on diagonal wall with M&G? on: 2008 December 12, 21:48:15
I'm enough of a geek to find this hilariously ironic.

They did this on purpose. I know it.

In other news, anyone see the wall called "Brick Rolled"? "This wall is never gonna let you down."
81  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Food Eats You, but not children, it seems... on: 2008 December 12, 21:47:06
I think I have a hack like like that... I think its one of the "stupid" hacks.. I'll double check.

ETA: Nope. Don't have it, though I could have sworn I did.

I could've sworn I had one like that too. Perhaps we're not delusional...
82  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Food Eats You, but not children, it seems... on: 2008 December 11, 00:15:21
It's a community lot. There are screenshots which depict customer loyalty stars. Presumably, it's customer-controlled to only allow kids and is owned by someone else.
83  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: "Lifelong Happiness" - does it do anything? on: 2008 December 10, 17:56:54
Too long, I'd say.  Every "feature" seems to do something, although a good 60% of the time, it seems that something is very, very bad.

Make Virus.
84  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Question about Sims 2 AI and pets on: 2008 December 10, 17:51:48
I guess that the repo man could take stuff from across the pool if he tried, or else he might take the streetlamps which are on the outside.

I've always wondered what would happen if the Repo man came and you had nothing to repossess. The only problem is that there is nothing that contributes to bill cost which can't be repossessed, as far as I know. Do you suppose that columns would work?
85  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Steampunkish Servos on: 2008 December 10, 16:55:21
If you still want those eyes, you can open them up in SimPE and export the files, then quickly photoshoop them onto the textures in the zip file I provided. Then just open up the replacement files and import the new, photoshooped textures into the default replacement package. If you don't know how to use SimPE, I could do it for you; I'd just need the replacement eye package and it should be simple from there.  Smiley
86  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Steampunkish Servos on: 2008 December 10, 03:04:09
Just SaraMK's servo eye replacements.

(Dumb question -- do all the PNG files in the subdirectory have to be in the game, too?  Or just the .package file?)

That would do it. The eyes are part of the texture. To the second part, no, just the package. The images are there for reference.
These are great.  I have a question, though.  Is there a way to use this on individual Servos or must all Servos look alike?  One of the things that drives me crazy is that if you have more than two servos--one male and one female--in a neighborhood it's impossible to tell them apart.

As of yet, it isn't possible to have servos who look different in the typical servo style.


It's been abandoned for a little less than 2 years because no one seemed to have any interest in it.  Roll Eyes

I stand corrected. Y thank u.
87  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Most worthwhile expansions and stuff packs? on: 2008 December 10, 02:54:19
I wasn't really interested in all the expansion packs, but I got them because of some of the things they added that I really wanted.

UNI: New careers/aspiration rewards, extra want slots, which can be gained using the batbox.  I don't care about Greek houses or secret societies, but I just had a sim abducted into a secret society for the first time recently.  Ok one time, but - meh.  I send all my sims to UNI so they can meet other sims they might not normally meet for potential mates.  I also set up dorms with tj's buyable career rewards (when it still worked) so they can further their skill levels.  (On a new UNI I just added, I snarfed career rewards from a cow mascot and a professor after making them selectable and then unlocking all their career rewards.  Grab what I want, then send them on their merry way!) 

I send all my teens to UNI the day before their birthday to adult stage.  I used to send them earlier, but if a sim wants to max out all their skills as a LTW, they can spend more time at home finishing what they can there, then the extra time at UNI makes it easier for them to accomplish.  Most of them have their 7 skills maxed out by the time they graduate.  (I don't usually try to get them maxed out while they're a teen, but a few have!)  Then they can spend their time on other pusuits while an adult, like hobbies or crafting, from the other EPs.

NL:  Cars and inventory, which I think was carried over into another EP.  I didn't care about dates or the new places they could go.  It gave me the ability to move sims into a larger house/lot and keep their stuff.  The cars provided a means to send them to work/take kids to school on the day they moved (always starts out a new lot on Monday).

OFB:  Don't care about running a business, but it added elevators, which I really wanted.  Also added crafting benches which give my sims another way to gain income - you can sell items right from the bench at a profit, if the item wasn't screwed up.  Otherwise, I would have passed this one up.

Pets:  Meh.  It added some new build mode options, otherwise, pretty useless unless you like having your sims have a pet.  The bird and charisma building it gives to a family who doesn't have a golf putter or podium is about the only reason I keep it in.

Seasons:  Also some nice new build stuff, like the stage and greenhouse, which I sometimes use for a porch!  About the only thing I like about the actual change of seasons is the boost they give to various things - like friendships in summer and skilling in fall.  Also nice to be able to put leftovers in the fridge.  Really tired of the rain storms and lightning strikes, which happen way too often, but the weather machine can fix that.

BV: I passed on this one, and only just got it.  I have a neighborhood I had set up a year or so ago of pirates and island girls and I saw that this had the pirate ship, beaches, and a few other things that would make this hood more like I wanted.  I had already made my own hut bamboo & thatch walls, but it also added some new roofs that I like for some of my other hoods.  Also adds the pagoda roof styles and some nice kimonos.  And I may yet use the pyramid stuff on a pyramid house I started clear back in the early days of the game, but never finished beacuse I didn't have everything I wanted to make it realistic.  Will have that egyptian theme hood yet!

FT:  I wanted crafts.  Also like the ability to go to a different neighborhood from the lot without having to got to the neighborhood screen first.  Also added new careers, which I haven't fully explored yet.  I got FT just about the time we were looking for, bought, and moved into a house, so I didn't have the free time to play it!

AL:  Makin' Magic was my favorite EP from TS1.  Also wanted apartments to move my graduated sims into instead of back to the parent's house, since those families have way more simoleans than they could ever spend.  Also wanted spiral staircases.

M&G:  Don't have, may get just because they have ceiling fans!  Otherwise, I haven't seen a lot that this offers that interests me.

Stuff packs:  I only got FFS for the stuff for my pirate hood.  It has some good decorations, like crossed oars and a globe.  Also has some cute stuff, like pjs and beds, for kids.  Glamour life has a couple of things (mainly dresses) I can use for my eventual Egyptian theme hood.  It also has some cool pjs for adults and some nice furnishings.  These are the only two SPs I considered worthwhile for my purposes.  What you want to do determines if or which of the SPs are worth the memory usage.

So it depends on what things you really feel necessary, or just plain LIKE, that an EP/SP has to offer that will make it worth keeping and taking up memory space.  I bought a computer 3 years ago that I figured would be the ideal game machine, mainly for TS2, but also for some other games I play.  I was at that "unusable" stage on the computer I had prior to this one, so I know what you're going through.

I also have a hood I started just for monsters, like vampire and werewolf.  Haven't had either yet, and I got each EP as it came out, except for BV.

Also on the fence about TS3.  Dosn't look like it's going to offer a whole lot, but the ability to change sims bodies into more realistic builds and to be able to customize walls, furniture, etc. by color/pattern within the game might make it worth looking at.  Still undecided as to whether I think it's worth it, though.  I have a lot invested in this game, and I figure I'll keep playing it for a long time!

  • Children can have maxed skills before becoming teenagers, making Uni skilling totally unnecessary
  • Stages came with Open for Business
  • Going onto the computer and getting the Lawyer/Politics career then quitting unlocks the reward
  • Parrots build charisma at the same rate as the mirror does
  • Apartment life has elevators as well

Other than that, though, it's accurate.
88  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Steampunkish Servos on: 2008 December 09, 20:32:03
Hmm, I put this in my game (file in first post), and my servos are still silver.  Just in case it only affected new servos, I had one of them build a new one, and it's also silver.  I have all eps and sps; don't know if that makes a difference.  HCDU doesn't show any conflicts between this and anything else.

It's a default replacement package, so it should be overwriting the bitmaps while the game loads. Unless you have something which would also be replacing the textures, it should work. Do you know if you have any other Servo-related hacks?
89  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Kitchen building question on: 2008 December 09, 12:48:13
Yes. All my sims do it too. You cancel the cooking, they put down the tray and then stomp and complain that they couldn't put down the tray. If the butlers or nanny's are being queue stomped by something else they may just be acting out this bit of eaxis stupidity the same as other Sims do, so it's an effect not a cause.

I can confirm this; I'd actually been doing some tests on it for a while. This post basically sums it up.

Faafy if your tests result in a solution, I'd be interested to hear it.

Unfortunately, the only one I've come up with so far is "Don't interrupt Sims while cooking".
90  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Most worthwhile expansions and stuff packs? on: 2008 December 07, 17:27:34
"Beverly, I want to talk to you about one of your recent evaluations, 'Joe's Backyard.'"
"Awful place. Just a park bench, nothing else. Wrote a scathing review, and the place closed its doors shortly afterwards. What's the problem?"
"The problem is the million-simolean admittance fee you charged on the expense account..."

Ahahah, I lol'd. I just tried that out, and the look on the reporter's face when they gave the bad review just about fit that description perfectly! The reporter's name was Bev, too.

"Well, how was I supposed to review it without getting in?"
"It was just a pinball machine and eight pots of flowers!"
"Hey, the pinball machine shot fire and spat out money, okay?"
"Did you keep the money?"
"No, the owner did."
91  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Kitchen building question on: 2008 December 07, 05:13:22
Yes. All my sims do it too. You cancel the cooking, they put down the tray and then stomp and complain that they couldn't put down the tray. If the butlers or nanny's are being queue stomped by something else they may just be acting out this bit of eaxis stupidity the same as other Sims do, so it's an effect not a cause.

I can confirm this; I'd actually been doing some tests on it for a while. This post basically sums it up.
92  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Old cat in kitten body on: 2008 December 07, 05:06:26
Kill off the cat by whatever means necessary. If you simply wanted it gone, this would probably be the easiest thing to do.
93  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Burglar appears as walkby, WTF? on: 2008 December 07, 04:45:52
The only one I've seen so far is a townie who lives in my apartment complex who is a thief by profession. I was a bit confused seeing her in the crook gear.

There is a glitch that makes people stay in their work uniform when doing their walkings-by. Perhaps this is what you'd encountered.

I give them "underworld passes" (one of Inge's color keys) along with the vampires, witches, werewolves, etc.  Most of the neighborhood stores have a secured back room with poker, shady dealings, and the planning of riots and revolts. 

Dude, that sounds awesome. It's a brilliant idea. I'm glad I thought of it.
94  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Alien baby born with brown eyes? on: 2008 December 07, 04:37:50
There are no "aliens". "Aliens" are purely perceptual, they have absolutely nothing which seperates them from regular sims except the greenness.

And an inability to get fit due to texturing errors. Oh well, I like my fatty aliens.
95  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Hobby Lots Missing - AL on: 2008 December 06, 23:09:24
Also, there were like FIFTY Secret Society members, even with nodormieregen and nossrespawn. *Sigh* I'd assume this is normal game behaviour, as well. Does EAxis even care about the welfare of their opponents' computers?

The number of SS members is equal to whatever you've set "intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims" to.


Wow. That is some messed up programming. Seriously, is there somewhere someone might go to to request some sort of shiny to prevent this? 50 Sims at a wedding != 50 Sims randomly congregating to be eaten by cow plants.
96  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Most worthwhile expansions and stuff packs? on: 2008 December 06, 19:55:46
And how did you determine who was the reporter when they came?
Although reporters don't have a special uniform, they're fairly easy to spot. Look for the customer who constantly takes notes.

Perhaps the reporter NPC is reused? (In which case, I think I shall put mine in a slightly more descriptive outfit.)
If you have antiredundancy, I believe that only one reporter is used for all businesses.

Do they take notes before having paid at the ticket booth? Wait, that's stupid, it's always the same reporter! Dwahh. Thank you for the infos! Now to make my Gootentaugen-and-Hot-Tubs lounge a reality. Bwahahah.
97  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: apartment build guidelines on: 2008 December 06, 19:39:23
Shift-Click + "Rent Furnished Apartment" will keep the furniture intact. Otherwise, fixtures are the only things that will remain other than build mode things. Also, remember that floor dividers act as walls, so they can either be A.) A hindrance, in that cutting off an entire room with them will turn it into common area and other people will Do Want it, or B.) can be used strategically to enclose something in the common area as your own by connecting it to your apartment by a locked door.

Also, if you have the apartment on a foundation, but want a yard on the ground, make sure there is an enclosed area around the door out. I usually do this by making an invisible fence on the floor tiles extended from the foundation in the same configuration as the fence on the lawn. Then just make a porch and stairs down. I'm fairly sure that as long as you have stairs down and no doors leading to the common area, the lawn will be considered "yours".
98  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Steampunkish Servos on: 2008 December 06, 17:10:02
For human-looking servos: isn't it enough to age them to whichever age with the aging cheat or sim modder and then age back to adult (same method)? Of course you need the Clothing Rack tool to fix their face and outfits, since they can't plan/change appearance (at least if you're patched).

They also switch to default if you change witch/wizard alignment. Clothing Rack saves the day. The switch back occuring randomly sorts out when you make them change clothes.

I cloned my servos from existing sims (their creators>:{D) and then changed the skintone to mannequin. The only problem I had with the skin was that while changing skintone in SimPE for females only the face changes and body remains the same. I think it's a program or game bug, cause that happens for all sims, not only servos. Changing age fixes the problem.

That's basically what we've been talking about, but thank you for explaining it in layman's terms. If the clothing tool works for servos, I suppose that's an awesome way to fix their appearances.
99  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Are these normal tokens? on: 2008 December 06, 16:50:12
I used Inge's cat to make sims into Asian locals also, I didn't see any of them doing the gesture or dance when I took a couple of sims on holiday. I haven't been back to check them out but I'll have a look in SimPE next time I have it open.

This may be a dumb question, but are you sure that the cat gives them the ability to perform such actions? If they don't know Tai Chi, they won't do it, I'd assume.
100  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Most worthwhile expansions and stuff packs? on: 2008 December 06, 16:48:03

Of course, I now know that you can get someone to pay 800 simoleons an hour with a well-executed dazzling. Unfortunately, she does now, too, so it's very interesting to do such challenges now.

Heh. 800/hour?

At the times that I would run a backyard venue for the sole purpose of  gaining the money to b uy a community lot, I'd routinely charge $9,999/hr for admission to a bubble blower and a few snapdragons.

And the Reporter will pay any amount to enter a venue, and can sometimes be coaxed into showing up in the fearly days of the business.  The highest I ever charged on a business designed solely as reporter bait was $300,000/hr, but the reporter will pay  $999,999/hr, no questions asked if you let her.

Though prior to the Bon Voyage Patch, you could run a backyard massage parlor, and "Selll Massage To..." townies at $999,999 each with no sales badges required.

Venues can make insane money. Lately, though, I've been setting them to ridiculously cheap and/or ceasing to charge customers when the owner leaves.  Mostly the latter.  It takes too much time  to get a  date or casual group that contains non-resident Sims into the venue otherwise.



And how did you determine who was the reporter when they came? Is there a distinguishing characteristic, or did you somehow view their tokens? Or can one simply make them temporarily selectable and see an action in their queue that is indicative of a reporter visit? Perhaps the reporter NPC is reused? (In which case, I think I shall put mine in a slightly more descriptive outfit.)
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